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Stranded In Cambodia

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I have always thought the Thai immigration officials at Poipet have been more friendly than at most checkpoints. Last time on re-entering Thailand i even got a smile from the lovely girl who stamped my passport:)

Btw , if these guys did get stranded in Poipet, it would not be hard to walk back into Thailand without a stamp anyways .Regardless of the consequenes, better than being stuck in a frontier hole like Poipet .

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i guess you werent doing your job for the 'clients' very well sunbelt.

anyone in this sit has to be an absolute moron -still doing these 30 day visa runs. the hassle is honestly deserved.

livinlos - yes, you are LAZY. heres the minimum effort you cant seem to muster:

taxi to hualampong

ac train to penang

rickshaw to chulia

hand passport to visa shoppe

wait two days (1-3)


*you dont even have to walk!

thats pretty pathetic! penang even has all mod cons if you 'need' them. what is so spectacluar in thailand that you cant tear yourself away for a few days?

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i guess you werent doing your job for the 'clients' very well sunbelt.

anyone in this sit has to be an absolute moron -still doing these 30 day visa runs. the hassle is honestly deserved.

livinlos - yes, you are LAZY. heres the minimum effort you cant seem to muster:

taxi to hualampong

ac train to penang

rickshaw to chulia

hand passport to visa shoppe

wait two days (1-3)


*you dont even have to walk!

thats pretty pathetic! penang even has all mod cons if you 'need' them. what is so spectacluar in thailand that you cant tear yourself away for a few days?

Easy if you can walk on water. The train ends at Butterworth. :o

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(monkgonemad @ Sun 2004-07-18, 07:05:18)

i guess you werent doing your job for the 'clients' very well sunbelt.

anyone in this sit has to be an absolute moron -still doing these 30 day visa runs. the hassle is honestly deserved.

livinlos - yes, you are LAZY. heres the minimum effort you cant seem to muster:

taxi to hualampong

ac train to penang

rickshaw to chulia

hand passport to visa shoppe

wait two days (1-3)


*you dont even have to walk!

thats pretty pathetic! penang even has all mod cons if you 'need' them. what is so spectacluar in thailand that you cant tear yourself away for a few days? 

Easy if you can walk on water. The train ends at Butterworth. 

How 'bout Air Asia? A far better option.

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Hmmmm, many of you have forgotten, the Thai Immigrations have previously warned in advance that they are going to clamp down on these 30 day deals.

It means just that and period. If ones wants to stay longer file and get the proper visas.

In fact since Immigration has previously warned us of this taking place, they have given us plenty of time to comply. Now you have what 3 padres out in Cambodia and I read here they should be given mercy. Forget it. Done.

Thai Immigrations is right on what they did Sunbelt.


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POINT of this message (I think) is they still dont really give a flying one about the back to backs..............ENJOY  but be carefull 

maybe you should have taken your new passport to thai immigration and had your current entry status transferred over.

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POINT of this message (I think) is they still dont really give a flying one about the back to backs..............ENJOY  but be carefull 

maybe you should have taken your new passport to thai immigration and had your current entry status transferred over.

I suspect ole Kangaroo is a sandwich short of a picnic Huski.

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I have always thought the Thai immigration officials at Poipet have been more friendly than at most checkpoints. Last time on re-entering Thailand i even got a smile from the lovely girl who stamped my passport:)

Btw , if these guys did get stranded in Poipet, it would not be hard to walk back into Thailand without a stamp anyways .Regardless of the consequenes, better than being stuck in a frontier hole like Poipet .

Then it is illegal entry plus other charges and definite bang up and deportation.

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Btw , if these guys did get stranded in Poipet, it would not be hard to walk back into Thailand without a stamp anyways .Regardless of the consequenes, better than being stuck in a frontier hole like Poipet .

Next time you happen to be nr the Thai Immi post at the frontier , take a good look around you.

See the guys in straw hats and (new) teatowels wrapped around their faces, looking like Cambo workers, they are plainclothes Customs and Immi officers, and what appears to be some touts or hangers on, they too are officers of both depts.

