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UK: Extremist Ahmed Alid guilty of Hartlepool knife murder

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Ahmed Alid, a Moroccan asylum seeker, has been found guilty of the horrific murder of 70-year-old Terence Carney in Hartlepool. The gruesome attack, which took place in October, was fueled by Alid's extremist beliefs and a desire to protest against Israel and the Gaza conflict.


During the trial, it emerged that Alid had attacked his housemate, Javed Nouri, before fatally stabbing Mr. Carney. Alid, who arrived in the UK illegally in 2020, had issues with Mr. Nouri, who had converted to Christianity, and followed an extreme interpretation of Islam.




In a chilling and calculated manner, Alid forced his way into Mr. Nouri's room and stabbed him multiple times, shouting "Allahu Akbar." He then fled into the street, where he encountered Mr. Carney, who was out for a morning walk. Alid chased him and brutally stabbed him multiple times, despite Mr. Carney's desperate pleas for mercy.


Alid's motivations for the attack were revealed during his police interview, where he expressed extremist views and claimed that killing two people was justified in his quest for justice for Palestine. He showed no remorse for his actions and even stated that he would have killed more people if given the chance.


The trial also shed light on Alid's troubled past and his history of violence and threats. Despite complaints from Mr. Nouri and others about Alid's behavior, no action was taken by the authorities until it was too late.


The verdict has brought some closure to Mr. Carney's family, who expressed their gratitude to those who helped bring Alid to justice. However, the impact of his senseless and brutal act will be felt by them forever.


The case has also highlighted the importance of addressing extremism and violence in our communities and ensuring that those who pose a threat are identified and dealt with before they can cause harm. The authorities must learn from this tragedy and take steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.





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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

He wasn’t ‘imported’ he arrived without a visas, claimed asylum, a claim that was not processed.


He should have been processed and deported soon after arrival.


He was not, with tragic consequences.


RIP his victim and condolences to his victims family.




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4 minutes ago, HK MacPhooey said:

That's as maybe but in the time between his claim for asylum and processing he should have been kept in a secure detention centre - preferably a former military base along with all similar illigal entrants and  deported with the minimum of investigation as to his reason for requesting asylum after wandering around Europe as it is alleged

It's not as if Britain has no experience of dealing with illegal immigrants and economic migrants.  Hong Kong under British rule kept them in secure detention centres before processing and repatriation.  For Chinese illegal immigrants from the Mainland it was the next day.  For the Vietnamese the HK Govt footed the bill until their refugee status was decided; whereupon they were either shipped back to Vietnam or allowed to settle in HK or another foreign country.  I'm not sure if the UNHCR ever settled the bill.

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4 hours ago, JonnyF said:


I didn't say he was imported. He was yet another illegal immigrant. I said the conflict was imported. He committed the crime out of protest at what was happening in the middle east and with an Islamic extremist ideology/mindset. 



Like the Rwandans? 😃


No doubt some bleeding heart liberal would have screamed Racism and mounted a legal challenge if that had happened. "What about his human rights, you racist fascist bigot!!!". You know, the usual hysteria from the left.  :coffee1:


The result? Another innocent British citizen slaughtered to the cries of "Allahu Ahkbar". 

Nothing is hysterical if it deals with Fascists.

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39 minutes ago, Foxx said:


What you are calling "Islamic extremist ideology" isn't extremist.  He was simply following the teachings of the Koran and Hadith, and the example of Islam's perfect man, Mohammed.


To quote from the Koran:

Surah 2:191:  And kill them [non-Muslims] wherever you find them

Surah 9:5:  Then kill the disbelievers [non-Muslims] wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush

Of course, apologists for Islam will say that these verses are taken out of context.  But then, that's apparently what Moslems do to justify their violence to Christians and to Jews.


"If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known,  gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other),  do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people." From the Bible and the Torah (Deuterocanonical 13)


To be clear, I am not acting as an apologist for Ahmed Alid: I won't shed any tears if he had an unfortunate accident whilst in custody. I am simply pointing that Islam doesn't have a monopoly on violence in the name of religion. 

