As if the sugar farmers are going to take any notice a lot of the sugar has already been harvested and then they burn what's left just go up in a plane and any fool can see where it's happening
"It serves as a stern reminder that while Thailand remains a welcoming destination for tourists and investors alike, adherence to the country's legal frameworks is non-negotiable."
"Non-negotiable" ?? I must have been living under a rock! Up till now I always thought if I had money I couId negotaiate, just like the Swiss guy kicking the Thai doctor sitting on steps. Silly me for thinking that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra received privileged treatment at Police General Hospital because of some honest negotiation.
Thanks for your report!
Out of curiosity if you don't mind, as I've only used that border crossing traveling in the opposite direction - did you pre-arrange transport from the border to Siem Reap or is it readily available at the border nowadays?
No indication of how many further Thai hostages (if any) there are yet to be released.
Lesson for Thai workers interested in making money in other countries: Choose your other country carefully!
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