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Are You Proud To Have A Thai Gf?


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In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What you said above is contrary to all the bloody posts that I have seen in TV! In the UK, people are just not that bloody shallow!

:D funny post though!

For once, I am in total agreement with you on that one meemiathai :o:D

To the OP, the way you use the word proud makes it seem that a Thai GF is some sort of trophy.

I'm perfectly happy BTW, but proud wouldn't be a word that I would normally use to describe any GF, partner or wife - it just sounds to condescending.

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A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible.

Try to find out if your girlfriend appreciates it that you keep the relationship as low profile as possible. ( :o Whatever that is supposed to mean, do you lock her in a cupboard when the doorbell rings?)

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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.

I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.

She had no toys.

She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.

She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.

She watched with a child's eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to repossess the refrigerator.

She worked in the fields enduring scorpion bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.

She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.

When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 baht needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck.

She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything. Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest, caring, hardworking, compassionate woman...and have no doubts about our feelings for each other.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

My wife and I are 4 years apart in age. She is a respected member of my family, and my community.

The OP's comment's are frankly, insulting. Not all Thai women are young bar girls. Most are hardworking women with more guts and fortitude than the OP could muster in a lifetime.

Am I proud of my Thai wife? I would do anything for her. I would die for her.

And if anyone said things like the OP in her presence.....I would defend her honor, with my fist.

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Undoubtedly. "thai wife" or "thai girlfriend" brings up stereotypes.

I remember the mail - order Fillipina brides in Australia, some decades back. The number of cases of physical abuse was extraordinary.

I think we can be fairly sure that some of the guys who had trouble - for whatever reason - back home are now using the "comparative wealth" factor to ??? approach/find/get partners back home are over-represented in 3rd world/developing countries.

The people who did not have to use money to have relationships are here, too.

I do not in any way wish anyone in this world to miss out on genuine love, but see so much utterly astounding self-delusion here. * If they' re knowingly in denial, so to sa-speak, well ... not my choice, but "up to you".

The rest is amazing. Come to de land of De Nial !

Sorry ! Cannot edit my nonsense - "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" is about to come on !

Edited by WaiWai
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To be honest when I see a man with a Thai wife in the UK I automatically assume he is a loser. The fact that he is 20 years older than his much more attractive girlfriend makes me think money is involved, whether directly or indirectly. But, if he said to me, 'she obviously is only with me for my money, but she makes me happy', then I would have a lot more respect for him, but some of these guys think its true love and thats what makes him a loser, but then I see it in Thailand as well.

20 years old and you know everything. Good!

And how long have you been in Thailand? And where have you been? Stayed in Kho San Road all the time or what?

There are things called culture and traditions. And they are not the same in every country in the world. One day when you are older you might find out.

And different culture and different traditions make people think and act different.

It is quite interesting to find out about diferent culture and different traditions travelling to other countries.

It is even so that in different parts of Thailand they have different culture and different traditions.

If you stay here long enough and if you one day take a trip out in the country you will be amazed how people think different about things compared to UK!

Take good care!


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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.

I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.

She had no toys.

She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.

She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.

She watched with a child's eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to repossess the refrigerator.

She worked in the fields enduring scorpion bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.

She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.

When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 baht needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck.

She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything. Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest, caring, hardworking, compassionate woman...and have no doubts about our feelings for each other.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

My wife and I are 4 years apart in age. She is a respected member of my family, and my community.

The OP's comment's are frankly, insulting. Not all Thai women are young bar girls. Most are hardworking women with more guts and fortitude than the OP could muster in a lifetime.

Am I proud of my Thai wife? I would do anything for her. I would die for her.

And if anyone said things like the OP in her presence.....I would defend her honor, with my fist.

Great post Pumpuiman this just reminds me of why i married my wife.

All the best for the future.

Cheers Rick

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I never thought I was liberal minded until I started reading threads like this.

Whenever I see a man with a woman, regardless of any disparity, I only see a couple.

I don't question relationships or their basis; mixed marriages, age gaps, monetary considerations or just not things I question.

Maybe the people who bother their heads about other peoples' affairs have too much time on their hands and should get out a bit more.

