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Official Documents Reveal Navalny Was Poisoned in Prison, Contrary to Russian Claims

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Newly obtained documents from The Insider confirm that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned during his imprisonment at the Polar Wolf penal colony in Russia's Far North, contradicting the official explanation of his death. On February 16, 2024, Navalny, who had long been a vocal critic of the Russian government, died under mysterious circumstances, with authorities attributing his death to natural causes. However, the documents reveal a disturbing cover-up, with key medical symptoms being systematically removed from official records. These symptoms, medical experts now confirm, strongly indicate poisoning.


According to early documents signed by Russian investigator Alexander Varapaev, Navalny experienced a sudden and severe decline in his health while in an exercise yard. "On 16.02.2024, convict A.A. Navalny felt a sharp deterioration of his health condition while in exercise yard No. 2... He began to complain of sharp pain in the abdominal area; he started reflexive ejection of his stomach contents, had convulsions, and lost consciousness, which was immediately reported to the medical staff of the correctional facility." These symptoms, including abdominal pain, vomiting, and convulsions, are consistent with poisoning. However, in the final version of the official report, all mention of these critical symptoms had been removed.


Further evidence of a poisoning attempt is found in an inventory of "seized objects" taken from the scene of Navalny's death, which included "samples of vomit." Despite being submitted for examination, neither the existence of the samples nor the examination's findings were ever officially reported. These omissions lend credibility to the suspicions raised by Navalny’s wife, Yulia, who had previously stated that her husband had complained of intense stomach pain just before his death.


Medical experts agree that the official explanation given by the Russian Investigative Committee — that Navalny died of natural causes, specifically a heart rhythm disorder — does not align with the documented symptoms. ER doctor Alexander Polupan, who treated Navalny following his 2020 Novichok poisoning, noted that "the official cause of death — a heart rhythm disorder — would in no way explain the symptoms described: sharp abdominal pain, vomiting, or seizures. These symptoms can hardly be explained by anything other than poisoning." Polupan suggested that the symptoms were indicative of exposure to an organophosphorus agent, the same class of chemicals as Novichok, but possibly administered internally in this case.


Navalny had previously survived a poisoning attempt in August 2020, when Russian FSB agents used a Novichok nerve agent on him during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. That poisoning nearly claimed his life, but quick intervention by medical staff in Omsk saved him. Even then, Russian authorities tried to dismiss the incident, attributing his collapse to "low blood sugar" rather than the poisoning.


In the wake of Navalny's death in 2024, Russian authorities delayed the release of his body for several days and refused to allow independent examination of biological samples. This reluctance to permit transparent investigation fueled immediate suspicions of foul play. Now, with the release of these documents, it is clear that Navalny was indeed poisoned, and that Russian officials actively worked to suppress the truth.


The case of Navalny’s poisoning in prison is not just a tragic end for one of the most prominent critics of the Russian government, but also a stark reminder of the lengths to which the state will go to silence opposition. Despite the official narrative, evidence points overwhelmingly to deliberate poisoning, making Navalny a victim of the very regime he spent his life opposing.


Based on a report from: The Insider 2024-10-01







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