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Harry Palmer Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 05:23:16

but at the end of the day, men like cheap sex with pretty young girls.

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night? It isn't that hard, women do it all the time...LOL MEN!!! Need i say more? :o

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Harry Palmer Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 05:23:16
but at the end of the day, men like cheap sex with pretty young girls.

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night? It isn't that hard, women do it all the time...LOL MEN!!! Need i say more? :D

Feel free to PM me your number - I'm young (ish) and not bad looking. :o:D


robsayers2000 Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 07:30:29

looks like sandy's not getting enough and is desperate to be picked up...
How much is ever enough? I'm never desperate...all i need to do is dail a phone number whenever i feel like it. :o It's better free anyways...LOL

The Gentleman Scamp Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 07:34:41

Feel free to PM me your number - I'm young (ish) and not bad looking.

Young(ish) and not bad looking huh? If u dont mind sharing...hehehe JK

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night?

I imagine anyone reading some of my other posts would think my only sexual liasons have been with prostitutes, but that's not the case. I've been with "respectable" girls in just about every country in the world, except Thailand. When I was young I stood a better chance of getting my rocks off in the Vatican than with a non-working Thai girl ... they all had aggro fathers and brothers hovering around, and being found face-down in a rice paddy with an AK-47 round up my nose wasn't high on my list of priorities. (Now I'm too old and ugly ... and I don't have time for "the chase".) :o

"Free sex" is a rare and elusive animal, Sandy ... you usually end up paying for it in one way or another ... and the young lady you meet at a regular club/bar is likely to cost more in dinner and drinks than you'd pay a professional, with no guarantee of either success or satisfaction.

It's considered socially unacceptable to ask a "respectable" girl if she'll get it on with you if you pay for dinner and drinks, but with a working girl it's all up front ... and you know you're not going to get a soft-on from listening to "I don't usually do this on the first date" and "Will you still respect me tomorrow ?"

I guess I sound cold and cynical, and maybe I am ... but that's my load, and I have to carry it.

Harry Palmer Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 05:23:16
but at the end of the day, men like cheap sex with pretty young girls.

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night? It isn't that hard, women do it all the time...LOL MEN!!! Need i say more? :D

But that would mean talking and playing the game....... And the free ones are usually fat, divorced, ugly......... sh!t I just looked in the mirror - ok and bald too :o

Do you know of any clubs where are a fat, old, bald, divorced, one legged Aboriginal man can score free sex? I've looked :D

Do you know of any clubs where a fat, old, bald, divorced, one legged Aboriginal man can score free sex? I've looked :o

My mother-in-laws buffalo is available.


HAPPY HOUR for Pussy, ...... I guess

After midnight prices are half and since after midnight most of the men haven't found any free sex ..... here we go Sandy

By the way if you want to donate something free ......

but really free, ... :o

Harry Palmer Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 05:23:16
but at the end of the day, men like cheap sex with pretty young girls.

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night? It isn't that hard, women do it all the time...LOL MEN!!! Need i say more? :o

What are the techniques to find one? How to tell which are the ones there to have free sex? How to know which one wouldn't end you up lying on the floor being kicked by a group of men?

I went to Hollywood disco on my own a few nights last month, not a single time did I see any potential targets.(Well, I was just looking for some new friends, not sex)

Furthermore, if you do end up having free sex, they would still then be regarded as bargirls giving you out freebies, wouldn't they?

Harry Palmer Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 05:23:16
but at the end of the day, men like cheap sex with pretty young girls.

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night? It isn't that hard, women do it all the time...LOL MEN!!! Need i say more? :D

Feel free to PM me your number - I'm young (ish) and not bad looking. :o:D

Me too! :D

How much is ever enough? I'm never desperate...all i need to do is dail a phone number whenever i feel like it.  It's better free anyways...LOL

Sandy- I'm shocked at such behaviour- especially coming from you! :D:o

Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night?

I imagine anyone reading some of my other posts would think my only sexual liasons have been with prostitutes, but that's not the case. I've been with "respectable" girls in just about every country in the world, except Thailand. When I was young I stood a better chance of getting my rocks off in the Vatican than with a non-working Thai girl ... they all had aggro fathers and brothers hovering around, and being found face-down in a rice paddy with an AK-47 round up my nose wasn't high on my list of priorities. (Now I'm too old and ugly ... and I don't have time for "the chase".) :o

"Free sex" is a rare and elusive animal, Sandy ... you usually end up paying for it in one way or another ... and the young lady you meet at a regular club/bar is likely to cost more in dinner and drinks than you'd pay a professional, with no guarantee of either success or satisfaction.

It's considered socially unacceptable to ask a "respectable" girl if she'll get it on with you if you pay for dinner and drinks, but with a working girl it's all up front ... and you know you're not going to get a soft-on from listening to "I don't usually do this on the first date" and "Will you still respect me tomorrow ?"

