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  • 3 months later...
Has anybody tried "Hang" ? they sell it in 7-11's next to the red bull and M150 energy drinks. Apparently it is especially for a Hangover. Tastes like bitter crap I say, but seemed to work.

yeah, i've tried it, tastes like buckleys cough medicine, but it seemed to help. worked for a buddy of mine as well.

still, the best cure is drink as much water as you can before bed and down a couple or 3 aspirin or tylenol. works every time. trouble is when you need it the most you usually forget to do it. i used to put a jug of water by the bed and 3 aspirin on my pillow if i knew i was going on a bender. wake up in the morning sick as a dog with 3 pills stuck on my forehead...

A couple of pints of water with rehydration powder (the stuff you'd use if you had diarrhoea) in work quite well just before you go to bed.

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