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(My friends would like to read the posts Do's and Don'ts would be appreciated)  Thanks

Chok Dee

You mean you are asking -_-:D:(:D

Yeah I am asking for my friends :o ###### why is it that there has to be an underlining reason for things huh whattado?? I showed them pictures of my wife and they are curious how i meet her see if they can do the same

But if you are realy asking on your friends behalfs why would you need to show them a photo of your wife? surly there have met her being your freinds?

Its ok dont worry its like a similar thread you started but at the end of the day its you that requires the info along with other threads you started,just dont give your wife access to the forum and your safe :):D:):D

Listen whattado I am not in LOS I am in US my wife is waiting for her visa Why is it bad to help out some friends who are interested in going to thailand. They were impressed with what i have told them i started this thread to see if some people had the same experiences I am getting tired of posting threads that I get no answer and when i do it is not what i wanted maybe i should leave all you farangs to your second adopted country.

If that truly be the case,Why don't you just tell them what you did,it seemed to work for you and you can prove it if she ever gets there. :wub:

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maybe i should get my head examined  because all i learned was about bargirls  how to com-  never mind  see ya  around  no farang in here gives a ###### about a thai's questioning or opinions

But it was you that started yet another bar lady thread :o

it's not ok for me to do so? but gentleman scamp can?? THANKS

Are you sure that you are not the SCAMP?

You have only been here a week and have started a shitload of threads. Sounds kinda SCAMPY to me.

maybe i should get my head examined  because all i learned was about bargirls  how to com-  never mind  see ya  around   no farang in here gives a ###### about a thai's questioning or opinions

But it was you that started yet another bar lady thread :o

it's not ok for me to do so? but gentleman scamp can?? THANKS

Are you sure that you are not the SCAMP?

You have only been here a week and have started a shitload of threads. Sounds kinda SCAMPY to me.


Are you sure that you are not the SCAMP?

You have only been here a week and have started a shitload of threads. Sounds kinda SCAMPY to me.

I'm not sure.

I mean 100% sure.

Does not matter.

I think,....


Strange how this thread developed from a question, perhaps not worded in the best possible way, to a bash-the-Debaryman kind of thing.

I think this forum is lucky to have Thais and Thai-Americans to add to the multitude of opinions here.

When I first came to Thailand, I was full of naive questions as well, not because I was trolling, but because I lacked the experience.

It would be interesting to know how Debaryman met his Thai wifes ,though, he must have some knowledge about Thai women and culture?

It would be interesting to know how Debaryman met his Thai wifes ,though, he must have some knowledge about Thai women and culture?

He should have some knowledge, He is half Thai and his mother is Thai, maybe he didn't ever talk to her tho, and his wife is Thai.

Could it be that he does not speak Thai and they do not speak english?


OK People I do have knowledge and I just wanted to start a thread to get others opinions or experiences I am only one person I have told my two friends about all I can Maybe Just Maybe I thought it would help to see some other experiences? I am not going to Lie I have been writing to stroll and telling him about what is going on I understand this ia an expat forum But if u don't want thai opinion or experiences it should be outright stated. True?

I was denied posting permission for a little while I just read a thread about bedding thai girls and a poll added to it. :o I was informed when i received my permission back to read the forum guidelines I did I saw on that bedding post Dirty language It says on the guidelines not to use language of this type.

Maybe I am talking to a wall



you are not thai,u are only half,u have spent most of your life in the states,so u should be more yank than thai,your english gets better with each reply,why do u feel u can offer a thais opinion :o


I am Thai Sir Grew up in a Thai Home My Friends are Farang I have told them what i could I guess Myfriendu like to continue to bash people I am not gentelmen scamp If you ask him and I am sure you will He will tell you no that he has not written these posts

I have been a member of this forum for almost a month not a week. But it's ok Not for any longer

Thanks stroll

Strange how this thread developed from a question, perhaps not worded in the best possible way, to a bash-the-Debaryman kind of thing.

I think this forum is lucky to have Thais and Thai-Americans to add to the multitude of opinions here.

