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3 Things that will make your relationship successful in Thailand


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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:


Look, there's no shame in admitting you're insecure about being cheated on, you had a number of divorces, it's only understandable. But to advise other people to bang old women like you, just because of that:



That's just terrible, you realise most posters here are 82 years old, what they should bang 70 year olds because you're afraid people will talk bad about you behind your back in Thai?


So sad, dude.


Poor low content comeback 


I have posted pictures on this forum of 20 year old girls (syphilis free) that I dated as well as pictures of my wife (face censored, of course). 


Most posters like yourself live in a fantasy land. Besides getting syphilis wasn't there a Filipina that skinned you alive? It's right here for people to read.


Don't try to make yourself some kind of Alpha in Thailand. it's really pathetic.



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2 minutes ago, Celsius said:


Poor low content comeback 


I have posted pictures on this forum of 20 year old girls (syphilis free) that I dated as well as pictures of my wife (face censored, of course). 


Most posters like yourself live in a fantasy land. Besides getting syphilis wasn't there a Filipina that skinned you alive? It's right here for people to read.


Don't try to make yourself some kind of Alpha in Thailand. it's really pathetic.




 The fact that you feel the need to post pictures, if they're  real, shows you clearly have exceedingly low self-esteem. 


You clearly live in fantasy land if you think sending your older woman to work will stop her from cheating on you, if she's inclined to do that. You're actually making it more likely she'll cheat on you. Not less.


Women screw you over, sure. So what? I should bang 49 year olds like you and send them to work so they don't go on Tik Tok and find guys to cheat with?


Or pick a 49 year old because the age range is more "realistic"?


Before you give advice on the subject of women you should really know a thing or two. It's clear you really don't.



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2 hours ago, Celsius said:

So many people come to this forum asking advice about their relationship gone sour. I thought about writing a book, but decided to share my vast knowledge on this forum instead.


Yes, I had 2 divorces, 3 wives, but that is beside the point.


So, here we go....


NUMBER 1 - She needs to have a  FULL TIME job. No job gives her plenty of time to funk around on Tinder, TikTok, ThaiFriendly etc...., whine, complain, ask for money, criticize you on the phone with her friends and complain about her loso life in general. 


NUMBER 2 - No kids. If she has kids, she's out. I am supporting no single Thai woman whos Thai father gave all his problems to you - the stupid Farang, while he is enjoying life messing with women. No way, outta door. 


NUMBER 3 - The age difference must be close to reality. Some relationships may work, but most will not. If you want to play with younger chicks you should just stay single and pay. Most people who hook up with young women long term don't even speak Thai and have no clue what her and her friends are talking behind his back. 



I wish you all luck in finding someone love you true.

So that doesn't seem like a vast amount of knowledge by any stretch of the imagination. 

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45 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Even by the level of your idiotic posts, number 1 is exceptionally dumb.


If she has a full time job she will be out of the house, interacting with other guys, and the risk she will get to know a nice Thai or Farang guy increases exponentially. You're basically inviting her to cheat.


Plus she can't tend to your needs or manage the house while she's out. 


To send her to work is the most stupid advice one could possibly give.



In many countries having a wife who has a job can save you a lot of alimony money after a divorce. Dunno about Thailand.

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2 hours ago, Celsius said:

NUMBER 3 - The age difference must be close

I'm not having sex with a woman similar age to me, I'd never get an erection. I'd rather not be in a relationship. 


I prefer to give my lovely, soft, young, beauty an allowance, I've got plenty of money for the perfect relationship. 

It's a small price to pay. 



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27 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

Before you give advice on the subject of women you should really know a thing or two. It's clear you really don't.



One woman ripped you off, the other gave you syphilis.


I think I'll stick to my own advice. 🤣



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27 minutes ago, JackGats said:

In many countries having a wife who has a job can save you a lot of alimony money after a divorce. Dunno about Thailand.


Alimony only comes into play if you cannot agree terms with the wife on divorce. If you agree terms with the wife you don't have to pay alimony. I divorced and do not pay a cent in alimony by law, because we agreed like reasonable adults on terms by ourselves, without courts becoming involved except for the actual divorce decree.


