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Warning: Shopping At Mbk Center Is Not Safe

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Last week (Wednesday, Aug. 1) when parking at MBK Center, I followed the lead of their “yam” who was supposed to be guiding me into a parking space. Suddenly a boom like a clap of thunder rang out. I looked in front of me to see if it was raining – only to see the guard in front of me continue to signal me to keep moving forward.

But something was wrong. Instinctively I looked to my left rear to see that the car had a run in with a post. I said @#$%!, and drove backward – glancing up to see the guard STILL motioning me to move forward – only to stop when I got out of the car cursing him – I walked to the rear to check the damage.

Asking in Thai to talk to his manager, Khun (I forget his name) scratched his head in bewilderment as to why this farang was so upset. I drove the car up to the next level parked and asked another yam to speak with the manager of the guards. He took me to the Property Care Services office to meet with Khun Banyong Chandaeng, Service Manager, Integrated Services Division. Khun Banyong speaks very good English.

I told Mr. Banyong my story and told him I wanted MBK to take responsibility for the damage as I was following the guards instructions. He instructed Khun Somchai Kaewsrisuk (Inspector, Security Division) to investigate and he followed me down to the car where pictures were taken. Returning to talk with Mr. Banyong, I asked why the guards did not have adequate training. He admitted that while the guards received some training they did lack adequate skills.

Another investigating guard explained to Khun Banyong that the yam guiding me said he was telling me to move back – not forward. Yeah, right!

At that point I was really concerned and reminded Khun Banyong that safety wise, these were troubled times all over the world. Big shopping centers like MBK that attract Thai and foreigner alike are open targets. I asked him what would happen if there was a major security alert in the Mall, would his guards know how to handle the situation?

He was silent. His silence spoke loud and clear.

I strongly urge all shoppers to stay away from MBK Center until the Center releases a public statement on readiness to handle safety issues and comment on training of its guards. If one parking incident can not be handled professionally by guards who supposedly are trained to handle ALL safety issues, from parking straight in the garage to crowd control in case of emergency, we are all in danger.

Please tell your friends and neighbors. Spread the word!

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Gee, and I was under the impression that these guys with the whistles were highly trained parking technicians. Thanks, I'll start using the mirrors and my eyes!

Gee, and I was under the impression that these guys with the whistles were highly trained parking technicians. Thanks, I'll start using the mirrors and my eyes!

Thais aren't prepared for many things, except to eat and sleep, you were honestly surprised???

When I park in Thailand, the last thing I pay attention to are those annoying little oiks with the whistles.

I was in a shop in MBK ground floor 3 days ago and could see to the back and one of the staff was doing drugs with a coke bottle bong. Nothing surprises me here anymore.


Last week (Wednesday, Aug. 1) when parking at MBK Center, I followed the lead of their “yam” who was supposed to be guiding me into a parking space. Suddenly a boom like a clap of thunder rang out. I looked in front of me to see if it was raining – only to see the guard in front of me continue to signal me to keep moving forward.

But something was wrong. Instinctively I looked to my left rear to see that the car had a run in with a post. I said @#$%!, and drove backward – glancing up to see the guard STILL motioning me to move forward – only to stop when I got out of the car cursing him – I walked to the rear to check the damage.

Asking in Thai to talk to his manager, Khun (I forget his name) scratched his head in bewilderment as to why this farang was so upset. I drove the car up to the next level parked and asked another yam to speak with the manager of the guards. He took me to the Property Care Services office to meet with Khun Banyong Chandaeng, Service Manager, Integrated Services Division. Khun Banyong speaks very good English.

I told Mr. Banyong my story and told him I wanted MBK to take responsibility for the damage as I was following the guards instructions. He instructed Khun Somchai Kaewsrisuk (Inspector, Security Division) to investigate and he followed me down to the car where pictures were taken. Returning to talk with Mr. Banyong, I asked why the guards did not have adequate training. He admitted that while the guards received some training they did lack adequate skills.

Another investigating guard explained to Khun Banyong that the yam guiding me said he was telling me to move back – not forward. Yeah, right!

At that point I was really concerned and reminded Khun Banyong that safety wise, these were troubled times all over the world. Big shopping centers like MBK that attract Thai and foreigner alike are open targets. I asked him what would happen if there was a major security alert in the Mall, would his guards know how to handle the situation?

He was silent. His silence spoke loud and clear.

I strongly urge all shoppers to stay away from MBK Center until the Center releases a public statement on readiness to handle safety issues and comment on training of its guards. If one parking incident can not be handled professionally by guards who supposedly are trained to handle ALL safety issues, from parking straight in the garage to crowd control in case of emergency, we are all in danger.

Please tell your friends and neighbors. Spread the word!


Duuuur :o

Gee, and I was under the impression that these guys with the whistles were highly trained parking technicians. Thanks, I'll start using the mirrors and my eyes!

Thais aren't prepared for many things, except to eat and sleep, you were honestly surprised???

When I park in Thailand, the last thing I pay attention to are those annoying little oiks with the whistles.

I was in a shop in MBK ground floor 3 days ago and could see to the back and one of the staff was doing drugs with a coke bottle bong. Nothing surprises me here anymore.

You are so right! When a guard asked me how I can manage to park so fast I told him it's because I didn't listen nor look at him when he tried to help ;-)


You should never rely on these Guards in any way, in any situation, they are slightly above construction workers in the Thai scheme of things and have absolute minimal training, even when they are employed by large organisations like PCS etc..

Parking according to their directions is dangerous enough but in particular never assume that they can stop traffic and allow you out of a building onto a busy road. Many Thais – particularly Taxi drivers – will totally ignore them unless the chap is physically blocking their path “man mai mee amnart” is the Thai phrase (“they have no authority” – “man” is a rude word by the way so don’t use it!) and they will simply drive past the Guard, if you assume you have right of way because the Thai Yarm signaled to you, you are very wrong!