When I first came to Thailand, I was full of naive questions as well, not because I was trolling, but because I lacked the experience.

It would be interesting to know how Debaryman met his Thai wifes ,though, he must have some knowledge about Thai women and culture?

Stroll I met my wife through a friend of my mother and we wrote to each other and then I flew to thailand to meet her. After I left she started taking english lessons she also had her father that spoke english. He learned from The Americans that were stationed there( udon thani) during the vietnam war She learned better and better we grew to know each other and fell in love I went in 2002 to marry her I hate to say this because I am not a racist Her Father was glad his exact words "I am glad you are thai and not white farang" MyfriendU even he said i was "THAI"

thanks stroll your answer is above sir



I grew up with some "americans" that hated me Why? Because I didn't have white skin or round eyes a bunch of them wanted to beat me up Funny thing is a black man stopped them They have been persecuted also here is the US. But I forgave them all I didn't hold a grudge and go find them and kill them or beat them up as they almost did to me. Now I have friends that are coming to me to introduce them to an asian girl I have been asking myself Why? I read a very digusting thread well in my opinion about bedding thai women

It's from a man from the US or so he says Am I the only one who finds this digusting? Is that what makes a man how many women he can SHAGG My friends are american also I am going to help them Maybe they can find some happiness. I hope they do. I knew one girl she was Thai Married an american man Thought the world of him I don't know about thai men from thailand at all How they treat the women. I have heard some stories. But back to this Thai girl She was beautiful woman The american man ended up marrying her brought her back to the states Living happily ever after I guess

Until the one day she came to my parent's house Bloody nose and all. He hit her I almost went ballistic but my dad calmed me down. These two men are my friends but i don't know what they do behind close doors. I hope they are not the same. But i'll help them best i can that is why i started this thread. But I got slammed and for what I don't know maybe to make some people happy. I don't live in the LOS I am thinking about it someday I will. I have been questioned about my english also Why? isn't this thread to get people's opinions and then comment on them? I thought it was

Stroll told me that thai people have come here to voice their opinion's on the forum and some were slammed and didn't come back. I know this is an expat forum but all you expats remember were you live :o


If you do not know what these dudes will do then you should let them find their own women,you pimp for them and they get the women and beat ###### out of them,then what..

Every American male knows the action in Thailand,all he has to do is read a few magazines.

From what you say,you do not,so how you gonna help them? By passing on second hand info. to be fact.

You said you read about bedding Thai women,I think I saw the heading for the thread so will go back and read it. and why don't you pass that on to your buddies,that what they are coming to Thailand for.

The one's that come now are mostly sex tourists, got a woodie to soak in some vaginal fluids and go home and brag about it to their friends.Or come here to bugger a fag or get buggered.

They do not come here young on jobs or R&R anymore,learn about the country and the people,learn to like things here,then come back to live when financially able,shit no,they want to come here,live on nothing and,fuk their brains out and bitch about things they can not change,or change the things they can,or even know the difference.

So my advice to you is don't worry about the guys that used to beat you up,just cause you pimp for em doesn"t mean they ain't gonna beat you up no more, And it sounds like you do not know what you are doing anyway,so leave well enough alone instead of passing on secondhand info.and them guys getting the wrong info and coming back and kickin your ass again.

Kevin---your true friend in Thailand


You did leave yourself open DEBARYMAN101 But you also deserve an honest reply to your original question. :o

I would like positive opinions on this thread I live in the US and some friends are asking for answers to this topic they (My friends would like to read the posts Do's and Don'ts would be appreciated) Thanks

Chok Dee

I can only speak from my own experiences and what I have been told personally face to face by other members of this forum. :D

Thai girls seem to come in two forms Bar girls and nice respectable girls there is an in between in the last the meal ticket.

Having talked to various friends of mine here in Ireland they were horrified that I would even consider marrying a Thai girl most had holidayed in Thailand and had seen first hand what various hot spots were like. My first impressions were the same also. Until I meet my future wife. After realizing that this girl was not looking for a meal ticket but for an honest man who would take care of her. As any husband would do. I have just returned from LOS and had the most wonderful experience in my life and I am not talking about sexual I am talking about being happy. Life I have learned is very short and we get but one chance to live it .Some here are living out there sexual fantasies and more power to them, if that is what they want.