I guess I sound cold and cynical, and maybe I am ... but that's my load, and I have to carry it.

This post gets *my* "post of the day" vote!


Paying for sex


The girls make you believe it is not really for sex.

It is because of you.

Because you are different.

So, you dream of something else.

Something different.

Which is possible.

Sometimes but not often.

And don't call me Erco, please,... :o:D


couldnt resist posting this ad!

@Articles for Sale: Bargirl Equipment.

Due to recent windfall and subsequent semiretirement

from the trade the following items are for sale:

12 inch hight silver moon boots: Vinyl jumpsuit a=with

accessory pocket: one dozen luminous ping-pong balls:

Mobile phone w/flashing lights and extra loud ringing

tone: Glitter lubricant: Lifttime membership at

Daeng's Beauty shop: Phone list of 384 longstay

punters for guaranteed cash on slow nights: Fully

furnished 3.6m x 4m room with saquat toilet and

wat-bum hose: new seening an Switterlan: Woeful

!REQUEST FOR FUNDS! lETTERS IN 63 tragic scenarios and

4 languages: Honda wave moterbye [now drive the


Note: all items for lease with option to buy pending

outcome of recent vednture [maybe Switterlan too cole

on boyfren not take care me good] Email

But can anyone answer this for me? :o

The attraction of bar girls?

Knowing that you can have sex with a perfect stranger at any given moment is the "attraction". It has something to do with availability. If your not quite sure what I mean, sit yourself down in a girly bar with a beer buzz on and watch your mind reel through the possibilities. Temptation at its purest form is an amazing high within itself. Perhaps not as high as indulging in such temptations...so I'm told anyhow.


But can anyone answer this for me?  :D

The attraction of bar girls?

Knowing that you can have sex with a perfect stranger at any given moment is the "attraction". It has something to do with availability. If your not quite sure what I mean, sit yourself down in a girly bar with a beer buzz on and watch your mind reel through the possibilities. Temptation at its purest form is an amazing high within itself. Perhaps not as high as indulging in such temptations...so I'm told anyhow.

Exactly, the easy availability of young bodies.

Bodies that are at their "top" reproduction wise.

Would tempt any man.

Any normal man.

He can not really help it, this is human nature.

I mean the temptation.

Acting on it or not is what differentiates us from animals.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.

Still some way to go, I guess,... :o:D


BC- Who isn't tempted? Anyone with a member surely is, and you are quite correct its our brain that decides whether we green light a particular behaviour. Personally a woman is a woman regardless of what profession they are in and if they are attractive then this is what initially gets the hormones going.

Add alcohol and your inhibitions go down and there can be a problem or not depending on how you look at it. I don't blame alcohol for any problem if you are prone to do something you'll do it anyways.

Luckily my TGF is a good enough cure for any tempation that might be out there. :o

Add alcohol and your inhibitions go down and there can be a problem or not depending on how you look at it. I don't blame alcohol for any problem if you are prone to do something you'll do it anyways.

Right, Brit.

Alcohol is an enhancing factor.

Not the "setting off" one.

If you never did something because you would hate to do it, alcohol will not make you do it.

But if you thought about doing something or anything while sober, alcohol will make you do it.

One day or another.

For better or for worse,...


Convenience has a lot to do with it.

And in the long term more cost effective as well.

By that I mean you don't have 3 - 4 of her mates coming along with their enormous appetites.

You don't have to go meet the folks and discuss what sort of money they are looking for in terms of sin sot.

You don't have to court her.

She (the BG) knows what the deal is and you have probably discussed the financial terms up front and what it is for short/long time one crack or another in the morning.

If for one reason or another if her performance is not up to your expectations "no worries" don't take her again.

If you're running on a budget you know your costs in advance (if your moving one in with you there is always the new shoes, shampoo, perfume etc., whilst with the BG the only extra cost is that you might have to provide a bit of toothpaste)

Nah! the BG's are the only way to go IMHO :o



Created by misguided animals called humans who don't know why they're here and who...*snigger* who used to think that the earth was flat and used to burn women in case they were witches *snigger* how silly we are, saying this is right and this is wrong when we know sweet FA when it comes down to it.

People are wrong.


Created by nature.

Sex is a natural desire, what the upper class Victorian views of parents toward the end of the last century is complete manmade rubbish - and one of a billion examples of it.


I would presume to suggest that the attraction is also :

a : bg's are cheap (compared to the real top shelf asian st/lt companionship available)

b : some guys are butt ugly/out of shape and the bg's make them feel like brad pitt for the eveining.

c : some guys have no social skills/chat up skills(even steven hawking could pick up a bg) :o


Several inappropriate postings deleted. Thread closed.

Hint: www.bangkoktonight.com might be an alternative for this kind of issues.


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