Good luck, you will need it, if stupid enough to try that scheme :o

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Hmmmm, many of you have forgotten, the Thai Immigrations have previously warned in advance that they are going to clamp down on these 30 day deals.

It means just that and period.  If ones wants to stay longer file and get the proper visas.


Aah that life were so simple. We're not all in the same boat. Just maybe some forum members cannot meet the requirements for a "proper visa" yet have bona fide, non-criminal reasons, for wanting to stay on here because they have no other realistic option.

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I have always thought the Thai immigration officials at Poipet have been more friendly than at most checkpoints. Last time on re-entering Thailand i even got a smile from the lovely girl who stamped my passport:)

Btw , if these guys did get stranded in Poipet, it would not be hard to walk back into Thailand without a stamp anyways .Regardless of the consequenes, better than being stuck in a frontier hole like Poipet .

Specifically how are these dudes supposed to enter Thailand stamp free? That's a good one. Then when they leave the next time, how to explain no prior entry stamp. This sounds completely insane to me

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OK, its currently 10.45pm and I am feeling the warmth of my Thai beer bottle spreading throughout my body :-) feeling this is well deserved after just returning from yet another 30 day Poipet visa run.

Anyway why I am writing this is because today I was a little nervous doing the run because of all the gossip that has been flying around lately.However I felt confident with my brand spanking new UK passport (issued this week) in hand and thought I would sail through the border. Last time I used Poipet they had to fit the exit stamp almost over another one because there was absolutely no space left in my pport, and most of them were BKK-Poipet runs.

But today when I showed them my new pport they asked me where the last one was to which I replied "it is finished and is not with me". The woman at the ALIEN ENTRY desk simply threw it back at me and said she would not let me through without her boss interviewing me !!!! :o Yes I was bricking it by this point as in around 2 years of living here NOTHING like this has ever happened so you can guess what I was thinking. Anyway her boss walks over to me and asks me to follow him to the office (the exit booth office, Poipet) while he runs a check on me. I stand there to watching a Thai soap opera in this office for about 15 mins before he comes back -with another officer. They had a sheet with a computer printout of every crossing I have made in & out of Thailand. I was asked to take a seat. I took a seat and just looked at the officer, then at the sheet and thought F####.

He asks me a few questions about my old pport which I tell him, grills me about amI working in Thailand etc etc which I say no. He then asks me why have I been here so long. I laugh and say "extended holiday". Fortunately he laughs also, charges me 20 baht for his time and escorts me out of Thailand personally!!!!


After that it was just the usual procedure. I dont know if this was just a bit of bad luck on my behalf but it I didnt enjoy my day so muh , lets put it that way. Anyway my typing is getting a bit sloppy as I am a few beers ahead of when I started this so I will finish.

POINT of this message (I think) is they still dont really give a flying one about the back to backs..............ENJOY :D but be carefull :D


Yes Captain, they love to run those printouts. They did that to me in PP. It's no big deal really. The guy in PP was actually trying to help me get a non imm visa but he was confused as to actual requirements. He seemed to think that an under 50, unmarried farang could get a non imm with same req's as a retiree. That was a top official at the PP embassy. I guess he needs to brush up on his facts.

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Have never had problrm with Thai immigration on these runs its the Cambo immigration that i am referring too,(all Scams) :o

Could have been a scam or a legitimate check due to a new passport without old one in hand. They need to make sure the guy doesn't owe any overstay cash and is in fact legal

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"QUOTE]i guess you werent doing your job for the 'clients' very well sunbelt.[

monkgonemad: Can you read? They were NOT our clients. A guy came into our office and said he was interested in getting legal because three of his friends were stranded in Cambodia and was now worried. Actually he is not our client, gather some info and promised to be back next week. So call him a prospective client.

So who knows if his story of three friends was true. No reason for him to lie so surmise it was correct and hence why I reported it.

But one thing is true, you can't start blaming us cause three guys did a 30 day entry. Lol. Madness! I surmise we never met these three guys( I don't know their names) but they sure didn't get advice from our lawyers to do 30 day visa runs.

By the way, a guy called us about a week. Had been here illegal for two years without leaving the country. His company is doing well versus several years ago it was not. Ask our lawyers, what he should do? The advice was to fly out asap. Get legal by paying the fine of 20,000 Baht at the airport.

