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Strange Illness?

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It started 4 years ago with tendonitis in my left elbow, out of nowhere. For a few years, my left arm was completely out of action—I couldn't even lift a kettle to make tea. After 3 years, it started to improve, and now it is 80% better.


Then, around a year ago, the same issue occurred in my right elbow. For the last 12 months, my right arm has been out of action. Squeezing my right hand to grip something or lifting something really hurts.


I have tried specific exercises and bought this special twisty thing that's supposed to help. I wear tight bandages and straps. Nothing helps.


And now, over the last few months, both shoulders have started hurting. If I stretch in either direction, it hurts. To give you an example, while driving the car earlier, I stretched onto the back seat to grab something with my left arm and let out an audible yelp.


The pain radiates from my shoulders down both arms to the forearms. The closer to the shoulder, the more painful it is. The pain is worse in the morning.


My question is, who on earth do I see about this? A regular doctor? A specialist of some sort? More importantly, what could it be? It seems strange that I would get tendon issues in both elbows, followed by shoulder issues. Is this some sort of strange disease, or have you guys heard of this kind of thing before?


As a side note, I do have heart disease (coronary artery). It's not the main arteries, and it's only a low blockage. While I know there is no such thing as 'mild' heart disease, I definitely don't have a serious case of it. I'm worried that it could be related though. Shoulder/arm pain is a symptom, apparently, of heart failure. In both shoulders, though? And both elbows?


Suggestions would be appreciated. I don't want to bounce from doctor to doctor—it would be great if I could get an idea of specialty. I live in Udon Thani, there are a few hospitals here, but none of them are known for having many specialists.


For what it's worth, I am 51 years old.

Thanks for taking the time to read this - any suggestions appreciated 🙂

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When there are problems in multiple different joints this can suggest an autoimmune issue for which you would need a rheumatologist. I don't find any listed in the private hospitals in Udon (but their websites ardn't very detailed). There should be one at  the main government hospital in town which is a large regional level facility, though maybe not every day, and it should be possible to see him through the after hours clinic. 


It is also possible that your shoulder pains are due to a problem in your cervical spine unrelated to the elbow issues before. For that you'd need an orthopedic surgeon specializing in spine, there are none in Udon as far as I know.


I suggest ruling out an autoimmune problem first.  Go to the government hospital around 3 PM on a weekday or else on Saturday morning, register for a patient number and tell them you want to see an acharn in the after hours clinic specializing in rheumatology. (Show them that term written down). 


If no luck doing that in Udon there are some very good, Western trained, rheumatologists in Bangkok As well as spine specialists. 



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Tennis elbow and shoulder problems may not be unrelated, though I can't tell you exactly how--something to do with tendons, all the way to the wrist. Tennis elbow is normally curable, but it takes time and effort. That I know from experience. Now I make it a point to prevent recurrence. The main thing I do now is eccentric wrist drops w/ a dumbbell.

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