I strongly urge all shoppers to stay away from MBK Center until the Center releases a public statement on readiness to handle safety issues and comment on training of its guards. If one parking incident can not be handled professionally by guards who supposedly are trained to handle ALL safety issues, from parking straight in the garage to crowd control in case of emergency, we are all in danger.

Please tell your friends and neighbors. Spread the word!

If you have ever been to MBK on a weekend you must know that NO ONE could devise a quick escape plan if there was an emergency, this is Thailand the land of blocked fire exits (if they even exist) and zero safety laws.

By the way I can't believe you trusted a total stranger to guide you, have you been TRAINED to drive a car?, I wouldn't even do that in the Uk when I lived there, may I suggest using your mirrors next time, also why do so many farangs think they are so much better than the average and above average Thai person,................. I've only one answer go back where you came from if you don't like the set up.

P.S. I suppose you could always try suing MBK.


Most car parks here have a shocking design – high curbs that can’t be seen while reversing etc. often in these cases the guards can help from scratching the skirting / body work. I pay attention to them as in most cases they are very helpful.

On one occasion it was very dark and I tapped a low bollard that was out of sight while reversing. Did I blame the guard ? No – he wasn’t driving my car for me !!! but it did teach me a lesson – these guys are there all day, it’s got to be a boring job, even the most attentive of people would switch off and become robotic after a while, its only human.

The reason we don’t have this gripe in our home countries? Because there are no security guards in most car parks.

Would the guards here prevent someone from breaking into my car ? I doubt it, but its enough of a deterrent for my liking.

Now when I’m parking however, I do my best to ignore their whistles and hand signals and rely on my mirrors and parking sensor. But…. the guards stand so close to the car it makes the sensor all but useless….

Consequently they must be thinking – Gosh, can’t these silly farang’s park ?

I strongly urge all shoppers to stay away from MBK Center until the Center ....

Can we go to MBK if we don't drive?

Yes but you must have your mother's written permission!

I strongly urge all shoppers to stay away from MBK Center until the Center ....

Can we go to MBK if we don't drive?

Yes but you must have your mother's written permission!

As well as a note from your mother; bring the latest edition of the "Guide to Guard Whistle Signals". It helpfully points out the differences of what the ear-splitting loud whistle blows actually mean. Better safe than sorry.


Even a small fire at MBK would kill hundreds Im afraid. I stick to the first couple floors since the prices there are less than impressive up stairs anyway. The culture here does not prepare in advance for hardly any emergency, most feel speaking of or preparing for bad things will bring them about. Just start talking about ghosts or go somewhere where something bad has happened and start talking about it and see what happens :o

On one occasion it was very dark and I tapped a low bollard that was out of sight while reversing. Did I blame the guard ? No – he wasn’t driving my car for me !!! but it did teach me a lesson – these guys are there all day, it’s got to be a boring job, even the most attentive of people would switch off and become robotic after a while, its only human.

And being paid 23 Baht an hour is hardly an incentive for these guys either. :o


Maybe its not as safe as it could be, but what do you think is more dangerous, taking a taxi there or shopping there. You have to put it in perspective.


and I thought the welsh man stranded in a hut in the jungle and being bitten by a scorpion thread was the funniest thing I would read on here! :o You drive your car into a bollard and you blame the bloke with a whistle! :D:D:D

The annoying gits with whistles do my head in! I completely ignore them. Although the other day at AEK hospital in Udon this one actually managed to put me off driving enough to nearly cause me to have an accident because of his constant sodding whistling!

But then again they are only there because of the complete inability of a Thai driver to park a car straight! Have you see the normal mess of a carpark when they are allowed to park unsupervised!!

Thanks <deleted> they don't give'em whistles in Laos - I might be tempted to ram it down there bloody throats if I had to suffer them everytime I parked somewhere.


you gotta love it. MBK will close because one guy wants a boycott.

I would recommend taking this to the higher authorities, someone in the government who they bribed when they built such a place.

Bad enough if you walk into MBK, as you know the risks, but driving in and calling the security guard 'responsible'. Do you just hang out at the car park or actually walk by the guards who make you go through the metal detector which beeps but they never stop anyone with.....


SCOTT 69! Face it. You pranged your car and your p@ssed off. Did you expect the manager would open up his safety manual?

1. What to do in case of flood.

2. What to do in case of alien invasion.

3. What to do if a person is found sand papering an alligators nuts.

This is Thailand. Safety is viewed as silly. Just as long as you burnt your joss stick and prayed to some idol or other, you'll be fine.

Where do you suggest shopping? Which place has well trained staff? Do you recall the opening of The Paragon? A girl fell from the 1st floor through a gap in therail. The security guard picked her up and carried her to a back room. I doubt he would have ever heard of a neck brace.

In Thailand you have to cover your own behind. I take note of fire exits in hotels etc.

I agree we are all in danger all of the time.

I might knock a drink onto my computer as I type this and electrocute myself or stoop down to collect the post tomorrow morning, trip over the dog, stumble back and catch my arm on a table, knocking over the knife rack and then get hit by a stray arrow from the archery competition. It happens.


In Thailand you have to cover your own behind. I take note of fire exits in hotels etc.

In The world you have to cover your own behind.

I agree we are all in danger all of the time. In The world

MBK danger, from parking a car. I am sure you'll be in jeoperty elsewhere 100%

We all are......Fool :o


i would highly suggest the OP avoid crossing suk soi 3 between bumrungrad hospital and the road that leads to soi 11. The gaurds there will happily wave you into oncoming traffic.

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