I agree thats my thoughts as well good post and my wife is 15 years younger than me but age is not a factor only LOVE. :o

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I earn crap money as a teacher in Pattaya. My wife has her own salon chain here, Korat and BKK. She makes more in a week then i do in 3 months.

Bragging? No................she works 12 hours every day of every week, is also a loving wife and nothing is a problem for her. And i am 15 years older than her. Like that makes a difference? She does know that i love her alone............and care for her passionately.

Sad post by the OP. IMHO

Edited by stevemiddie
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Beautiful rich Italian actress married to a rich Italian film director 22 years her senior. Musta' been for his sex appeal? :o

Frankly age ain't got anything to do with love. I don't care whether a guy is older than a woman or she is older than him, as long as they are happy together , that's it.

I've known an awful lot of farang guys married to farang women who ended up true losers in every sense of the word.

Thai women seem to have less of a hang-up about being with an older man. maybe he's kind to her, more than her Thai husband was.

Interesting topic anyway but been done to death before.

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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

We all know that acquiring a nice gf here for any half respectable farang guy is like shooting fish in a barrel. Many guys here have clearly pulled way out of their league and had their gf been on a trip to the UK (not including bar girls in this statement) or whatever the country, when they met, what are the chances the girl would have chosen them? No, the sad truth is that for many of us, had we stayed in our country of origin, we would either be sad single men with just our right hand for a weekend date, or we'd be lumbered with some over-weight plain Jane or maybe even worse! By coming here we're cheating the natural dating system which keeps a number 4 with his like equivalent.

A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

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There's 11 years difference between us. Same as my last Farang Girlfriend who was a 15 on the scale 1-10. It just didn't work out. I didn't come to Thailand looking for a GF or wife its just happenned. That was 11 years ago, I did feel a bit selfconscious when I first took her to the UK. This only lasted a few weeks. After that I never felt ill at ease with her anywhere, weve travelled most of Europe and never encountered any animosity. I have been in company when jokes have been made about Thai Girls or other Asian Girls and I just smile to myself knowingly. She will allways smile at people she doesn't know; something I and most Brits seem to find difficult to do; and almost allways the smile is returned , even in the Winter in the UK, simply amazing to me.

Looser !? I've been a loser occasionally, definately, probably on a monthly basis, If we're honest most of us have, but a ' Loser' because I have a thai wife; I don't think so, and what I think is all that matters to me ;-)

Proud of her, you betcha, and so are my british parents, and I'm very proud of the three beautiful button nosed girls she's given birth to.

When I See a Farang Guy with a Thai Woman or Man for that matter with an obvious age difference I don't think anything anymore, I'm too busy with my own thoughts; If she's pretty I think 'Lucky B..........' If she looks 'wrong' I think becareful.

Stereotypes mate.... I'm English, but you wouldn't beleive me if I said I don't look like a pot bellied potato and wear a hanky on my head on the beach

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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.

I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.

She had no toys.

She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.

She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.

She watched with a child's eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to repossess the refrigerator.

She worked in the fields enduring scorpion bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.

She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.

When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 baht needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck.

She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything. Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest, caring, hardworking, compassionate woman...and have no doubts about our feelings for each other.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

My wife and I are 4 years apart in age. She is a respected member of my family, and my community.

The OP's comment's are frankly, insulting. Not all Thai women are young bar girls. Most are hardworking women with more guts and fortitude than the OP could muster in a lifetime.

Am I proud of my Thai wife? I would do anything for her. I would die for her.

And if anyone said things like the OP in her presence.....I would defend her honor, with my fist.


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I think you are saying that if you see a poorly educated old man lacking in social skills but having a young asian wife then you automatically think that he has been shopping at "Rent a wife"

Oi! I take exception to that! I'm not poorly educated. :o

I don't see anything wrong with an old man having a gorgeous young woman.Hopefully he will not be deceiving himself into believing, it's due to his looks

Thank you. I'm not deceiving myself at all. I'm an ugly old bugger. :D

Can`t understand why this Troll thread has not been closed yet.

