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Farang Runing A Business In Thailand

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It seems they now are making things more difficult for small businesses. They really only want large blue collar employing factories or technology transfer (to them). You must now employ 4 Thais minimum and the investment visa is gone.

Is that valid for any business that you have to employ 4 Thais as minimum?? That make it somewhat impossible to start small (ie. alone) and grow big.

I am (maybe was) thinking about starting a solid web development company here, I have 10 years experience from own company in europe.

If true, then wonder how much the minimum wage is?

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If you are thinking of kicking off a web development business I think you might want to consider India as an investment destination. Some states will give you free land to build your facility. In some places thousands of graduates will apply for a job. It is also cheaper to hire people.

People in India will be pleased to meet you and you will get respect as a foreigner. You can get an investors visa from your local Indian consulate with a minimum of hassle.

Edited by nemo38
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