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Movie Times At Local Cinemas


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This is kind of funny, but ...

Anyway, I had in my mind that Hairspray was opening today in Thailand, but the net movie times page was down


so I called both local cinemas and asked them if Hairspray was showing, and what times.

Both theaters said yes Hairspray was showing today, and gave me the times.

Showing up at both cinemas today, it turned out they gave me the time for Turistas. Hairspray isn't showing at all.

How does a person hear Turistas when Hairspray is said? What would Weho do? I am imagining demanding that they courier the film immediately and honor their promise!

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Wait for the next time to start would be my best guess.

Hairspray wasn't showing at all. So it would be a very long wait!

At the Royal Garden there are only two films, one Thai and one farang. So I understood why they messed that up. They stupidly assumed the farang wanted the time of the farang movie, not that the farang actually cared about the specific movie title. At the Big C, I am more mystified as they have multiple movies, Thai and farang.

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How does a person hear Turistas when Hairspray is said?

They most probably hear "blah blah blah.." while thinking about something different and think I will be helpful and say yes... :o

Try the "movies of the week" on pattaya people it seems to be the most up to date I have found.

P.S. Hostel is much better than touristas if you are in to your backpacker nightmare gore fest :D

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Or get someone Thai to call them.. I always have my partner call first and the information has always been correct (2-3 times per month in 5 years)

There WAS 1 time that they messed up, when my partner asked for the times of a movie, and they asked him TWICE if he wanted the times for the Original English Soundtrack, or the same movie with Thai speaking. My partner clearly told them TWICE English soundtrack, But they gave him the time for the Thai speaking movie, so we were sat in Big C waiting for the English one to start, which was 2 hours after the Thai!

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OK, What is so special about this film, and what is it about?

Can't say what is special because I haven't seen it yet, only the trailers which looked funny. I take it is a remake of the first Hairspray movie by John Waters and a film version of the hit broadway musical, and features John Travolta as a big mama in drag (which is a good reason to go or not go depending on your point of view).

BTW, both movie ladies spoke in confident, un-accented, grammatically correct English so I foolishing assumed they could understand what I asked and were actually listening,

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