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I don't know, but this morning my (Thai) boyfriend told me he read about it and said he thinks Australians must be very serious... and was on his best behaviour for the rest of the morning :o


Certainly not a topic that warrants any attempts at humour.

From what I can make out of the ThaiRath article the guys name was Paul Barlow aged 41 years.

Apparently there was an SMS on the girl's phone that was read and not liked. I'll leave the rest to the expert translators.

Sad and sorry story for all involved.


just spoke to my g/f

aussie guy 41 yr, new the girl for 12 months

she worked in a beer bar in patpong and had been in thai for 1 month,

he seen sms on her phone from french guy who wanted to marry her

he strangle her then hung himself

Oh My God! ha ha ha ha

Thaivisa Forum is NOT a place for such ill-placed comments. Do remember that search engines may pick up threads on this forum and loved ones may be reading... :o

Sincerest thoughts to all affected.


My sympathies to both victims and their families and friends. It's always sad to see such tragedy and loss.

Is there any news story in English anywhere?

its strange that the aussie press hasnt picked up on this double killing.

did it really happen ?

Certainly not a topic that warrants any attempts at humour.

From what I can make out of the ThaiRath article the guys name was Paul Barlow aged 41 years.

Apparently there was an SMS on the girl's phone that was read and not liked. I'll leave the rest to the expert translators.

Sad and sorry story for all involved.

That name does ring a bell.. translation when possible thanks.. sad! :o

Is there any news story in English anywhere?

if it doesnt happen in Phatthaya or Phooget, such stories rarely make it to the english-language press in the Kingdom....


O.K I will tell you the story translated from Thairat:

The Aussie Paul Barow, 41, had been rentting at the Plaza Hotel since July 4. His girlfriend, Saipin, 26, who was working as a beer bargirl at Patpong, both were staying in the room on 9th floor.

They had been together for a year before Paul was deported back to Aus. for salvage beating a tasxi driver, he was put behind jail for 3 months then was sent off to his home country.

During that time, Saipin met a new French guy - 'Tony'

Later on she met the 3rd guy, A French "Xvier" who wants to marry her and bring her back to France. But Saipin was torn between this two affairs.

Saipin 's mother know all about the two French guys since Saipin always seeked advises from her.

Then one day in early July, Paul suddenly showed up in BKK, she still loved him, so they set up a housekeeping in Plaza Hotel by renting a room by monthly. They always argued and had big fight giving her black and bruises all over her face and body, one night she had to seek refuge staying overnight at her friend's.

The next day on Aug 1, when she came back to their room, she found Paul slashed his wrist, it was quite bloody so she took him to hospital where doctor put some stitchs on it.

Aug. 2, police found Paul on the 8th floor, threaten to jump. Police talked him out of doing it.

According to police, Paul became jealously insane when Xvier sent Saipin sms message, asking her for marriage, he smashed her face on the hard object and strangled her. After that he hanged himself over the shower head.

They have been death 8-10 hrs. before the mother who was worried not getting an answere from her daughter's cell phone. She contacted hotel.


They sound like a lovely couple. .

Two people - both hopelessly ill-equipped and ill-disposed to having any kind of meaningful adult relationship - who come across each other with tragic consequences.

RIP and all that stuff, but jeez . . . . Bangkok certainly does attract some quality people, doesn't it?

I'm not sure why someone on this thread gave sympathy to the two victims. As far as I can make out there is a murder victim and a murderer. Sympathies to the former, indeed, not the latter.


It dosent pay to be a jealous type with a bg as a partner, and i would also advise bg sorts not to take up with violent men with suicidal /murderous tendancies, i cant help agreeing with bendix that bangkok and areas like pattaya do seem to attract these sorts,.


The fact that he'd been kicked out of Thailand already after serving three months for beating up a taxi driver tells me all I want to know about this guy.

And people wonder why Thailand is keen to tighten its immigration laws.


Sounds like a classic PD's R US story.

Sorry, if that sounds callous, but this was an accident waiting to happen.

O.K I will tell you the story translated from Thairat:

The Aussie Paul Barow, 41, had been rentting at the Plaza Hotel since July 4. His girlfriend, Saipin, 26, who was working as a beer bargirl at Patpong, both were staying in the room on 9th floor.

They had been together for a year before Paul was deported back to Aus. for salvage beating a tasxi driver, he was put behind jail for 3 months then was sent off to his home country.

During that time, Saipin met a new French guy - 'Tony'

Later on she met the 3rd guy, A French "Xvier" who wants to marry her and bring her back to France. But Saipin was torn between this two affairs.

Saipin 's mother know all about the two French guys since Saipin always seeked advises from her.

Then one day in early July, Paul suddenly showed up in BKK, she still loved him, so they set up a housekeeping in Plaza Hotel by renting a room by monthly. They always argued and had big fight giving her black and bruises all over her face and body, one night she had to seek refuge staying overnight at her friend's.

The next day on Aug 1, when she came back to their room, she found Paul slashed his wrist, it was quite bloody so she took him to hospital where doctor put some stitchs on it.

Aug. 2, police found Paul on the 8th floor, threaten to jump. Police talked him out of doing it.

