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Whew! I didn't mean to get Daniel so excited :D

I used to walk through some pretty rough neighborhoods back in the US and as a couple of you pointed out, just look as though you are minding your own business and the tough guys will usually leave you alone! :D The people who get into trouble are usually the ones who are acting foolishly.

BTW, they were semi-autos (maybe .22's?), not funky single shots. :o

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Occasionally, OK, fairly often :D , I have been in situations here in Thailand where I didn't have the foggiest clue as to what was going on. I almost always just say Mai Pen Rai and just go with the flow. Sometimes things are clarified later, sometimes they stay mysterious.

Last weekend my lovely wife and I were walking up a footpath in Nonthaburi that connected a Longtail Boat dock with the road. The path was about 300 meters long and had a row of trees and a small klong/large ditch to the left and some low, marshy ground with a few houses to the right. We were walking single file with my wife chattering away on the phone a few steps in front of me when I noticed a man standing between two of the trees on our left hand side. He was wearing a ski mask :D a dark jacket and carrying a rifle. He and I looked at each other with a little bit of surprise and then I gave him a polite little nod and continued walking. A bit later I saw another man with a rifle sitting in a tree on our right side. He wasn't wearing a mask, but that wasn't much of an improvement as he was staring at me with no expression at all on his face. I just kept walking and gave him the same polite little nod and smile that I had given the first man. When we got to the end of the path my wife finally hung up her phone and I asked her:

"Sweetie, did you see those two men with rifles?"

"Yes" she replied.

"Well, what do you think they were? Police?, Hunters?, Bandits? Terrorists?"

Laughing she replied' "I haven't the faintest idea, honey".

This is probably one of those things that will never be explained. Or maybe the next time I see a masked man with a gun I'll whip out my Thai-English dictionary and try to find out what he is doing: "Hunting mai? Terrorist mai?" :D

More likely I'll just say mai pen rai. :D

Soi dog hunting squad! Fiiiinallyyyyy :o


Dear Rod

You agree that your soul stinks like your ah-soul?

(The soul is actually the character/personality that will go to either heaven /###### when your body past away. We shape it daily)

I can already hear you screaming as the demons are torturing your soul....

When things go bad, try Him- He is always good for us and gave His life on the cross for you too.

Hey, i know this is heavy stuff for you, but i'll save a prayer for you tonight and ask the Lord to have mercy over you.

Jesus saves!

Love you always, :o



Folks, there is a 90 per cent chance that THABO is a troll. I am surprised that every poster has taken him/her as a serious poster so far.



QUOTE (THABO @ Thu 2004-07-22, 03:20:54)

Jesus saves! 

In a bank, or in a sock under his bed ???

Yup, you got it Phazey;

Jesus saves, but Buddha gets the rebounds!


Occasionally, OK, fairly often :D , I have been in situations here in Thailand where I didn't have the foggiest clue as to what was going on. I almost always just say Mai Pen Rai and just go with the flow. Sometimes things are clarified later, sometimes they stay mysterious.

Last weekend my lovely wife and I were walking up a footpath in Nonthaburi that connected a Longtail Boat dock with the road. The path was about 300 meters long and had a row of trees and a small klong/large ditch to the left and some low, marshy ground with a few houses to the right. We were walking single file with my wife chattering away on the phone a few steps in front of me when I noticed a man standing between two of the trees on our left hand side. He was wearing a ski mask :o a dark jacket and carrying a rifle. He and I looked at each other with a little bit of surprise and then I gave him a polite little nod and continued walking. A bit later I saw another man with a rifle sitting in a tree on our right side. He wasn't wearing a mask, but that wasn't much of an improvement as he was staring at me with no expression at all on his face. I just kept walking and gave him the same polite little nod and smile that I had given the first man. When we got to the end of the path my wife finally hung up her phone and I asked her:

"Sweetie, did you see those two men with rifles?"

"Yes" she replied.

"Well, what do you think they were? Police?, Hunters?, Bandits? Terrorists?"

Laughing she replied' "I haven't the faintest idea, honey".

This is probably one of those things that will never be explained. Or maybe the next time I see a masked man with a gun I'll whip out my Thai-English dictionary and try to find out what he is doing: "Hunting mai? Terrorist mai?" :D

More likely I'll just say mai pen rai. :D

If they were near a klong they were probably fishing. See it a lot 'round here, take an air rifle, remove barrel, or carve your own, then turn the whole thing into a gloryfied catapult. Most have a fishing reel attatched to the stock, with line attatched to a small, barbed bolt (arrow) very effective way to catch some of the larger klong fish.

