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Today's lunch: Pat Prio Wa(Sweet Creamy Sour Chicken Vegetable Stew with rice).

                           Another well-known Thai(originally Chinese) dish.

                           Often made with chicken or pork.





Warm rice, chicken thigh(chopped), carrot, onion, garlic shoots, tomato(chopped), flour, and water.


Seasonings: Chicken stock, pepper, ketchup, vinegar, soy and oyster sauce.


The next time, I would like to add some chopped pineapples (like the authentic one) as well.

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Today's lunch: Shredded Chicken Teriyaki and Salad Bowl.




Ingredients: Other than warm rice.

Chicken breast(shredded), fresh cucumber, (pre-cooked) carrot and onion.



Chicken: Soy and oyster sauce, sugar, grated ginger and garlic, 


Salad: Mayonnaise, ketchup, soy and oyster sauce.

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Meat, vegetable, and seaweed Sushi.


Sushi is easier to make, than you imagine.   This afternoon, I fixed some Sushi.


All with local stuff, no pricey imports.



Scrambled egg(left), seasoned chicken mince(center), and potato pumpkin salad(right).


Not as good as the authentic restaurants'.

But still have enjoyable taste.






Warm medium grain rice(can be substituted with the mixture of Indica rice 3:Sticky rice 1).

Rice and water ratio:1:1.2 in both cases.


Seaweed: Plain or seasoned; the following one can be used(what I used this time).

Only 5B for each(1 sheet cut into half lengthwise, for 2 servings).



How to make Sushi rice:

30ml of vinegar(doesn't have to be Rice Vinegar), mixed with one tablespoonful of sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, for 150-200g of cooked rice.


*Adjust the amount the seasonings up to your taste.


After pouring it on warm cooked rice, mix well.

Turn over the rice several times with the paddle.

And leave it for 30 minutes or so(better to place in front of the running fan, to cool it down fast).


Cut the above seasoned seaweed into 2(length wisely).

Attach one seaweed belt to one tablespoonful of Sushi rice(gently formed in boxy shape).


And then, place your favorite toppings. 


What I fixed for lunch today(after  the quake at 13:20).


Tomato Flavored Stewed Pasta and Salad.





Pasta: Rice noodle(1cm wide), chicken mince, capsicum, onion, and tomato(chopped).


Salad: Coleslaw, cucumber(shredded), tomato,  (pre-cooked) carrot.



Pasta: Chicken stock, ketchup, BBQ sauce, oyster sauce, grated ginger & garlic.


Salad: Mayonnaise, ketchup, soy and oyster sauce.


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