According to police, Paul became jealously insane when Xvier sent Saipin sms message, asking her for marriage, he smashed her face on the hard object and strangled her. After that he hanged himself over the shower head.

They have been death 8-10 hrs. before the mother who was worried not getting an answere from her daughter's cell phone. She contacted hotel.

Thank you for your translation :D

Well what a tragic affair..

It sounds like he was destined to do something like this after the what he had already demonstrated days before.

How did he get back into Thailand after spending 3 months in Jail? I thought he would of been blacklisted?

many people have suffered because of this, which includes the french guy..

condolances to their families. :o


It certainly is very sad for the victim and her family. The murderer was certainly a violent and disturbed man. I think all big cities attract these types, and Pattaya is an enigma.

It dosent pay to be a jealous type with a bg as a partner, and i would also advise bg sorts not to take up with violent men with suicidal /murderous tendancies, i cant help agreeing with bendix that bangkok and areas like pattaya do seem to attract these sorts,.

Very sad but from another angle it shows the efficiency of the Thai Immigration for all its computers and data bases etc.

A ratbag belts the hel_l out of a poor Thai taxi driver, does 3 months in the clink, gets deported BUT then gets access by some Visa method to return and kill a poor unfortunate Thai b/g


I don't mean to imply that the BG deserved what happened in any way....but I wonder.....with all the signs which were there if the media report is factual, were her options so limited as to need to stay with this guy ?

If that is the case this is truly tragic for the BG and others like her who feel they have no option but to endure the same treatment. I have no doubt that nightly there are scores of BGs having the cr_p beaten out of them by guys like this, but for one reason or another feel powerless to escape.

These guys are the same ones that we drink with in bars all over Thailand, yet the guy we talk to in the bar is always a "nice guy". Maybe we should all be looking a little harder at some of our friends. Guys like this aren't hiding under rocks. We'd hate it to be one of our young ladies who ends up paying with her life.

They sound like a lovely couple. .

Two people - both hopelessly ill-equipped and ill-disposed to having any kind of meaningful adult relationship - who come across each other with tragic consequences.

RIP and all that stuff, but jeez . . . . Bangkok certainly does attract some quality people, doesn't it?

I'm not sure why someone on this thread gave sympathy to the two victims. As far as I can make out there is a murder victim and a murderer. Sympathies to the former, indeed, not the latter.

I'm not sure if I would waste my time on sympathy for either. I would bet that all the while she was swearing her undying love for Mr. Paul. (whilst all the while furthering her financial ambitions)

People who play with fire are sure to get fingers burnt.

I don't condone the strangling of someone but people need to understand the consequences of <deleted> with someones emotions, period.

its happened before, and it'll happen again.. Why bother discussing it?
It is a bit a like that isnt it, as we are discussing this one another victim will be building his gallows in pattaya or similar,.

Thank you for your translation :o

Well what a tragic affair..

It sounds like he was destined to do something like this after the what he had already demonstrated days before.

How did he get back into Thailand after spending 3 months in Jail? I thought he would of been blacklisted?

many people have suffered because of this, which includes the french guy..

condolances to their families.


Please doon't mention it. The pleasure is on me.

Sorry for some mistyped, I have to rush out for a dinner date.

Anyway, while reading Thairat, I couldn't help but thinking wonder about this Thai girl -Saipin ; why she went back to him after many misfits incidents that the Aussie guy had showed how violent and crazy he was ? ? ?

Seconly, how he was able to come back into TL again after he was deported to Australia ? ? ?

I assume he must had quite money to bribe the immigration guys to buy his way around and to buy her love ? ? ?



Aussie Thai Sid and Nancy...sounds like the Aussie guy had a red flag... beating a taxi guy..well some taxi drivers can be rude but for the most part we get around pretty well here for a good price so they cant be making all that much money, give 'em a break (no pun intended)...the thai girl (a good juggler) returned to this romance under aspicious cirumtances why? Could she not see the red flag?

She may have been a lovely girl (and alot of love to go around) and an opportunist understandable in a reality of little opportunities

to get out of poverty. Certainly her love was intrinsic and i salute that (the guy musta been handsome)... I chalk it up to "shit happens"...

existentialism dictates that we humans are responsible for our fate and mistakes like this are an example of bad choices. I tend to see this as a microcasum to what we are doing to the whole planet.


Some people might like to know HOW he managed to slip back into LOS after he was put on the immigration's blacklist.

Well, he died with his know- how. So you're out of luck.


The easiest way to get back (if indeed they actually check, which is somewhat doubtful), is to change your name. This can easily be done by either adding or deleting your middle name. Get a new passport and your back in.

The other method is to use a land crossing, which often aren't as efficient at checking names as the airports.

By the way, I offered my condolences to the friends and familes of the victims--and I perceive both of them as victims. Regardless of whether one was the perpetrator of an injustice or not, he no doubt has friends, family, co-workers and others who will experience a great deal of pain over this incident.

A ratbag belts the hel_l out of a poor Thai taxi driver,

Yes, it's 99% of the cases it's the taxi driver beating the hel_l out of the foreigner.

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