Came into our office several days ago to personally say thank you. He stated that he left that same day last week and was only was asked at the airport overstay desk" How much did he think he should pay as a fine?" He responded " 20,000? " and the officer said ok. Not sure what that was all about why he was asked the amount of the fine? However, he flew back in the next day with no problem.


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I think my comments about entering Thailand stamp free were put in the wrong context.Of course i think it would be stupid to try it. But, walking back to Thailand , the security seems pretty lax. I didn't think about undercover officials.

Anyways,i was just thinking what would happen if u were stuck in Cambodia and relying on ATM's . From what i have heard they are pretty scant :o

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I have been a lurker on this board for a very long time now, but after reading this particular thread i felt that I must comment.

I have more than 14 re-entries through Aranyapratet and have never had a problem, occasionally the officers at the Thai re-entry booths look at my previous stamps, but not usually.

My last entry was yesterday and no problems again.

A month ago I was told by a very releiable source that this was the main gossip floating around Pattaya, so I specifically asked the officer this question "is there any limit as to the number of back to back re-entries one can make" her answer was emphatiically no.

As far as checking vehicles prior to reaching the border , this has been going on ever since the Anti-thailand fracass occurred last year in cambodia, i have been subject to a couple of these, I also asked the question "why" to the police that stopped me and was givin the the answer " we are looking for cambodians, Burmese, lao and people with dark skin".

Indeed this hasn't ben limited to just the border approaches, earlier this year they were stopping buses from Bangkok arriving at pattaya doing the same checks.

i think that because such a large percentage of us rely on the 30day runs this has developed very much into a very beleivable URBAN MYTH.

I have one question though - why is ANYONE depending on a 30 day run? EVERYONE can get at least a regular tourist visa (60 days) at Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos or whereever. I mean, it would bore me to have to make a visa run every 30 days.

About the vehivle checks, sure, they might be looking for other illegal immigrants then farangs, but do you believe that if they find a farang with an expired visa the will say "######, you have white skin, just have a nice day and please do not overstay again"? I posted this just in case that someone with an expired Visa plans to go to the Aranyaprathet checkpoint. I am not a regular with visa runs as I do not need them, so i didn't kmow if these checks are unusual or not, i just realized that out of 5 cars who passed during i was checked, 3 where stopped (all with farangs either driving it or in the passenger seat).

Another question and maybe someone here can answer it:

I just applied for my permanent resident status, i asked a view question at the immigration HQ and one answer was that I still need a yearly reentry stamp if i want to leave the country, is that true? And has anyone experience as to how much faster it gets with the Permanent Resident Status to get your work permit?



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On 23 June I made a visa run to Vientiane, Laos, with friend. He was told that to get any future entries he would have to bring proof of bank account or retirement income. They did go ahead and give him his 90 day non-immigrant visa, but made it very clear that he was not to return to their station with out required documentation. She also stated that she wanted the original Bank book and not a copy.

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On 23 June I made a visa run to Vientiane, Laos, with friend. He was told that to get any future entries he would have to bring proof of bank account or retirement income. They did go ahead and give him his 90 day non-immigrant visa, but made it very clear that he was not to return to their station with out required documentation. She also stated that she wanted the original Bank book and not a copy.

He was super lucky to get the visa without full requirements in hand at the time of application.

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30 day visa at Popiet for Thailand

I have gone back to back 30 day visas to Popiet for at least 10 times. I am now booked to go again through a company here in Pattaya. The clerk has reassured me several times over the past week that there have been no problems for the30 day back to back visas. They must do several hundred visa runs a week. I am sure alot of them are back to back.

These visa companys see no end in sight.

The new computers may be the only change that visa run falangs are seeing. If you have alot of stamps in your passport they may want to check your stamps against what they have in the computer. If they stall while you are being processed then maybe the computer is SLOW. They are waiting fori nfo before clearing you.

If you arewaiting in line with your friends and seem to be having TOO good of a time laughing and causing a scene then maybe they want you to be more serious. They could give you special treatment. Then there are the countrys they give special precautions to process. Be reserved when you go for a visa stamp andact like they are doing you a favor. They are in charge.