A bit later I saw another man with a rifle sitting in a tree on our right side.
If it was up-country I would just think it was the village rat-hunter.

But This sounds right to me

If they were near a klong they were probably fishing. See it a lot 'round here, take an air rifle, remove barrel, or carve your own, then turn the whole thing into a gloryfied catapult. Most have a fishing reel attatched to the stock, with line attatched to a small, barbed bolt (arrow) very effective way to catch some of the larger klong fish.
  • 4 weeks later...


Guess that's why i'ts always a good thing to be right with the Lord. Jesus said the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion ready to devour us at any time. These are only the signs of the end-times-can tell you a lot more if you are interested...We (the children of the most high God) are led in all truth by the spirit of God,(Holy spirit) and all things present and future are made known to us through Him. That is why the world will reject us, for the spirit that is in the world, (Satan and the demons) hates all which is of God-and by rejecting the truth, all will be kept in bondage to the slavery of sin. Satan keeps a veil over your spiritual eyes so you cannot see, understand or reason the  truth, for it is rejected by and kept away from you through sin. When you give your life to Jesus, you will be led in the truth, and also understand everything going on in the world. When you reject the truth, you will be a slave to sin and not understand the things which is from God. My brother, the armies of the world will gather and bring fear onto all the people of the world, for the Antichrist is busy to pull the strings for a one world, one government and one religion government to the whole world! Can you not see that the US/British armies are everywhere?!  Open your eyes! The only way they can put this into place is to bring "terrorism" into the world by fear, so the people can want a force to protect them. It all started with 9/11. This was all orchestrated to gain world dominance-through fear.You will see terrible fear, oppression, hunger, sickness and wars in these days. Love, Daniel

Whilst I would put this into the evangelical born-again category if you take away the religious bit and concentrate on the 'One World Government through fear' theory it does make sense in a strange way.

There is volumes of this stuff on the net and it is usually put in the 'Conspiracy Theory' corner. There are some weird and wonderful theories floating around but if you actually look at what is happening and not the theories there is something to this.

It goes from micro right up to macro events. I always base my view on two books.

1) 1984 by George Orwell and 2) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Now the THREAT from the Soviet Union is over a NEW THREAT must be found = 'Terrorism'.

The threat and fear of terrorism will produce drastic actions against personal freedom. All in the name of 'Terrorism'.

Biometric identity cards - more surveillance.


Remember that you are terrorising the population into accepting a system they wouldn't want. The UK now has more CCTV cameras than any nation on earth.

Remember everybody being watched by Orwell's 'telescreens' ? The constant wars to focus the attention of the home population. "Our boys on the Malibor front"

truckloads of Asian prisoners of war. The populations' psychology conducted by a 'media' ?

Has a familiar ring to it ? Orwell wrote that book in 1948 and just reversed the last two digits. He could have wrote in 1949 - 1994 would have been more apt.

The Internet is uncontrollable anarchic - well the 'Echelon' system is more than ten years old and would have no problems picking up this posting. Or for ANY posting on Thailand. Thailand does have close ties with the C.I.A and N.S.A.

Think about the Viet-Nam war ? What was that all about? So the World did not go Communist ? Yeah right sure I believe you - The US lost that war and the World didn't go Communist ! It made fortunes for Bell Helicopters in Texas though.

Watch the big companies merge into one - one central control.

Watch the airlines merge under the banners of Star Alliance etc

There is always an 'excuse' a 'reason' for the World getting smaller and becoming part of the ONE.

Watch the effect of Political Correctness - even on a basic level. The Thai closing hours changing to 1am then midnight. FIFA instructing the British FA that footballers scoring goals should be yellow-carded for waving their shirt in the air.

It's all about people control. It used to be done with religion now there are other means.

Paranoid or observant - make your choice ?

There is a World-Wide agenda. Listen to the public statements from the G8 meetings. Even twenty years ago they warned of 'Terrorism' - they knew that would be the knock-on effect from their political plans.

Has Thailand changed after last October's APEC meeting ?

Social Order Campaign etc Farang Volunteer Tourist Police at the lower level.

You just have to understand what is being aimed for and the bricks to fall into the wall a step at a time. Pink Floyd may have known how accurate they were ?

Don't think of Conspiracies think of Agendas.

Then watch the events as things come together.

Thailand could well look like Singapore in the not too distant future.

A more sophisticated and subtle version of '1984' and 'Brave New World' could well happen.

Luckily nothing is ever certain. Freguently though = Highly Likely.

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