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This World Is Not Good


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80 Billion Us$ is spent already on the war in Irac.

This money is enough to provide each and every person in the world with food and clean water.

1.2 Trillion dollar is missing from Pentagon spending, where is it?

The war in Irac is based on lies.

I am just so confused about everything.

Would it not be better if we all just go and help the poor?


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but i have a better idea, abolish all the currency in the world,

I'll take care of it, so no one can get their grubby hands on it :o

I will be willing to carry it for you Bo!


OK CC, your'e hired but i can only pay you in Bananas, Rice and Chillies :D

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80 Billion Us$ is spent already on the war in Irac.

This money is enough to provide each and every person in the world with food and clean water.

1.2 Trillion dollar is missing from Pentagon spending, where is it?

The war in Irac is based on lies.

I am just so confused about everything.

Would it not be better if we all just go and help the poor?



What are you doing to help the poor? There are a lot of poor people in Thailand. When you start giving a good portion of your salary to poor people and lead by example, perhaps others will follow you in the endeavor to rid the world of poverty.

If you are not helping the poor as much as I suggest, then please bugger off with your communist propaganda.

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Quote Jeffreyk44: And this is Thailand related in what way?

It must be Thailand related in some way, this is after all Thai Visa.

Haven't figured out the connection as yet; please be kind enough to inform me if you have a clue.

Edited by qwertz
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80 Billion Us$ is spent already on the war in Irac.

This money is enough to provide each and every person in the world with food and clean water.

1.2 Trillion dollar is missing from Pentagon spending, where is it?

The war in Irac is based on lies.

I am just so confused about everything.

Would it not be better if we all just go and help the poor?



What are you doing to help the poor? There are a lot of poor people in Thailand. When you start giving a good portion of your salary to poor people and lead by example, perhaps others will follow you in the endeavor to rid the world of poverty.

If you are not helping the poor as much as I suggest, then please bugger off with your propaganda.

Alex, why are you making emphatic statements if you are so confused?

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What are you doing to help the poor? There are a lot of poor people in Thailand. If you are not helping the poor as much as I suggest, then please bugger off with your communist propaganda.

alex did write about the problem about which is not much written in mass media, especially in the us of a.

first come knowledge/information and discussion what to do - simply replying 'do it by yourself' won't do anything good, as we are talking rather about global and very radical change than individual attitudes.

nor me, you or alex can give much of our wages to the other wage-earners. However, there are Bill Gates's who have everything and more than they ever need without doing any job. The guy makes $2/second. Same goes for the wasteful wars - huge resources being used needlesly to kill and mime.

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well, my folks just now sent me a pic of their garden in france.

It's beautiful as ever, but at this time, mid summer, it is very dry.

My sister replied by saying "If only England (where I live) could channel some of its water to France..."

t-is true, england is half flooded at the moment by ridiculous rains.

My reply to my sister/family, was "Yeah, indeed, if only nations would learn to co-operate, the whole world wiould be beautiful every day."

But that's just the long dormant idealist in me.

F* it. France can sort out it's own drought.

As can the poor.

I'm too tired of suggesting the obvious.

And it IS ibvious, and easily solved - most of the worlds material problems - but are we ever gonna bother.

Even the "charities" spend more on ONE executive, or ONE dinner gala, than they do on a thousand poor.

So, yeah, F* it.

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they guy gets reacher every year - despite throwing money around. Still there are more people dying from hunger, lack of drinking water and basic medical care than ever before, some 100mln year by year. There are the other billio/millionaires, like Taksin and few other in thailand, who don't give anything to anybody.

clearly the UN and it's agencies WFP (world food program), FAO (food and agriculture organisation), WHO (world health organisation) and UNICEF can't solve the problems standing before them

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80 Billion Us$ is spent already on the war in Irac.

This money is enough to provide each and every person in the world with food and clean water.

1.2 Trillion dollar is missing from Pentagon spending, where is it?

The war in Irac is based on lies.

I am just so confused about everything.

Would it not be better if we all just go and help the poor?


Poverty is a complex problem, not always solved by throwing money at it in the most obvious way. Africa has received billions in aid, with what result? In some cases, food aid destroys the local market by making it impossible for local farmers to sell their crops -- who can can compete with something that is free?

Volunteers go the north of Thailand to teach the hilltribe children for free, but then others say that the free schools just help destroy the hilltribes' cultures -- forcing them to stay in one place instead of moving around freely like before.

Personally, I try to help the people around me when they need help, to put my time and effort where I think they will benefit the most. What else can I really do?

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80 Billion Us$ is spent already on the war in Irac.

This money is enough to provide each and every person in the world with food and clean water.

Alex, let's get our numbers correct first. The Pentagon says they are spending 12 billion per month in Iraq. That means over 4 years they have spent about 500 billion. Unfortunately this is still not enough to feed the world, or save the world. etc... (it wasn't even enough to save Iraq)

But more importantly, even without the war in Iraq, that money would never have gone to the poor. You see, the US borrowed all that money. They are 7 trillion dollars in debt and borrow about 400 billion per year. So without Iraq the only financial difference is that the US would have borowed less and be in slightly less debt.

I admire your desire to save the world, I used to be afflicted with that disese as well. Now I just want to have as much fun as possible before I die.

Best wishes

Edited by radioguy1450
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80 Billion Us$ is spent already on the war in Irac.

This money is enough to provide each and every person in the world with food and clean water.

1.2 Trillion dollar is missing from Pentagon spending, where is it?

The war in Irac is based on lies.

I am just so confused about everything.

Would it not be better if we all just go and help the poor?


American Political Issues are not welcome on Thaivisa.com, So i'm going to close this now.


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