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International Phone Calls From Chiangmai

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Skype is free computer to computer, anywhere in the world, as long as both have Skype software installed (and appropriate earphone/mic).

To open an account, they require a deposit of 10 euros, or 10 USD. This I think is to prevent 2 billion people in China signing up and hogging all the bandwidth. :D

When you call to a land line, or a mobile (which is called SkypeOut) this is where you are charged. The current rate to US is 2.1 cents/min. As noted above, cheaper to EU, UK, etc.

I haven't spent even 10 USD in 6 months, and I call and talk all the time.

Spoke to my friend Tanya in Cali the other day for about 1/2 hour. Free.

There are myriad other services and providers of VoIP. But Skype is the simplest to set up and the least equipment intensive, IMHO.


McG, can I try calling Tanya on voipdiscount for 30 minutes too?? u know just so that I can be sure its clear enough next time you make a call to her :D

You got it, Tiger! I'm a sharing kind of guy... :D

BTW, if I understand RJJ correctly, this feature on voipdiscount is very trick. Initiate call on their site, connect 2 phones (say a landline in Oz, US, where ever, and a Thai mobile). As they are both incoming calls, no charge on that end. And the voipdiscount charge, only .05 EU/min. This would allow princealbert and those who want to walk about, etc. during a call- without having to buy a wireless VoIP handset. Very cool. I might have to try this..... :o

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BTW, if I understand RJJ correctly, this feature on voipdiscount is very trick. Initiate call on their site, connect 2 phones (say a landline in Oz, US, where ever, and a Thai mobile). As they are both incoming calls, no charge on that end. And the voipdiscount charge, only .05 EU/min. This would allow princealbert and those who want to walk about, etc. during a call- without having to buy a wireless VoIP handset. Very cool. I might have to try this..... :o

I thought i was confused before :D

So i picked up my router today from TOT to find out its not viop enabled so now i need a ATA adapter ? Can i plug my non voip phone into this or do i need a viop phone also ?


Hey McG,

here is the info you requested.



Thanks for that RJJ, will check out voipdiscount.com (as coldcrush mentioned). :o

I read on their site you have so many free days. How many days do you get? So many per one month period, or are they certain days of the week, etc.?



I'm only here a few weeks. I'm trying to call India cheap. I can't use the internet route and am getting screwed 20thb a minute on calling cards. I also bought a Thai sim(1 2 Call) and they're the same. SMS more. SMS from my India cards looks horrendous as one of credits is dead already. I'm getting "done" both ends! What are the charges from public landlines?

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