Lighten up mate! It's fun! :D

Edited by JetsetBkk
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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

Quite true, were not all fat, ugly and rich, I'm hansum and poor!


I am handson young and rich, and I have a Thai wife and 3 kids. We have been maried for 11 years. I find these types of posts very tiring. What are you looking for dude. Its just life. Why don't you get one.

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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

Quite true, were not all fat, ugly and rich, I'm hansum and poor!


I am handson young and rich, and I have a Thai wife and 3 kids. We have been maried for 11 years. I find these types of posts very tiring. What are you looking for dude. Its just life. Why don't you get one.

Tiring? Easy, don't read 'em mate. Hit the "Back" button. :o

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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

Quite true, were not all fat, ugly and rich, I'm hansum and poor!


I am handson young and rich, and I have a Thai wife and 3 kids. We have been maried for 11 years. I find these types of posts very tiring. What are you looking for dude. Its just life. Why don't you get one.

Tiring? Easy, don't read 'em mate. Hit the "Back" button. :o

Well once its read its read excuse me for adding my 2 cents

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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

We all know that acquiring a nice gf here for any half respectable farang guy is like shooting fish in a barrel. Many guys here have clearly pulled way out of their league and had their gf been on a trip to the UK (not including bar girls in this statement) or whatever the country, when they met, what are the chances the girl would have chosen them? No, the sad truth is that for many of us, had we stayed in our country of origin, we would either be sad single men with just our right hand for a weekend date, or we'd be lumbered with some over-weight plain Jane or maybe even worse! By coming here we're cheating the natural dating system which keeps a number 4 with his like equivalent.

In the ancient Pali texts humans are described as falling into one of two possible catagories, "Cheaters or cheated."

A number 4 with a number 8 or 9 is going against nature. What have i got against cheating the system? Well nothing i guess, i've cheated too. Am i proud of that? Not at all. It's why i keep my relationship as low profile as possible. Certainly not shouting about it with pride or walking loved up, hand in hand on the street. I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my gf, indeed i can be proud of her. But proud of myself for wooing such a prize. No.

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She's not my "Thai Wife". She's just my wife. I only have one wife so no additional info is needed.

A lot of past posts & threads have suggested that Thai women latch on to farang strictly for finacial security but does anyone really believe that women in the west...at least those beyond the age of 30...marry you for love? Love is acomponent but not likely the primary one. Im guessing that its likely that the naive, idealistic youthful marraiges "for love" fuel a large part of the divorce rates. I suspect that farang women likely size you up for 2 things first.....1) Can he provide me security (ie: a decent place to live and associated minimum comforts...."decent" and "minimum" is relative to the individual...and 2) Can I stand living with the guy 24/7. If the answer to these is yes, then she will likely take the position that she can "learn" to love you. I doubt Thai women are any different other than they put a lot more emphasis on the financial security part and less on superficial qualities like appearance.

I find that the Thai idea of "financial security" is a good bit more affordable as well. :o

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Also OP, not every person had a thai wife or gf only because they had money.

I can find a gf within one hour in where I come from.

Quite true, were not all fat, ugly and rich, I'm hansum and poor!


I am handson young and rich, and I have a Thai wife and 3 kids. We have been maried for 11 years. I find these types of posts very tiring. What are you looking for dude. Its just life. Why don't you get one.

you cant be that young if you've been married eleven years! :o

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In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

What you said above is contrary to all the bloody posts that I have seen in TV! In the UK, people are just not that bloody shallow!

:D funny post though!

For once, I am in total agreement with you on that one meemiathai :o:D

To the OP, the way you use the word proud makes it seem that a Thai GF is some sort of trophy.

I'm perfectly happy BTW, but proud wouldn't be a word that I would normally use to describe any GF, partner or wife - it just sounds to condescending.

I've been seeing a gorgeous Phillapina nurse, @0 years my junior, here in heavenly San Diego for several months now.

I don't feel proud. Right now I am reeeaaaallll happy.

And let's not forget weather your in the living in the LOS sauna or beautiful San Diego, "Pride proceeds the fall."

Oops I'm afraid I'm proud of San Diego or the mountains and the beaches and the desert all an hour drive from each other!

