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Trump, a case of Malignant Normalcy (besides the "normal" Malignant Narcissim)


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Or "what have you done for your ** US ** democracy?" (it's "for", not "to" so MAGA clan is advised not to come clear, it's holy water that will burn...)


Asks the man who:
- donates 1 mil to Harris campaign, to make sure that democracy is part of his kids inheritance (minus 1 mil though)
- founder of Anti-Psychopath PAC whose purpose in life is to be a bigly huge thorn on Trump's side
- for experience alone, ex-spouse of Trump's most successful presidential  - ie the only one past, no present and absolutely no future - campaign manager KellyAnne C.


So here's the interview with the Van Helsing of our political time ...

(- And, you're welcome.)



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There are some strange bedfellows (literally!) in US politics.  Number one on my list is Carville and his wife.

Second would be Conway and Kellyanne, but the caveat there is 10+ years ago they were on the same team.

And then of course there are ones we never hear of at all, but there are a few that get whispered, Like Bill Maher and Ann Coulter: from what little I've seen of either of them she is the one influencing him.  I never took her seriously, the first time I saw her was about a month after 9/11 and she was saying something like "all swarthy men should be deported anyway, I mean like YUCK!"  I thought it was a comic bit, like Suzie Sorority of the Silent Majority from the old SNL.

Not long after the 2016 election Rachel Maddow had Kellyanne on her nightly show for the purpose lauding her for being the first woman campaign manager to get a president elected.  The following night Ms. M raged about how Kellyanne lied to her on air and she will never be on her show again; I heard her say this on air, but I don't recall reading it mentioned on the news sites.


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