But that wasn't the reason our "Mr Above Aveage" was advocating the gf go to work. His concern was that she'd otherwise be on dating sites, on social media, looking for guys to cheat with.


From that standpoint, sending her out to work, where she interacts daily with other Thai guys and probably Farang, would actually make it more likely that she hooks up with another guy.


Leaving aside the fact that she cannot manage the household or house, while she's away at work, and he'd have to pay extra for it, or do the dishes himself.


If you have to structure your whole life on the basis of fear that she will leave you, that you will divorce, perhaps you did not qualify the girl properly.







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The most important thing in a man -woman relationship is trust.If you don't have that, the relationship falters and dies. Compatibility is important. Closer to your age does mean something, but here they really only want someone to take care of them, as many aren't full time employed. Future plans have to be in sync, or there will be constant arguments until someone gives in, and that will also ruin the relationship. My own mistakes were not getting to know them well enough before I committed, meaning attraction did me in.


I do know the most important thing in a woman's life, so she can get along with her future men, is her relationship with her father. If he was a caring, loving, non abusive man, she will look for that in her adult relationships, and will relate better to men in them. If her dad was absent, abusive or neglected her, she will always look for that perfect man, who doesn't exist, to replace her not perfect dad.


Every relationship I've ever had where there was conflict, it was traced back to that absent or abusive dad. The others that were okay had dads, and usually moms' who were there for her when she grew up. Here. so many dads are absent so finding a good partner is extra hard. Some may be okay for awhile, because the foreigner is taking better care for her than any local did, or at least can support her better, but eventually that fantasy wears off, and she will return to form, and start nitpicking things, with self destructive, sabotage behavior that will ruin the relationship.

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2 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

But that wasn't the reason our "Mr Above Aveage" was advocating the gf go to work. His concern was that she'd otherwise be on dating sites, on social media, looking for guys to cheat with.


Another dumb post. My wife was working before she met me for many years. You on the other hand complained on the syphilis thread how people are ogling your gf on TikTok. Most likely she is already chatting with 100 potential sponsors simply because she does not know better. Yea... cue in I have a complete access to her phone 🤣



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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I fail all three criteria of the OP. While my GF does work part-time, she has a child and two grandchildren. She is 23 years younger than me.


The relationship has been going well for about 14 years, what are we doing wrong?

Don't fix what ain't broken.

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7 minutes ago, Celsius said:



One woman ripped you off, the other gave you syphilis.


I think I'll stick to my own advice. 🤣




Says Mr Above Average double divorced "send your women to work so they don't go on Tik Tok to cheat on you, and btw, bang 48 year olds to have a reasonable chance".


Yah, I hope you enjoy doing the dishes or paying for it, while your 49 super hottie is flirting it up at work with Thais and Farang.


You've really been giving yourself great advice, how is it working out right now, are you doing the dishes later?



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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:

You've really been giving yourself great advice, how is it working out right now, are you doing the dishes later?


I sure am. And washing the laundry. And dusting the bedroom. Do you think I would trust a Thai to clean my loom? Have you ever been in a Thai house?


I am OCD.

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Just now, Celsius said:


I sure am. And washing the laundry. And dusting the bedroom. Do you think I would trust a Thai to clean my loom? Have you ever been in a Thai house?


I am OCD.


That''s a fair point actually about laundry. But dishes she can do no problem. It's all about training! 



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9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

The most important thing in a man -woman relationship is trust.


This is, by  a long distance, by far the best advice on this thread.


And the key is to qualify the woman properly before you go all in, ie make sure she can be trusted.  I learned that the hard way after a Filipina kindly taught me this lesson. 


The problem is if you really want to know a person you have to push her to the limit, be in an extreme situation. Only then will you really  find out what she is like, if she can really be trusted. Sometimes you dont' find out the true character of a woman after 6 years or longer. They can pretend to be trustworthy exceptionally well sometimes. 

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Just now, Cameroni said:


This is, by  a long distance, by far the best advice on this thread.


And the key is to qualify the woman properly before you go all in, ie make sure she can be trusted.  I learned that the hard way after a Filipina kindly taught me this lesson. 


