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What movies and tv series with LGBTQ content are you currently watching?

Message added by Juana Tenderloin,

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So the idea here is to have a Gay Forum version of the more general topic on the forum.




There is so much LGBTQ content to choose from, new and old, that I think it justifies a dedicated topic.


To whet the appetite, this (and other!) youtube channels always gives current updates of new and upcoming LGBTQ stuff.


You may also wish to suggest youtube short films.


Of course you are welcome to share your "reviews" of the content you are watching as well. 






Edited by Juana Tenderloin
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I'm currently watching Eric tv series starring Benedict Cumberbatch, a British show set in NYC.

It's not a gay tv series per se, but a main character is a closeted (black) police detective.

I think it's one of the best portrayals of the emotional distress caused by being in the closet that I've seen in a very long time.

The series overall (I'm half way through) is kind of depressing as it deals with dark themes but it's got a refreshing realism about New York City in the past.

People looking for mindless light entertainment should skip it.




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Well, also set in NYC, I just started this one and I'll continue with it but not ready to review it, so here you go. I love the part about getting a doctor's note excusing from gym class for life!


TV Review: Fantasmas ★★★★ – The Queer Review


In the delectably queer (in every sense of the word) new HBO comedy series  Fantasmas, creator-writer-director-star Julio Torres (Los Espooskys, Problemista) plays a thirty-something creative named Julio Torres. He lives in a heightened, only-ever-so-slightly surreal version of New York City with his trusty robot assistant Bibo (voiced by Joe Rumrill), an aspiring actor eyeing human roles.

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Posted (edited)

An Andalusian Bitch

Una perra andaluza


Here's an oddball one.

A low budget (zero budget more like) tv series set in Sevilla Spain.

An experimental story telling style.

Lots of queer characters and story lines.

Friend groups of millennials.

I tried one episode and it was a struggle to get through as the style was so weird and the subtitles were very messed up but there is lots of eye candy and maybe something to learn about another culture or maybe not. 


To say that this one isn't for everyone would be a great understatement.



Edited by Jingthing
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