As for why would a person go every month for a 30 day visa:

Leave 7:15 AM return 5:45PM

Sometimes meet interesting people

Not that expensive 2000-2500B per trip all

Do not have to stay over night

Do not have any extra requirements for visa


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I just applied for my permanent resident status, i asked a view question at the immigration HQ and one answer was that I still need a yearly reentry stamp if i want to leave the country, is that true? And has anyone experience as to how much faster it gets with the Permanent Resident Status to get your work permit?



You need the reentry permission every time you leave Thailand. Did you really think they would process your work permit faster when resident?

I find the latter quite an issue in Thailand, after changing jobs the work permit will be cancelled and one has to leave the country in seven days. The labor department then may need up to three months to process the new WP.

Good luck with your PR application


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Anyways,i was  just  thinking  what  would happen if u were  stuck in Cambodia and relying  on ATM's  . From what  i have  heard they  are  pretty  scant  :o

there is only 1 atm in pp and it only accepts the local bank's card...however, you can get a cash advance from a visa or mastercard upstairs at the bank. another note that many may already know is cambodia prefers US dollars, but if there is the slightest imperfect or tear any where on the bill it can not be used in that country. so if coming from thailand and going from baht to dollars check those bills at the exchange carefully before you leave.

I have one question though - why is ANYONE depending on a 30 day run? EVERYONE can get at least a regular tourist visa (60 days) at Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos or whereever. I mean, it would bore me to have to make a visa run every 30 days.

i agree...however, some prefer the monthly agonizing bus rides just to get the bare min it seems.

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Could always open a Cambodian bank account. :D and save time looking for ATMs.money changers or dodgy wot-its

I have had one wth the CAMPU Bank (in $greenbacks) since my time with UNTAC over 10 years now and no prob.with transfers etc. (its part of a Malaysian Setup)and also its much easier for non Khmer nationals to do business there.

Bank Krungthrep,and Thai Farmers used to provide full services but transfers from Bangers to P.P.were not permitted/revolked by Hun Sens Sunshine boys.

Also they..the Thai banks as "felangs"-he-he had to have a min holding of I seem to remember of $1-5 million bucks in the said local shops which gave them a heart attack.....and...pop gun mai. :o

Not been over for some time but good to know that ATMs are working.(even just the one)

Candida Bank H.Es own(opposite Campu)had the first but there were no sparks available to wire it up :D:D

FIO..$ are preferred but you can change £-Euros without any real hassle but they gotta be in good condition.

Also $100 bills will give the average Khmer a sore head so stick to nice new 1-5-10-20.

Motodops will be happy with the local cabbage (riels) which has been as high as 6000 to the $ :D

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Immigration in the past has always warned travelers if they will not be welcome back and if not welcome back would normally allow a short 5-10 day period to arrange outbound travel.

Yes, the impression is given that Thai immigration policy and/or the officers of the Thai Immigration Police are a kind of shopkeepers changing attitude as the weather changes.

I don't like this at all. In the twenty years that I have been using their services I can only say that they allways have been correct and following the rules they have to confirm to. I have nothing than praise for the individual officers, they allways helped as much as they could by giving good information and allways showed a friendly attitude.

I think that foreigners living here should show a little bit more respect to Thai regulations and to the officers who enforce them. The officers I met have allways been representing the friendliness which is so typical for the human nature of the Thai people. I wished that any Thai would be met with the same approach by American immigration officials, but what I heard about it points in another direction.

I trust Thailand more than I trust some of the 'western countries'.

So dear Mr. Walker, don't worry! Thailand is a good country with a great culture, kept up by lovely people.

A story about three not further described individuals, who according to rumours not are allowed into Thailand, should not be something to make you uncertain. Maybe they were wearing arms or propagandistic materials. Maybe they were very rude people, who gave the impression to be criminals. Maybe there passports were running out of time (you need at least a six months value passport to enter). We don't know why they were refused and it would be ridiculous to place ourselves on the chairs of the officers of Thai Immigration Police who made the decision.

Long live Thailand!

