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I am gobsmacked....just been watching the telly and theres a a Thai fella at the expats club talking about wot to do in the event that you are involved in an RTA here in Pattaya.This "expert" was very helpful but he started by saying farangs should remain friendly towards the Thai people that collide with them or vice versa.Does anyone have any stories to tell ref having a RTA here ? Heres a true account of my personal horror story on the subject.CAN ANYONE TOP THIS ????

Last year i was riding my motorbike on jomtien beach rd when a 9 yr old girl ran out right in front of me and i winged her breaking her leg . i stopped and was surrounded by an angry (not friendly)lynch mob waving and pointing none of whom were her family or saw wot happened,luckily a policeman who did see that is wasnt my fault saved my ass.I went to the hospital i felt terrible this girl lived with her grandmother in Khorat and was here on holiday with her 14 yr old sister i paid for her treatment and transfer back to her hometown approx 30k.Afew days passed then the police contacted me saying the family wanted 100k compensation and i should try to clear the matter with them so my girlfriend at the time (a lawyer) my son and i travelled to see the girl as she was still recieving treatment in khorat hospital.On arrival we were greeted by a ranting mob(not friendly) demanding cash . i do understand enough Thai to know that they had arrived at 100k as the father and uncle of the girl who had not seen her for more than a year waned to buy a new motorbike each and get bladdered .i showed them the police report saying the whole accident was not my fault and i had already paid for the girls treatmant. at this point the estranged mother showed up and started fighting with her ex over who should get the windfall they assumed was coming the whole time this was going on the uncle was inappropriatley touching my son pulling his shorts down (not friendly)i told him to stop he carried on so i called the police while waitng for the boys in brown he persisted so i punched his lights out (not friendly)and those of the father.when the police arrived and all parties realised i wanted to press charges against this sick bastard they suddenly wanted to forget all including the windfall.it turned out that they were known to the police and the girl and her sister had been taken off the parents as they were abusing them.There was a happy ending as i sorted out the girls leg and met the grandmother gave her a few quid for food bills etc both they and i felt alot better.THERE IS A MORAL TO THIS STORY .. DRIVE SLOWLY BE CAREFUL ON THE ROADS AND DONT LISTEN TO THAT EXPERT BLOKE WHEN U SEE HIM ON THE TELLY.


Why did you go there in the first place, if you have a police report saying it

Was not your fault, plus you all ready paid for the girls treatment.

IMO, would have told them to get stuffed.

Why did you go there in the first place, if you have a police report saying it

Was not your fault, plus you all ready paid for the girls treatment.

IMO, would have told them to get stuffed.

Agreed! And your gf at the time was a lawyer? Why didn't she phone them and tell them who she was and what the police report said and to ###### off!!! In Thai of course.


Yes there is.

At all times remember you are a 'resented alien' in a third world country where there is no acceptable rule of law and corruption is king.

If you keep this in mind at all times, then any untoward incidents that you become involved in will never fall short of your 'western expectations', because in LOS you should only expect the worst. :o


Good post rambler, and thanks for sharing your experience, and I cannot disagree with what Mobi says.

And by the way rambler, as to some expats club here, well its' the blind leading the blind, right?!


dude - i didnt read yur post but i saw the interview which put me to sleep.

i will summarize:

it was so boring i dont know how anyne could have watched thru it all

here is the summary: you falang accident. even if you not make accident, apologize to thai, hire lawyer...ME

Why did you go there in the first place, if you have a police report saying it

Was not your fault, plus you all ready paid for the girls treatment.

IMO, would have told them to get stuffed.

I was advised to go as the police withheld my passport and my motorbike was locked in their compound standard procedure im told also i needed a letter from the hospital in khorat as the girl had recieved further treatment there (just why was beyond me at the time ).It did cost me 5k under the table to the police here that after a personal friend connected to the police called them to get my passport and bike back.I learned an expensive lesson but i think who ever is at fault in a RTA with Thai/farang parties involved the farang will always get the shit end of the stick.


Yes there is.

At all times remember you are a 'resented alien' in a third world country where there is no acceptable rule of law and corruption is king.