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35 minutes ago, Foxx said:


Utterly irrelevant to Christians.  The old rules were ripped up and replaced by the New Covenant, reflected in the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus.

Can't comment on Judaism, though pretty sure it doesn't reflect current Jewish practice or belief.  Personally, I've generally found Rabbis to be wise and compassionate.


I know little about theology - and have little desire to deepen my knowledge - but is it really the case that the old rules (Old Testament?) are utterly irrelevant to Christians? A cursory Google search threw up the following extract penned by an American evangelist: 


"Both the Old and New Testaments make up the Word of God. The New Testament was never given to replace the Old Testament but rather to complete its story."

You might counter that this by suggesting this is a minority view? However, the point is that there are different interpretations of what it means to be a Christian. Why can't the same logic be applied to Muslims (and the Koran) rather than paint the totality of the religion - and all those who follow it - as evil?


I've never met a rabbi but I've had 

friends and acquaintances of various faiths (Buddhists, Christians, Judaism, Muslims). Some I thought clever and decent; others less so. No idea what that proves if anything.

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43 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

Stop playing whataboutery, this topic is about another Islamic extremist that enjoys killing in the name of his Islamic God!



How am I playing whataboutery?


I was clear: I'll shed no tears for Alid - or anyone else who practises violence in the name of their God - whatever fate befalls them. 


However, take a look at the posts in this thread and others.  Many posters tar everyone with the same brush with the implicit message, 'If you are Muslim you are an extremist'. I'm merely pointing out that is not the case and things are a bit more nuanced. 

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9 minutes ago, RayC said:


How am I playing whataboutery?


I was clear: I'll shed no tears for Alid - or anyone else who practises violence in the name of their God - whatever fate befalls them. 


However, take a look at the posts in this thread and others.  Many posters tar everyone with the same brush with the implicit message, 'If you are Muslim you are an extremist'. I'm merely pointing out that is not the case and things are a bit more nuanced. 

You make that clear on every Muslim thread! 

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10 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Ah, the cultural enrichers are at it again I see. Importing conflicts from around the world to British streets at the expense of British citizens. 


Oh sorry I went off script there for a moment. Repeat after me. "Diversity is our greatest strength"


They are doing the opposite: divide and conquer.


It's all going to plan.

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9 hours ago, JonnyF said:


Well, it seems we finally agree on something.



Oh really?




Not to mention the bogus asylum seekers themselves of course. Often lodging legal appeals which take months or years to resolve. 

The people acquitted in this trial were not objecting to bogus asylum seekers being deported.

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18 hours ago, charleskerins said:

Nothing is hysterical if it deals with Fascists.


Unless they're not actually fascists, but law abiding decent people who wish for them and their families to be able to live in their own country in peace without being stabbed to death by someone shouting Aluha Ahkbar.

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20 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Unless they're not actually fascists, but law abiding decent people who wish for them and their families to be able to live in their own country in peace without being stabbed to death by someone shouting Aluha Ahkbar.


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23 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Unless they're not actually fascists, but law abiding decent people who wish for them and their families to be able to live in their own country in peace without being stabbed to death by someone shouting Aluha Ahkbar.

Is this something normal people in possession of a balanced mind worry about?

Or is it the reserve of those who habitually bang on about immigrants and Muslims in particular?


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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Is this something normal people in possession of a balanced mind worry about?

Or is it the reserve of those who habitually bang on about immigrants and Muslims in particular?



In modern Britain?


The former.

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16 hours ago, RayC said:

I know little about theology - and have little desire to deepen my knowledge - but is it really the case that the old rules (Old Testament?) are utterly irrelevant to Christians?


It's a little more nuanced than that.  Theologians use the term "abrogation" meaning that where there's a conflict between Old and New Testaments, the later New Testament overrules the Old Testament.  In practice this means things like Christians no longer being held to old rules about what you can and can't eat, that animal sacrifices are no longer required, and God will no longer punish people (in this life at least) for disobeying him.



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