The problem is if you really want to know a person you have to push her to the limit, be in an extreme situation. Only then will you really  find out what she is like, if she can really be trusted. Sometimes you dont' find out the true character of a woman after 6 years or longer. They can pretend to be trustworthy exceptionally well sometimes. 

Exactly. My mistake was trusting her. The only reason I am still here is waiting until I can move back home with my daughter. The longer you take getting to know her, the more red flags will arrive, or they won't. I only visited my ex for a month at a time a few times before I moved here, doing exactly what others warned about in forums. Pretty face and good body threw me for a loop. Lies and seeing how she treated her previous children (giving them away young) should have told me enough. The first time she hit me because she was mad at her mom was another red flag, with coming at me with a knife added on. After I moved here, and the house was built, the real her came out in bright colors, but I wouldn't for many reasons leave my daughter here with her. Like you said, some can hide what they really are for a long time, especially those with narcissist personality disorder. Love bombing you until they get what they want, they turning on you like the Third Reich.

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2 minutes ago, Will B Good said:




The success or otherwise of all relationships hinges on one simple thing.......


How you make your partner feel about themselves as a person.



That's true but not for a simple reason. A damaged woman does not feel good about herself. Low self esteem coming from her childhood and or previous relationships with men. You can treat her like a queen. Loving, caring, trusting, building her up, protecting her, and she might still not be able to let go of her past.

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8 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


This is, by  a long distance, by far the best advice on this thread.


And the key is to qualify the woman properly before you go all in, ie make sure she can be trusted.  I learned that the hard way after a Filipina kindly taught me this lesson. 


The problem is if you really want to know a person you have to push her to the limit, be in an extreme situation. Only then will you really  find out what she is like, if she can really be trusted. Sometimes you dont' find out the true character of a woman after 6 years or longer. They can pretend to be trustworthy exceptionally well sometimes. 



I thought the best advice from you would be make sure they're not a slapper with herpes?



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Just now, fredwiggy said:

That's true but not for a simple reason. A damaged woman does not feel good about herself. Low self esteem coming from her childhood and or previous relationships with men. You can treat her like a queen. Loving, caring, trusting, building her up, protecting her, and she might still not be able to let go of her past.



.....and recognising that makes the task all the more difficult.....but if you are not successful about making her feel good about herself you are ultimately doomed as a couple.




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12 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



I thought the best advice from you would be make sure they're not a slapper with herpes?




You can't know if she has it or not, genius. She even doesn't know more often than not.

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17 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Exactly. My mistake was trusting her. The only reason I am still here is waiting until I can move back home with my daughter. The longer you take getting to know her, the more red flags will arrive, or they won't. I only visited my ex for a month at a time a few times before I moved here, doing exactly what others warned about in forums. Pretty face and good body threw me for a loop. Lies and seeing how she treated her previous children (giving them away young) should have told me enough. The first time she hit me because she was mad at her mom was another red flag, with coming at me with a knife added on. After I moved here, and the house was built, the real her came out in bright colors, but I wouldn't for many reasons leave my daughter here with her. Like you said, some can hide what they really are for a long time, especially those with narcissist personality disorder. Love bombing you until they get what they want, they turning on you like the Third Reich.


Yes, you really only know over time what a person is really like. It's easy to fake it for half a year, a year, some can do it for 6 years or longer.


That's a terrible story and a testament to your soundness of mind that you coped with it. Lesser men would have done something they regret. You kept it together.


Plus you still have a healthy mind on how to approach things now. After all that deceit.

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19 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

That's true but not for a simple reason. A damaged woman does not feel good about herself. Low self esteem coming from her childhood and or previous relationships with men. You can treat her like a queen. Loving, caring, trusting, building her up, protecting her, and she might still not be able to let go of her past.


Another excellent point, some women are so damaged, deceitful  and narcissistic that even  if you make them feel great they'll still "explore their options". You can send them to work or lock them in a room, they'll find a way.

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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:


Another excellent point, some WOMEN are so damaged, deceitful  and narcissistic that even  if you make them feel great they'll still "explore their options". You can send them to work or lock them in a room, they'll find a way.


Better some PEOPLE?


Don't want to come across as someone who feels women have a monopoly on negative character traits.



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