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Dementia Risk Drops (observed time before onset increases) With Shingrix Vaccine

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Note that this was an observational study; the mechanism is not clear.  

Not clear how the benefit was distributed (i.e. mostly average, vs. some little, some folks much) -- have to wait for a more detailed report on the full article. 




Dementia Risk Drops With Shingrix Vaccine

Key Takeaways

  • The recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix) was associated with a 17% increase in time without a dementia diagnosis, compared with the live vaccine.
  • This translated into 164 additional days without a dementia diagnosis.
  • The findings support hypotheses about shingles vaccination and dementia prevention.


Taquet, M., Dercon, Q., Todd, J.A. et al. The recombinant shingles vaccine is associated with lower risk of dementia. Nat Med (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-024-03201-5


There is a link to a preprint, but I couldn't get it to fully load:



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