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Tot Not Allowed To Buy Sat. Modems And Dish


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ToT was planning 170,000 install in the next few months, but the gov has stopped them from purchasing Ipstar equipment. Are the other isp's also not allowed to buy equipment from shin.? Are there options they can purchase and if the gov rules shin and Ipstar out of busniness what is my Sat. link going to connect to? Anybody hear the whole story anywhere?

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Probably just as well, considering how bad the sat internet connections are. You should be happy if you are using one because adding another 170,000 (?!?! sounds like a lot) customers to that satellite is not going to make it any faster.

I've heard that the whole IPStar idea was to use satellite tech as the primary means to connect the country to broadband. As a side-effect Toxin would suddenly own all broadband in Thailand. Certainly can't accuse the man of thinking small with his grand rip-off schemes.

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And the iPSTAR terminals both TOT and Csloxinfo are using are notoriously unreliable. They don't seem to handle high temperatures (+25 C) very well, which is a definite disadvantage in this tropical country :o

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My IPstar terminal has never been a problem. Ambient temperature is usually in the low 30s.

Big problem is speed. Just think of the extra foreign bandwidth TOT would need to support those terminals.

It can't manage to get my 256/128 "service" up to speed.

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But what sat. do they connect to if they don't own the sat and they void the contract why should shin provide any sat service? No contract no service. One of the issues is over the sat. itself. As far as the modem mine has worked fine and I can't see any cheap china model working any better, would mostly have the same parts inside anyway. I v been a tech for 40 years and I looked over the stats and have one right in front of me. Nothing wronge with this modem and for that matter most any company could make as good or better for less purhaps. There in advandage in keeping all your lease equipment of a standard type and model. If it starts getting mixed it will work fine but support can get more costly and and inventory requirments go up. Before they start pushing issues they better have a back up plan.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And the iPSTAR terminals both TOT and Csloxinfo are using are notoriously unreliable. They don't seem to handle high temperatures (+25 C) very well, which is a definite disadvantage in this tropical country :o

I do not think the temp is the problem. I use the same equipment for sat internet in the Middle East. It is 50 degrees c here every day virtually! However clouds especially rain clouds affect it badly. Fortunately not a problem here most of the year. I think on a clear day your ipsatr has no issues.

Your feedback would be appreciated as I am planning installing this kit in Thailand.

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I am with ToT IPstar sat. I am only using the 256/128 package right now, but it has worked vary well. Even in most rain storms it stays up. Only when and if a vary heavy cloud moves right into the path does it stop and then only for a few minutes. I have no choice but to give it high marks for the package that I use. I will be moving it up to 512/256 in Oct. I hope to see that it works as it should. I would also have to say that the speed limit they use for this package is often set on the high side, as the other day I download a set of large files 860mb in total and the avr. speed was 33.7Kbs using Stardownloader freeware which tracks and selects mirror sites to improve downloads. I use five DNS addresses offshore spead over the globe. and have tuned the internet connection in LAN mode with TZ booster. I also have a VoIP unit connected and has been working fine without interruping the PC connection. I can only tell ya what mine does purhaps others using same equipment can input about other ISP's :o edit: thats 33.7KBs or 270k

Edited by RKASA
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