OK I admit I am very proud of the weather which is considered the best year round climate in the world!

I don't post much anymore for reasons that can not be discussed in open forum.

This thread isn't serious is it. This is a joke right?

I'm definitely proud I don't take anything seriously here any more.

Can I say that? :D

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What the OP has said might possibly offend some people, or assume he's uneducated, however the majority of it is right. The thing is an Overweight guy in is 50s with a 20 year old very attractive young Thai woman is not going to, or unlikey to reply to this. And if they do, they are probably kidding themselves. These relationship are based on money, what can you do for me and my family. There are younger older relationships in the west but very few of them last, and even those are usually based around money, not all of course but the most. When i look at some of the guys, i say to myself, theres no way he would pull a woman like that in his own country.

I know of a guy in his 40s that had never had a GF. He was a loner, didn't really socialise and spent most of his time playing pc games, he is a Dr of Science. He went to Thailand a met an 18 year old girl/woman, why? Because the only way he could find someone is to choose a woman who is was more vulnetable and insecure than him. A poor attractive village girl.

There are lots of marriages that are very happy ones, but the most are based around finances. The older guy will always defend his relationship because in his head hes got what he want, but i assure you there are lots of guy out there who have very insecure thoughs.

And my personal opinion of some of the couples i have seen is nothing more than legalised Paedophilia. Thats just my opinion.

If i'm not allowed to say that word, apologies.

See, I actually understand this - in the West he wasn't cool enough for a lot of women, didn't know how to approach them etc...

Here, he's a Dr (Good catch) and it doesn't really matter if he's COOL or not and women will approach him. It's not about vulnerability or insecurity, he sounds like he was just shy and a bit of a Nerd. May be a big turn off for todays ladette back in the West, but here its endearing to the ladies. Why should someone like this be denied a relationship?

EDIT - In regards to the OP, the only reason that you would be especially proud of a good looking or intelligent girlfriend, was if you were not these things - else it's just a good match and nothing out of the ordinary.

Edited by Ben@H3-Digital
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What the OP has said might possibly offend some people, or assume he's uneducated, however the majority of it is right. The thing is an Overweight guy in is 50s with a 20 year old very attractive young Thai woman is not going to, or unlikey to reply to this. And if they do, they are probably kidding themselves. These relationship are based on money, what can you do for me and my family. There are younger older relationships in the west but very few of them last, and even those are usually based around money, not all of course but the most. When i look at some of the guys, i say to myself, theres no way he would pull a woman like that in his own country.

I know of a guy in his 40s that had never had a GF. He was a loner, didn't really socialise and spent most of his time playing pc games, he is a Dr of Science. He went to Thailand a met an 18 year old girl/woman, why? Because the only way he could find someone is to choose a woman who is was more vulnetable and insecure than him. A poor attractive village girl.

There are lots of marriages that are very happy ones, but the most are based around finances. The older guy will always defend his relationship because in his head hes got what he want, but i assure you there are lots of guy out there who have very insecure thoughs.

And my personal opinion of some of the couples i have seen is nothing more than legalised Paedophilia. Thats just my opinion.

If i'm not allowed to say that word, apologies.

See, I actually understand this - in the West he wasn't cool enough for a lot of women, didn't know how to approach them etc...

Here, he's a Dr (Good catch) and it doesn't really matter if he's COOL or not and women will approach him. It's not about vulnerability or insecurity, he sounds like he was just shy and a bit of a Nerd. May be a big turn off for todays ladette back in the West, but here its endearing to the ladies. Why should someone like this be denied a relationship?

Exactly Ben,

Maybe Tommys Eyes are a little green.

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I just want to make one comment. While you might look a the old guy with the young girl and think that she is a 9, chances are that a panel of Thai men would disagree with you. I think Thai women have the best looks on this planet, but Thai men have different opinions. You probably know the type of girls that Thai men go for, and how often do you see one of them on the arm of an older farang gentlemen? Of course, if Thai men think a girl is a 4, and the farang think she is a 9, this works out to the farang's advantage.

Edited by bangkoksingapore
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