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i realise that some on this forum might find the idea of going to the border for a 30 day stamp " boring " or "stupid" but dont forget there are MANY reasons for someone choosing this option . as for the "get a real visa " argument , what if i already have one ? and am choosing to go for a 30 day because it will save me 800-900 baht (as opposed to extension ). some posters on this forum forget that to some of us 800-900 baht saved is worth the "day out ". but then there are many people who cant understand why somebody would take a bus with ordinary thai people instead of flying out for their visa . some people have more money than sense ,some are arrogant ,and some people have no choice (dont qualify for whatever reason ) my point is there are many farang here and for many reasons , and we all have DIFFERENT SITUATIONS .

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Immigration in the past has always warned travelers if they will not be welcome back and if not welcome back would normally allow a short 5-10 day period to arrange outbound travel.

Yes, the impression is given that Thai immigration policy and/or the officers of the Thai Immigration Police are a kind of shopkeepers changing attitude as the weather changes.

I don't like this at all. In the twenty years that I have been using their services I can only say that they allways have been correct and following the rules they have to confirm to. I have nothing than praise for the individual officers, they allways helped as much as they could by giving good information and allways showed a friendly attitude.

I think that foreigners living here should show a little bit more respect to Thai regulations and to the officers who enforce them. The officers I met have allways been representing the friendliness which is so typical for the human nature of the Thai people. I wished that any Thai would be met with the same approach by American immigration officials, but what I heard about it points in another direction.

I trust Thailand more than I trust some of the 'western countries'.

So dear Mr. Walker, don't worry! Thailand is a good country with a great culture, kept up by lovely people.

A story about three not further described individuals, who according to rumours not are allowed into Thailand, should not be something to make you uncertain. Maybe they were wearing arms or propagandistic materials. Maybe they were very rude people, who gave the impression to be criminals. Maybe there passports were running out of time (you need at least a six months value passport to enter). We don't know why they were refused and it would be ridiculous to place ourselves on the chairs of the officers of Thai Immigration Police who made the decision.

Long live Thailand!

Limbo, I fully agree with you. :D

another thing I can't understand is why anyone who have been living in Thailand for years would need to go on 30 days runs! If anyone stays here for years, there have to be a reason for that, why not get a workpermit if working, or just show money from abroad if not working here. What ever is the case, one needs to have/make money to be staying here, so there should for sure be a legal way for thoose who want! Let me put it in a nother way, if you have something to offer Thailand, Thailand will have something to offer you! Thailand doesn't need any homeless beggers, there is plenty of people to feed here already. :o

In my branch (diving), there is still loads of instructors and divemasters working illigaly to take customers away from the once witch try to be legal. I really hope that Thailand will trough them all out, so the once that stays here legaly can compete in a fair and realistic way!


Ban thale

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ban thale ,simply bringing funds from overseas does not exempt somebody from needing a visa !!, it may justify the stay , but still requires leaving the country (whether for a visa from thai embassy or just to the border for a 30 day entry )

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i realise that some on this forum might find the idea of going to the border for a 30 day stamp " boring " or "stupid" but dont forget there are MANY reasons for someone choosing this option .  . . . . . . some people have more money than sense ,some are arrogant ,and some people have no choice (dont qualify for whatever reason ) my point is there are many farang here and  for many reasons , and we all have  DIFFERENT SITUATIONS.

Amen, brother possum.

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[Long live Thailand!

Thailand doesn't need any homeless beggers, there is plenty of people to feed here already. :o

WOW! Good to know! I'm a homeless beggar because I don't have 400,000 THB that I can transfer! I am going back to Thailand because of my girlfriend and baby. I am by no means a homeless beggar. I am not a criminal, cheat or liar. In fact, I am well educated work very hard at my chosen profession, which happens to be very very illegal for farang in Thailand. I am a musician. I play and teach the drums in the US. I am good at it, and I even write instruction books on it. It just doesn't pay a heck of a lot. I do it because I love it.

**And now, I am going to have to give up doing something that I have worked very hard my whole life at because I am only a homeless beggar! **

Untill I can get everything in place to leave, that is. D*** shame.

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