If you keep this in mind at all times, then any untoward incidents that you become involved in will never fall short of your 'western expectations', because in LOS you should only expect the worst. :o

100 % agree mobi....resented alien is spot on.My mate was in his 4 day old pickup sat at traffic lights when a pissed up THAI on an old unroad worthy motorbike and sidecar gave his motor a full lenght scratch he did not feel much like smiling and being friendly as the thai fella thought it was funny and the police showed little interest .Thai -no money farang new car - big money end result obvious...ref the expats club they are really struggling to find anything new and/important to discuss should be CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.


Yes there is.

At all times remember you are a 'resented alien' in a third world country where there is no acceptable rule of law and corruption is king.

If you keep this in mind at all times, then any untoward incidents that you become involved in will never fall short of your 'western expectations', because in LOS you should only expect the worst. :o

100 % agree mobi....resented alien is spot on.My mate was in his 4 day old pickup sat at traffic lights when a pissed up THAI on an old unroad worthy motorbike and sidecar gave his motor a full lenght scratch he did not feel much like smiling and being friendly as the thai fella thought it was funny and the police showed little interest .Thai -no money farang new car - big money end result obvious...ref the expats club they are really struggling to find anything new and/important to discuss should be CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

What I miss in the story is: Insurance!!!! Didn't you have an insurance Rambler?

One of my Thai friends drove my mb once and hit an old guy who was suddenly entering the main road from a dirt track. It wasn't my friends fault, but he was forced to pay for all damages to the guy's bike and all medical expenses. So, I forwarded the matter to my insurance and they took care: they contacted the victim and told him to drive more carefully in the future and that was it.


Yes there is.

At all times remember you are a 'resented alien' in a third world country where there is no acceptable rule of law and corruption is king rampant.

If you keep this in mind at all times, then any untoward incidents that you become involved in will never fall short of your 'western expectations', because in LOS you should only expect the worst. :o

Here you go Mobi, just making sure you don't upset our resentful hosts with your cavalier use of the 'k' word.

I learned an expensive lesson but i think who ever is at fault in a RTA with Thai/farang parties involved the farang will always get the shit end of the stick.

It would seem that the 9 year old girl got the "shit end of the stick" in this case...a broken leg.

It's never clear cut as to who is responsible in such accidents. Maybe you were driving too fast. Maybe you were not paying attention. You do have a responsibility to watch out for pedestrians when you drive. In your own country you might have feared worse. I think you were very lucky this time.

It did cost me 5k under the table to the police here that after a personal friend connected to the police called them to get my passport and bike back.

Your passport cannot be taken off you by anyone except your embassy, only give them a copy, keep one with you so you never have to hand your passport over, it should never leave your hands, if someone does take call your embassy and they will get it back for you.


Actually your embassy wont always get it back for you. It probably depends what embassy but the british ones around the world are normally useless when it comes to things like this.


Your passport doesn't belong to you anyway, it belongs to the issuing country and they are kind enough to put your name and photo on it.

It did cost me 5k under the table to the police here that after a personal friend connected to the police called them to get my passport and bike back.

Your passport cannot be taken off you by anyone except your embassy, only give them a copy, keep one with you so you never have to hand your passport over, it should never leave your hands, if someone does take call your embassy and they will get it back for you.

Wrong. Local authorities have the power to confiscate passports of foreign nationals pending investigations, indictments, etc.

Though this is usually for serious cases in which the suspect, defendant, etc. is considered a flight risk and in most countries requires a court order.

I'm not sure about Thailand, but with a country whose individual rights and freedoms stand where they are, I wouldn't doubt that the police can hold whoever's passport they feel like holding.


Yes there is.

At all times remember you are a 'resented alien' in a third world country where there is no acceptable rule of law and corruption is king.

If you keep this in mind at all times, then any untoward incidents that you become involved in will never fall short of your 'western expectations', because in LOS you should only expect the worst. :o

100 % agree mobi....resented alien is spot on.My mate was in his 4 day old pickup sat at traffic lights when a pissed up THAI on an old unroad worthy motorbike and sidecar gave his motor a full lenght scratch he did not feel much like smiling and being friendly as the thai fella thought it was funny and the police showed little interest .Thai -no money farang new car - big money end result obvious...ref the expats club they are really struggling to find anything new and/important to discuss should be CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

What I miss in the story is: Insurance!!!! Didn't you have an insurance Rambler?

