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Is Bluecat A Girl Or A Boy?


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I enjoy your posts Bluecat no matter what you are.

:o Examine the contents and not the bottle,... :D

Examine the contents, not the bottle indeed. If one looks at past posts of Bluecat's, one will notice that Bluecat has referred to Bluecat as 'man' or 'gentleman' before. Unless Bluecat is ultmately taking the piss out of us,

then these are good indications that Bluecat is a Tom, not a pussy.

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It can't be determined what the gender is....but one thing that is clear is the lack of knowledge of the english language. I humbly submit a couple of possibilities: 1) The poster "bluecat" failed to include the article"a" between blue, which may have been misspelled (blew) and cat, which doesn't help in determining gender, although, should this scenario prove accurate, it's troubling, or 2) The poster "bluecat" doesn't understand the conjugation of the verb "to blow", and it may be that this, combined with bad spelling (again) should translate to "blowncat", which would clearly put the poster under the "male" column. However, there is a problem with this hypothesis....a rereading of "bluecat's" historical postings indicate a complete lack of hipness, therefore I can't imagine "bluecat" regarding himself as a "cat", hip or not....

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Examine the contents and not the bottle


At the end, does it matter?

Or not,... ?:o:D


Sometimes it is advisable to thoroughly read the label (on the bottle) as it will very often provide some information as to the contents.

Boy or girl, male or female! what the he11

I suspect there are quite a few who's gender is male but who are really just big girls anyway :D

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At the last Thai Visa meeting I thought Bluecat was actually a Blue cat.

I've got to stop taking these drugs :D


When you came in, you did not take any drugs yet.

When you went out,... :D:o

To be fair, both Random Chances and I left our beers at Scampys end of the table when we went to the C.R. (seperately, I hasten to add), which might explain the 'added' psychedelic quality of the conversation later on. I was convinced I knew everybody's gender until later that evening, when it was just (and I do not mean this in any derogatory sense) a Blue cat at one end of the table. :D

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Another poll.

Does Bluecat need to get himself layed?

yes........ it has been such a long time due to constipation and finding a deaf mute.

No......... it is hard to find a deaf mute and he would rather go without.

You post for posts sake! :o

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