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The most sensible comment from a politician "I want them to stop dying"

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you are going to try and repudiate what I said, do try and get it right. The British had Hong Kong in perpetuity. It was ceded to them in 1842 by the treaty of Nanking. The "lease" refers to the New Territories




You repudiated yourself. You are  trying to use an immoral and technically illegal agreement to support an untenable position. The ceding of Hong Kong  came about as a result of the first opium war when Great Britain  waged war against China in its campaign to force the Chinese to allow foreigners to sell opium to the Chinese and to create a nation of drug addicts.  The Kowloon peninsula was  obtained after the 2nd Opium War. A treaty that originates from coercion and violence is not the most easy of agreements to defend. However, the Chinese did respect the Hong Kong treaties.  Yes, the new territories were technically the only areas that had a lease ending, however, Hong Kong could not exist without the new territories including the islands that had been leased.  Water, electricity and food came from the new territories. Much of the  population who supported  the "city" lived in the New territories. Hong Kong without the new territories was not viable.


It is  astounding that you are using an unjust colonial construct to defend your position. The presence of Great Britain in China was an immoral and wrongful presence.  Great Britain did the right thing when it withdrew. it had neither the legal nor moral right to occupy a foreign nation in the manner it did, particularly when it was based on trying to addict people to opium. You are arguing in defense of that.  It does shed light on why why you are a defender of the Putin colonialist expansionism. 


Overall your position is patronizing and condescending to the Chinese. I have the impression that it is a whitey knows all mindset, common to the the purveyors of bankrupt political positions of the 1970's.

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1 minute ago, Patong2021 said:

You have not addressed the historical reality.?  You attempted to justify the Russian initiated war by  alluding to Hong Kong. When that did not work, you went to  your fall back position of  trying to distract with unrelated  subject matter. The reality is that you are a defender of Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. You support the abrogation of previously agreed upon borders between Russia and Ukraine.

You are getting boring with your continual made up attacks on me, so the time has come to put you where I don't have to read your personal insults any more. Bye.

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