One of my Thai friends drove my mb once and hit an old guy who was suddenly entering the main road from a dirt track. It wasn't my friends fault, but he was forced to pay for all damages to the guy's bike and all medical expenses. So, I forwarded the matter to my insurance and they took care: they contacted the victim and told him to drive more carefully in the future and that was it.

i got 15 k back from my insurance yippee

Rambler, you're a top cheese snip, I will bow out of this, Stupid stuff.

Get on with it with the Thai Lawyer you have.


Not stupid stuff my dear cubes true life here in patts.You obviously would show little compassion if involved in a case like mine r you a driver fled the scene type as i suspect.Have you ever been in an RTA wherever you are in the world i guess so as the injuries must have been severe head trauma.By the way the lawyer was history many moons ago she charged too much. tatty bye

I am gobsmacked....just been watching the telly and theres a a Thai fella at the expats club talking about wot to do in the event that you are involved in an RTA here in Pattaya.This "expert" was very helpful but he started by saying farangs should remain friendly towards the Thai people that collide with them or vice versa.Does anyone have any stories to tell ref having a RTA here ? Heres a true account of my personal horror story on the subject.CAN ANYONE TOP THIS ????

Last year i was riding my motorbike on jomtien beach rd when a 9 yr old girl ran out right in front of me and i winged her breaking her leg . i stopped and was surrounded by an angry (not friendly)lynch mob waving and pointing none of whom were her family or saw wot happened,luckily a policeman who did see that is wasnt my fault saved my ass.I went to the hospital i felt terrible this girl lived with her grandmother in Khorat and was here on holiday with her 14 yr old sister i paid for her treatment and transfer back to her hometown approx 30k.Afew days passed then the police contacted me saying the family wanted 100k compensation and i should try to clear the matter with them so my girlfriend at the time (a lawyer) my son and i travelled to see the girl as she was still recieving treatment in khorat hospital.On arrival we were greeted by a ranting mob(not friendly) demanding cash . i do understand enough Thai to know that they had arrived at 100k as the father and uncle of the girl who had not seen her for more than a year waned to buy a new motorbike each and get bladdered .i showed them the police report saying the whole accident was not my fault and i had already paid for the girls treatmant. at this point the estranged mother showed up and started fighting with her ex over who should get the windfall they assumed was coming the whole time this was going on the uncle was inappropriatley touching my son pulling his shorts down (not friendly)i told him to stop he carried on so i called the police while waitng for the boys in brown he persisted so i punched his lights out (not friendly)and those of the father.when the police arrived and all parties realised i wanted to press charges against this sick bastard they suddenly wanted to forget all including the windfall.it turned out that they were known to the police and the girl and her sister had been taken off the parents as they were abusing them.There was a happy ending as i sorted out the girls leg and met the grandmother gave her a few quid for food bills etc both they and i felt alot better.THERE IS A MORAL TO THIS STORY .. DRIVE SLOWLY BE CAREFUL ON THE ROADS AND DONT LISTEN TO THAT EXPERT BLOKE WHEN U SEE HIM ON THE TELLY.

This type of behaviour has been going on in 3rd world countries, since before Pontius became a pilot, In Aden we had lots of problems with arab khaki Divers, if they saw a khaki military vehicle they would dive in front of you at junctions, the militarypowers that were, would cough up lots of compensation just to keep the peace. :D Then the Cameronian Regiment ( nickname the Poison Dwarves)were posted to Aden, the population were warned , faking an RTA would be severely punished, some poor misguided soul did a dive under the duty town patrol vehicle,as the poor victim lay in the road putting on his show for the crowd,the driver reversed over him ,and then drove back to camp, no claim for damages and no more accidents, could this be the reason the yemeni.s hate the english :D This is a true story wickedly gruesome but true :o Nignoy

I had a car vs car accident. The Thai was a fault. I left my car in the road where it stopped and called my insurance man. The Thai driver called her insurance man. Then she told me several times to move my car. I did not. Both insurance men arrived within an hour. They couldn't decide who was at fault so they called the cops. The cops arrived and in an instant said the Car driven by the Thai was at fault. Then the police fined the two insurance men 800 baht each for being so stupid. I got my car fixed 100%.

Rambler, you're a top cheese snip, I will bow out of this, Stupid stuff.

Get on with it with the Thai Lawyer you have.


