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Gay Men Or Tom/dee/lesbian Life In Thailand


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**I've also put this up on the Chiang Mai forum, but for those of you in Bangkok, I will be in Bangkok for about 4 or 5 days before I fly home, around August 10th or 11th to August 15th... so if you are interested in talking or know someone who might, that would be great. Also e-mail interviews a possibility as well!**

I'm a university student from the U.S. here in Chiang Mai for only a few more weeks... I came to Thailand on a research grant. I'm a sociology major (undergraduate) and I'm hoping to gain some insight into gender, sexuality, and identity in Thailand.

I've been interviewing gay men and lesbians, almost all Thai so far. Interviews are informal, usually lasting anywhere between twenty minutes to an hour depending on how much people have to say!

I am looking to interview Thai and ex-pat gay men as well as toms, dees, and other non-heterosexual women about their lives, feelings, "coming out," thoughts on (gay or lesbian) political or social organizations, cultural attitudes, dating, relationships, etc.

Basically, I want to hear your stories, your opinions, ideas, perceptions, and experiences.

I've been here for a month and a half but I could really use some more interviews. So if you are at all interested in giving me your two cents or just want some more information, please contact me!



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