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Fat, Bald, Ugly & Rancid!


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What is it about Asian women (not only Thai) that attracts them to farang men that they have never met? I'm talking about internet dating..

Now, I did actually meet my Thai GF via the internet, and everything has worked out ok so far for us, but prior to this I did some serious research using the online dating service - AsianFriendFinder (not really plugging them, there are plenty of other such sites).

First test - I posted a genuine description of myself. You know 'attractive, virile, fit, weathly young man seeks hot young Asian woman etc etc' :o

After posting said description I was deluged (and I mean deluged) with emails and messages from an amazing number of Asian women who were apparently convinved that I was the man in their lives, and how the ###### had I managed to live so far without them? Typical messages went something like ' Now my heart is full of joy because I have found the man for all my live. You fill me with such joy etc etc blah blah blah'

Next, I went and posted another separate description along the lines 'overweight, balding, bearded man, slight odour problem, but weathly seeks hot young Asian woman etc etc' :D

And then you can repeat the paragraph above which commences 'After posting etc'

In other words, the physical description of myself seemed unimportant. The only factor was that I was wealthy, farang, and seeking an Asian woman.

(Go on!! Try it for yourself!! It's great fun to write a description of the saddest guy on earth and then see how many hot babes contact you....)

So, what is the point of my posting? None at all, except to confess to Khun Nok of Chonburi who promised her heart to me that I am not the fat, balding and smelly guy that she has promised her heart to, but a young, virile etc etc...(i better shut up now :D

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:o:D This was a genuine experiment that I did! No porkies from me! And also, (pertaining to a recent thread that was killed), I suggested to several of these ladies that if we hit it off then they could accompany me back to my place for a night of lust!

Actually I phrased it more carefully and, over the course of several conversations with these ladies, tried to see if they would agree to jump into bed with me without having even seen me! So their decision was purely based on my internet conversation, photo etc.

What amazed me was that every single woman that I contacted agreed to sleep with me....

OK, this may well be down to my amazing good looks, charm etc etc, but I doubt it very much. It might be because every girl on this dating website was really a hooker who was going to present me with a huge bull after our night of lust. Again, I doubt this. So what was the reason? (And I'm talking about apparently educated and respectable women).

Some women whom I later met told me that they never actaully expected to meet anyone from these internet dating sites, and so it was fair game to indulge in 'heavy' online flirting, since nothing more would come off it.

Anyway, I've made a note of all the women who promised me erotic pleasures and I shall be personally contacting them one by one to remind them of their promises :D

Rinrada, I'm still living in/near Patpong, but my Thai GF of 12 months just doesn't understand me when I tell her that I want to go see some cute bar-girls!! :D

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Agreed. And in fairness to Thai girls, the majority of these 'desperate' women were actually from China. (They didn't seem to notice that I had specified that I only want to meet Thai women in my posting...)

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This was a genuine experiment that I did!  No

What amazed me was that every single woman that I contacted agreed to sleep with me....

Would have been interesting to add a baseline control, .... bald, fat, ..... and penniless .... :o

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I'd say Cobra's seriously on the button there.

Next, I went and posted another separate description along the lines 'overweight, balding, bearded man, slight odour problem, but weathly seeks hot young Asian woman etc etc' 

I'd be very interested to see how your experiment panned out if you stressed that you were broke! Maybe two shots - good looking and broke, and ugly and broke. That would be very revealing. Care to give it a go?

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OK, in the interests of serious research, I will post 2 different characters! The first will be young, handsome and broke (can I use your photo Rainman?? :D )

The second will be Mr fat Brit etc (anyone care to volunteer their photo or should I just use my own?? :o

Give me a few weeks to cultivate this and we will see where we get (And please lay off the criticism that I'm misleading these poor women. It seems the vast majority of them are telling porkies also...)

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OK, in the interests of serious research, I will post 2 different characters! The first will be young, handsome and broke (can I use your photo Rainman?? :D )

The second will be Mr fat Brit etc (anyone care to volunteer their photo or should I just use my own?? :o

Give me a few weeks to cultivate this and we will see where we get (And please lay off the criticism that I'm misleading these poor women. It seems the vast majority of them are telling porkies also...)

I would say use this photo:



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There is a flip side to this thread.

The women cannot understand why us men are only interested in slim young things. We just do not care about other qualities when looking through the contacts. Thats the way we were made.

Try posting two female descriptions, one for a fat lady with good character and one for a stunner who is a bitch. I bet you get more replies for the stunner.

In my circle of friends 1000 baht notes are called handsome vouchers, the ATM is the handsome machine and checking your wallet is called looking in the mirror.

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'overweight, balding, bearded man, slight odour problem, ...'

Fine fellow, you could have been talking about me, except for the beard bit: I find that they don't go down too well in the tropics.

I am tempted to go to the website in question and post my photo (see avatar); do you think I will attract much attention from the ladies?

(Oh, hello everyone, I am a genuine newby to this forum and this is my very first post. Hopefully, I will have something more substantial to say in my further posts. :o )


N. Bunny

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What is it about Asian women (not only Thai) that attracts them to farang men that they have never met? I'm talking about internet dating..

Can I say it?

Money and security.

But unfortunately for them, they get cheated also.

As much as the farang get cheated or maybe more.

Farang men are not more reliable that Thai men.

And not richer.

Especially in Thailand.

Anyway, a money relationship will never last.


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Hi Nunny Buny, well judging by the response I got, you should go down a storm and have the ladies panting after you :o

Thank you, Simon; well it'll make a change from me doing the panting, especially after my morning-walk down Sukhumvit Road. It's not easy being large and being in the tropics.

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Farang men are not more reliable that Thai men.

I've often said/thought that.

Thai girls harp on about how great farang men are and it embarrasses me - especially if Thai men are in earshot.

Men are men and like every minority there's good and bad.

Not all Thai men are lazy, unfaithful, drunken gamblers and not all farang men have huge dongers. :o

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It might be because every girl on this dating website was really a hooker who was going to present me with a huge bull after our night of lust.

Or was it that she wanted to be presented with a big Buffalo ( or the cash equivilent ) :o

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