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SSRIs In Thailand

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I searched for recent post on this topic to seek answers to my questions below, but I didn't find anything very recent so I decided to post a new topic about it. 


It seems the 3 main SSRIs available in Thailand are:


1. Escitalopram (Lexapro)

2. Sertraline (Zoloft)

3. Fluoxetine (Prozac)


Out of the 3, I've read that Escitalopram is the most well tolerated with the least amount of side effects. It also seems to have the least of any possible side effects on sexual function. 


I have a few questions on Escitalopram please:


1 - Is it available in Thailand in 20mg tablets so that it can be split in half to save on cost when taking a 10 mg daily dose? Or are there only 10mg tablets available?


2 - There is a locally made generic available for Escitalopram in Thailand under the generic brand name Esidep (from Sun Pharma) which sells at around 650 Baht for 28 tablets of 10mg each. Is this the best low cost option for this medication?


3 - I saw that there is another generic brand in Thailand of this medication called Esopam. I haven't seen it being sold in pharmacies in Thailand though so I'm wondering if the price is roughly the same as Esidep or is it much different?


Thank you. 

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