Are they happy with there lot it is all up to the individual.

I have lived and worked in many countries in this world and have meet many nationalities. My elation on tasting Thai culture was a life experience that I retain in my heart and soul. Yes, I fell in love with this girl and Thailand. I am not ashamed to admit this because it has made me personally very happy.

Tell your friends to look first on the internet there are many nice Thai girls looking for farang husbands.

One word of warning employ a private detective. It does not cost that much to do. Address, passport no, bank account no, is all you need and photo, this will put your friends minds at rest that they are doing the right thing.

I hope this has helped somewhat In answering some if not all your queries.


I am not going to ask how or why or what you mean about leaving yourself open I thank you and appreciate your answer one of the few answers to the question but i am in the wrong forum this an EXPAT FORUM and i should have realised that and that was my mistake

chok dee


I am not going to ask how or why or what you mean about leaving yourself open I thank you and appreciate your answer one of the few answers to the question but i am in the wrong forum this an EXPAT FORUM and i should have realised that and that was my mistake

chok dee


No you are not in the wrong forum chok there are just a lot of piss takers here that would seem to have little better to do except take the piss and drift away from the thread and question. :o hideing guys :D

Tell your friends to look first on the internet there are many nice Thai girls looking for farang husbands.

One word of warning employ a private detective. It does not cost that much to do. Address, passport no, bank account no, is all you need and photo, this will put your friends minds at rest that they are doing the right thing.

I hope this has helped somewhat In answering some if not all your queries.

I have seen some websights and I have shown them the websites These two men know about the sex industry side of bangkok and they do not want to be involved with that.

They saw your post about the private detective and they are asking why?? Is this beacuse some girls were former bargirls Is that what you want them to make sure of and avoid? Please tell me why they need to do this :o




Tell your friends to look first on the internet there are many nice Thai girls looking for farang husbands.

One word of warning employ a private detective. It does not cost that much to do. Address, passport no, bank account no, is all you need and photo, this will put your friends minds at rest that they are doing the right thing.

I hope this has helped somewhat In answering some if not all your queries.

I have seen some websights and I have shown them the websites These two men know about the sex industry side of bangkok and they do not want to be involved with that.

They saw your post about the private detective and they are asking why?? Is this beacuse some girls were former bargirls Is that what you want them to make sure of and avoid? Please tell me why they need to do this :o



Please follow these links it will answer you question. i quote: thai people are a beautiful race there is beauty and there is darkness in every race.



I would like possitive opinions on this thread I live in the US and some friends are asking for answers to this topic They (My friends would like to read the posts Do's and Don'ts would be appreciated) Thanks

Chok Dee

if the chemistry is right you can meet the right girl anywhere , its the same all over the world .its the numbers game .


Hey Bizz,

Your story sounds inspiring. Care to fill in some details? Did you bring your wife back to Ireland with you or is she in LOS waiting for a visa? Or are you emigrating to Thailand to be with her? And in line with the thread title, how did you meet her? Care to share? Just (seriously) curious. :o


To andyinkat

Here goes

Meet her on Thai love-links she approached me I had over 60 replies after 2 weeks most were in the age group 19-26 which I taught were a bit young considering I am 50.Still handsome I have been told. Legally separated and two grown up kids one boy 26 and daughter 26 both have there own properties with daddy’s help. Both have good jobs.

Back to GF She at first rejected me. As I am not divorced yet 4 years in Ireland

Well it transpired that this girl had spirit and was willing to stick up for herself, her age was 28then now 29. We progressed to yahoo messenger and as time went by, I realized that this girl was intelligent bright charming caring and had a good heart. Slowly my feelings changed for her and I knew that I had to see her so I packed my bags and headed over to Los to meet her. When I first meet her my heart slipped a beat, I knew that this girl was what I had imagined in my heart and in my soul. What my exact words were I do not need a woman to walk behind me I need a woman to walk beside me. Some farangs might find this comment strange.

