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Tabiat Baan

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I have a retirement visa at present which I renew yearly but with the usual 3 monthly residency stamps. Upon my last visit to immigration I was told that I could be refused renewal as I have no proof of my residence in Thailand. All other aspects were in order but this was a new one on me!!! I live with my Thai wife (by local marriage only so unofficial) so we asked if I was put on her Tabiat Baan (sorry about the spelling) whether that would be acceptable and were told yes. However, we have since tried to obtain a blue book in my sole name but have hit a brick wall. My wife was told by an official in the local immigration office (who would not give their name) that I can only get a yellow book and I need a letter from the UK Embassy confirming that I no longer live in the UK and that I permanently reside in Thailand. This I cannot believe for one minute as the Embassy is not interested in such trivia and also, no-one I have spoken to has ever heard of a yellow Tabiat Baan not that the colour really matters to me!! Has anyone encountered similar problems or have a resolve???

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I have a retirement visa at present which I renew yearly but with the usual 3 monthly residency stamps. Upon my last visit to immigration I was told that I could be refused renewal as I have no proof of my residence in Thailand. All other aspects were in order but this was a new one on me!!! I live with my Thai wife (by local marriage only so unofficial) so we asked if I was put on her Tabiat Baan (sorry about the spelling) whether that would be acceptable and were told yes. However, we have since tried to obtain a blue book in my sole name but have hit a brick wall. My wife was told by an official in the local immigration office (who would not give their name) that I can only get a yellow book and I need a letter from the UK Embassy confirming that I no longer live in the UK and that I permanently reside in Thailand. This I cannot believe for one minute as the Embassy is not interested in such trivia and also, no-one I have spoken to has ever heard of a yellow Tabiat Baan not that the colour really matters to me!! Has anyone encountered similar problems or have a resolve???

The UK EMbassy in Bangkok willissue a letter saying that your adress in Thailand is :xxxxxx

It will cost you just over 2,500 baht

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And yes; the yellow tabien bahn is the only one a foreigner can get but normally only if own a condo. As to getting your name in the blue book you need to be officially married.

Anyway; just get the letter from UK embassy and use that directly with emmigration - no need to go through the hurdles of getting a, or into a, tabien bahn for that. My embassy was even kind enough to issue the letter in Thai.


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And yes; the yellow tabien bahn is the only one a foreigner can get but normally only if own a condo. As to getting your name in the blue book you need to be officially married.

Anyway; just get the letter from UK embassy and use that directly with emmigration - no need to go through the hurdles of getting a, or into a, tabien bahn for that. My embassy was even kind enough to issue the letter in Thai.


I have one of those Yellow Tambien ban books in my name, with residence shown as ours, my wife's and mine (house in her name, of course!!).  It also shows as a reference HER blue tambien ban book number.

I/we own a house & land, not a condo.

We are married, in the U.S. with translation to Thai which was shown at the Amphur to get the yellow book.

My understanding is that the yellow book is only available to foreigners who either own a condo, or are married to a Thai, and then would need to use the address in the Thai tambien ban.

One item I don't know about.  How about a Thai who's listed on a friend's or relative's blue tambien ban, eg, does not have his/her own in his/her own name?  Wonder if the farang could still get the yellow book based on marriage with reference to this situation??


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And yes; the yellow tabien bahn is the only one a foreigner can get but normally only if own a condo. As to getting your name in the blue book you need to be officially married.

Please see my previous posts on the distinction between a blue and yellow tabian baan. I do not believe marriage alone would allow a foreign male named in a blue tabian baan. As I understand it, only a foreign male with PR is able to have his name in a blue tabian baan. This is the law, but that does not mean that officials have not from time to time permitted a foreign male without PR to have his name in the blue tabian baan. I would be interested to hear of any examples of this.

As to the OP, you should pop down to your local district office with your wife and ask to have your name put on the yellow tabian baan. A letter from the embassy is not required. Ask your wife to bring her blue tabian baan with her when you go and explain that you want to have your name put on the yellow tabian baan. It can be done. If this fails, let me know and I will see what else we might be able to do to help things along.

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I have a retirement visa at present which I renew yearly but with the usual 3 monthly residency stamps. Upon my last visit to immigration I was told that I could be refused renewal as I have no proof of my residence in Thailand. All other aspects were in order but this was a new one on me!!! I live with my Thai wife (by local marriage only so unofficial) so we asked if I was put on her Tabiat Baan (sorry about the spelling) whether that would be acceptable and were told yes. However, we have since tried to obtain a blue book in my sole name but have hit a brick wall. My wife was told by an official in the local immigration office (who would not give their name) that I can only get a yellow book and I need a letter from the UK Embassy confirming that I no longer live in the UK and that I permanently reside in Thailand. This I cannot believe for one minute as the Embassy is not interested in such trivia and also, no-one I have spoken to has ever heard of a yellow Tabiat Baan not that the colour really matters to me!! Has anyone encountered similar problems or have a resolve???

I picked up my yellow book today after applying for it about 5 weeks ago. I got mine in Udon, so the requirements may differ where your from. I didn't need anything from the Embassy. I'm listed in my wife's blue book but only as father of our children. Anyway, read up on this thread for more info:


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I have a retirement visa at present which I renew yearly but with the usual 3 monthly residency stamps. Upon my last visit to immigration I was told that I could be refused renewal as I have no proof of my residence in Thailand. All other aspects were in order but this was a new one on me!!! I live with my Thai wife (by local marriage only so unofficial) so we asked if I was put on her Tabiat Baan (sorry about the spelling) whether that would be acceptable and were told yes. However, we have since tried to obtain a blue book in my sole name but have hit a brick wall. My wife was told by an official in the local immigration office (who would not give their name) that I can only get a yellow book and I need a letter from the UK Embassy confirming that I no longer live in the UK and that I permanently reside in Thailand. This I cannot believe for one minute as the Embassy is not interested in such trivia and also, no-one I have spoken to has ever heard of a yellow Tabiat Baan not that the colour really matters to me!! Has anyone encountered similar problems or have a resolve???

I picked up my yellow book today after applying for it about 5 weeks ago. I got mine in Udon, so the requirements may differ where your from. I didn't need anything from the Embassy. I'm listed in my wife's blue book but only as father of our children. Anyway, read up on this thread for more info:


I, too, did not have a form notarized from the Embassy as to my address, but did have my Thai driving permit which has the home address listed.

Got my yellow tambien ban while we waited, and not too long at that, less than 30 minutes.  Took longer for the higher up guy to fill in the form for us.  He asked why I wanted it, I said it sounds like a good idea.  He said well, that's not enough, let me (this being him) write some down for you and see if you agree.  Must have been a slow day for him!!  Very helpful.

This at Thanyaburi, out at Klong 6 on the Rangsit-Ongkarak Road, Hwy 305.  They've been quite helpful on other things I've asked at the Amphur.


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