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Best Video Game Ever?


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I have just begun Zelda on the Wii and think it is fab. I actually left it in the wrapper for three months while I finished other games.

I think the best game ever was Grand Theft Auto ; San Andreas (the earlier releases were great too) but also think Zelda on the N64 was superb.

What do you think were the best video games ever?

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GTA sucks, always has always will. Bad graphic, bad control, bad voice, bad idea.

Now, I play quite a bit, no money right so no new systems, but I can speak in previous systems. There are too many too list, I think that are worth playing and are great fun. Do you have genre you prefer? I know GTA has something like an RPG element, yet many who like GTA don't like RPGs. I will say that for GTA style play that is better executed and more fun you should check out Mercenaries by Lucus Arts.

Anyway tell some genres you like or other games and I can suggest some.

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Sorry Thaibebob, have to disagree about GTA.

I also enjoyed the 'Medal Of Honour' series and Quake.

I like easy to play and not think too mutt

Edited by garro
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My personal choices are FPS and simulation games. Battlefield II is the only game I still play regularly with Microsoft Sim-X next. Rather looking forward to Crysis coming out later this year using the new CryEngine 2. May need to upgrade my card when it comes out due to DX10, though it is scalable to DX9. Preview here.

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CnC Generals:Zero Hour

That would be my favourite game recently - looking back over time I enjoyed; Mario Kart, Bomberman etc... on the SUper Nintendo, ISS on the PS2 (Not Pro Evolution) and the first computer game I played and got into was Moria, its a roguelike.

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My personal choices are FPS and simulation games. Battlefield II is the only game I still play regularly with Microsoft Sim-X next. Rather looking forward to Crysis coming out later this year using the new CryEngine 2. May need to upgrade my card when it comes out due to DX10, though it is scalable to DX9. Preview here.

heh i was part of the ps2 to xbox conversion team.

Fav games include tons of old classics such as frogger and manic miner. Ps1 Tomb raider series.

Crash Bandicoot. Silent Hill. Prince of Persia. Halo. CS.

Fav mmorpg's: muonline, WoW, Lineage.

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My personal choices are FPS and simulation games. Battlefield II is the only game I still play regularly with Microsoft Sim-X next. Rather looking forward to Crysis coming out later this year using the new CryEngine 2. May need to upgrade my card when it comes out due to DX10, though it is scalable to DX9. Preview here.

heh i was part of the ps2 to xbox conversion team.

Fav games include tons of old classics such as frogger and manic miner. Ps1 Tomb raider series.

Crash Bandicoot. Silent Hill. Prince of Persia. Halo. CS.

Fav mmorpg's: muonline, WoW, Lineage.

How about Shenmue I, II (and have no idea when Shenmue III for the pc will come out)

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Okay, I am just coming up with this stuff off the top of my head, so I know I have forgotten some good ones I will think of later.

First Person Shooters


Halo 1 & 2 ( more 2 than 1)

Oddworld: Stranger's Odyssey

Area 51

Republic Commando (better than Halo)

Call Of Duty 1 & 2


Elder Scrolls

Neverwinter Nights


Final Fantasy ( what? you think I'd skip it )

Knights Of The Old Republic 1 & 2 ( a 3 is coming )

Jade Empire


Rachet & Clank Series

Jax & Daxter Series

Tomb Radier Series

Prince Of Persia Series

Thief Series

Megaman Series

Castlevania (sp?) Series

Tenchu Series

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I really enjoyed the Quake series, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor. I can't stand RPG and strategy, FPS only.

One I still play to this day is Comanche 4, flying a helicopter and going on missions. Fairly easy to learn. The missiles and explosions are quite cool. Unfortunately, the game was dropped after version 4.

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One I still play to this day is Comanche 4, flying a helicopter and going on missions. Fairly easy to learn. The missiles and explosions are quite cool. Unfortunately, the game was dropped after version 4.

Wasted months of my life playing Comanche. Good game. F28 Raptor too.

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"Parachute" on Game & Watch. Not many could master the complex controls or not be blown away by the painted on screen graphics. I still marvel at how I managed to go left but then swiftly switch to going right to pick up those hapless parachutists in my little rowboat. It was truly a contest of skill.

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Anybody remember Alley Cat for the IBM PC with CGA (wow) graphics? or even earlier, Star Trek on the DEC PDP-8 (ASCII 'graphics')?

Still occasionally dig out Wolfenstein but not really into gaming these days, eyes and reactions tooooooo slow.

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Anybody remember Alley Cat for the IBM PC with CGA (wow) graphics? or even earlier, Star Trek on the DEC PDP-8 (ASCII 'graphics')?

Still occasionally dig out Wolfenstein but not really into gaming these days, eyes and reactions tooooooo slow.

I remember Alley Cat. Used to love it - though I must have been about 8 years old!

Frogger - Play everytime I go to Bkk. :D

Surprised nobody has mentioned Half Life(&Counter Strike)

In other styles of game play, I liked C&C - All of 'em. Tiberium Wars, etc..Red Alert, etc.. and Generals, etc...

I also have an unexplained weakness for railrood tycoon. I never had a train set as a kid.

But I'm well behind on PC games these days.

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Mario Kart for the SNES and 64

Zelda a Link to the past & Ochrina of Time

Jak and Daxter Series

Half life / Counter Strike

Pilot wings

MechWarrior 2

Star Craft (lost way too many hours to this one)... and apparently so has all of Korea.

I'm not one for RPG's really but I did love Final Fantasy III on the SNES (I've picked it up again and am playing it on my GBA FFVI)

GTA 3 was incredible when it first came out, I guess I’ve been numbed by it, Vice City and San Andreas were great too.

The God of War Series is incredible for squeezing out every ounce of power out of my PS2

Original Contra for the NES

Wizards and Warriors NES

Always a fan of wrestling games with multi player. Particularly The SmackDown Series

Donkey Kong Country

Street Fighter II (before all the super duper hyper seizure inducing versions)

Super Smash Bros N64

Star Fox SNES


Still Probably one of my all time favourites is Golden Eye for the N64

I'll have to add more to this list later.

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The Winning Eleven series of football games for PS2.

The Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kane series

..............and from way back Lemmings!!! stopping those little b'stards from killing themselves.

anything that involves me building an empire and crushing my enemies :o

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