It is hard to imagine for some farangs that not all these girls have sexual experience or are sexually active so my stay with her was purely a non-sexual event “no twit comments please” this I accepted. My impression of Thai girls, from what I had previously heard was bar girls and as I now know this is not the case. It is unfortunate that this exists in Thailand but this sad tale is played out a million times over in Thailand every year.” my view and my view alone”

I had a fair idea about dowry and Buddha wedding before I went over, having searched the internet for information regarding Thai customs. Yes, I fell in love with this girl and dream now of having her in my arms again these feelings are quite normal. She cried for two days before I left and I knew at this time that I was going to return to marry her.

What have I got to lose and everything to gain. Life is so short. She may not be the most beautiful girl in Thailand, but she has a good heart and is still a stunner and I love her and she makes me happy.

She is in Thailand now. I am in Ireland; I have a business in Ireland and property.

I also saw while I was in Thailand many opportunities for my business and future business ventures I was lucky I kept my eyes open. Now I am looking at ways of importing goods into Ireland “help needed here” and maybe investing in property in Thailand as I see this as a more practical way of achieving my long-term goals and of providing a decent future for any kids we may have.

Now I am applying for a non-immigrant visa with multiple entry’s as I will be sourcing out goods soon when I go over. I will marry this girl and rent an apt or condominium in the interim, not wanting to rush into things as I will also buy land and build a house. Seeing myself now travelling between Ireland and Thailand 3-4 times a year as soon as I can get business interests sourced and set up. Rome was not built in a day and I have allowed myself a least a year or two to achieve my goals.

I will answer any questions regarding above but please no smart-ass comments there is really no need unless the person who is making them is hung up about his own inadequacies. At this, I rest my case



Go on ya good thing. Delighted for you..... sounds like you have landed on your feet (just dont forget which way to point them!).

I am here in Bangkok so if there is any help that I can offer another Paddy please feel free to ask.

Perhaps you can come visit my little restaurant on one of your trips.

Dont mind the begrudgers.......


Hey Bizz,

Just as I suspected - a truly inspiring tale! I'm very very happy for you - I'm sure most of us are here. Personally I'm not much younger than you and divorced, relocating to Thailand and I guess hoping I'll meet just such a lady (maybe one of the 59 you passed over :o ). I find the threads about Thai women on this forum very interesting but I've learnt to take a lot of the posts with a big pinch of salt; of course there are many thoroughly decent Thai ladies hoping to marry a decent respectful falang.

I hope you don't have problems getting your lady to Ireland as I've read how embassies can be very suspicious of relationships that begin through internet dating agencies - mind you Ireland is normally far more liberal than the UK in such matters. Of course if you do shift your business to LOS that issue won't arise.

Anyway thanks hugely for sharing - I love hearing tales like yours and I hope you'll somehow keep us 'posted' with developments. i'd be interested to learn how you get on with her family and things like that.



Thanks to appleman thai and Rod Kalashnikov for kind comments.

to andyyikat yes i meet her parents and both i got on with very well, not so some of her relations as i was at first taken for a stupid farang that could be hudwinked out of easy money.There is a friend of mine in this forum who was with me at the time and he rightly pointed out that this guy is in business and cant be fooled that easy,i am talking about the hire of a car or 4wheel drive vehicle costing nearly 4500tbart per day

broken down 1500for vehicle 1000for driver and a 890 fillup going and a 750 fill up returning.Who is fooling who.So put a stop to this straight away.

other than that had a wonderfull time.

Just wish i had more money to retire but anyone gone true a seperation knows the cost.Never happy sitting on my ass need to be working so am looking forward to the challenges ahead.

looking forward also to the joys of parenthood again. looked at last post son is 23 not 26. He is also expecting his first baby in september so i will be a grandaddy and still dont feel old.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondering, Before i put my foot in my mouth and get banned like debaryman101 why did he get banned?? anyone know and if i should not be asking then please let me know?

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