Not stupid stuff my dear cubes true life here in patts.You obviously would show little compassion if involved in a case like mine r you a driver fled the scene type as i suspect.Have you ever been in an RTA wherever you are in the world i guess so as the injuries must have been severe head trauma.By the way the lawyer was history many moons ago she charged too much. tatty bye

How convenient she’s gone. Was she ever there.!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

To suggest I would drive off in a TRA in Thailand just shows how your

small mind works. Been in an RTA in this city before and know full well how serious it can get.

( that pissed me off) :o

One more thing, for your so called compassion and my so called lack

of it., Answer this and stay fashionable mate.

If you had killed the girl and the police were going to prosecute you for

Dangerous driving, right or wrong. (very serious offence)

And the family was baying for blood.

Would you still have so much compassion and smart answers. Think not.

You showed your stupidity in going up in the first place.

And look what else went on.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Money can be paid from afar you know.

BTW you did state the lawyer was your girl friend so how come it was expensive.

Bribing police men.

Punching the Thais.

Yes cheese snip. :D

Tatty bye.

Ps No one wants to see children hit by motor bike riders or any other vehicle

in Pattaya. drive slowly and be carefull.

Ps No one wants to see children hit by motor bike riders or any other vehicle

in Pattaya. drive slowly and be carefull.

Oh no! Icecubes reincarnated I suspect, after his ban.

I agree with you on this one. It would not be easy to injure a predestrian without assuming some responsibility in most jurisdictions.

Rather than demonstrate a problem for Farangs in Thailand, the OP tells a story of how extremely lucky he was.

Rambler, you're a top cheese snip, I will bow out of this, Stupid stuff.

Get on with it with the Thai Lawyer you have.


Not stupid stuff my dear cubes true life here in patts.You obviously would show little compassion if involved in a case like mine r you a driver fled the scene type as i suspect.Have you ever been in an RTA wherever you are in the world i guess so as the injuries must have been severe head trauma.By the way the lawyer was history many moons ago she charged too much. tatty bye

How convenient she's gone. Was she ever there.!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

To suggest I would drive off in a TRA in Thailand just shows how your

small mind works. Been in an RTA in this city before and know full well how serious it can get.

( that pissed me off) :o

One more thing, for your so called compassion and my so called lack

of it., Answer this and stay fashionable mate.

If you had killed the girl and the police were going to prosecute you for

Dangerous driving, right or wrong. (very serious offence)

And the family was baying for blood.

Would you still have so much compassion and smart answers. Think not.

You showed your stupidity in going up in the first place.

And look what else went on.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Money can be paid from afar you know.

BTW you did state the lawyer was your girl friend so how come it was expensive.

Bribing police men.

Punching the Thais.

Yes cheese snip. :D

Tatty bye.

Ps No one wants to see children hit by motor bike riders or any other vehicle

in Pattaya. drive slowly and be carefull.

I certainly would like to answer cubes (fashionable or not) IF is a very useful word....IF pots and pans were if's and an's as my old gran use to say....i prefer IF my granny had <deleted> would she be my grandad ? The whole point of my post was to highlight what crazy things can happen IF you are involved in a RTA here and just what a load of crap the fella on the television report was saying. Nobody wants to see anyone injured or killed i can assure you my compassion is and would not be in doubt in any instant believe or not up 2 you. My answers have been accurate not smart and more to the point truthful .I am sorry if i offended you in my earlier post (was a tadge out of order ).The lawyer wasnt a figment of my imagination unfortunatley im told shes now persuing a new career (in soi 6).One thing is puzzling me "cheese snip"is that the cockernee ryhming stuff if so what does it mean (i wont be offended promise)


That’s ok enough said. :D

Cheese snip, it’s just a a way to call someone a bit of a fool.

In a nice kind of way, don’t know the origins of it.

Just used it for years, south East of England / London.

Have a nice day. Oops :o

That's ok enough said. :D

Cheese snip, it's just a a way to call someone a bit of a fool.

In a nice kind of way, don't know the origins of it.

Just used it for years, south East of England / London.

Have a nice day. Oops :o

I too wish you a nice day cubes. I HAVE NOTICED THE SCUNTHORPE UK REMARK ON YOUR POSTINGS this is abit un canny r you from scunny ? do you live here in pattaya ? iwas born and bread there well just outside a small village called gunness later moved to kirton lindsey. was a big scunny utd fan b4 moved out here 8 yrs ago. bloody wierd that.please let me know. cheers rambler (cheese snip)


A bit off topic. I have been told Thailand had been granted first world status. Not sure if it is true but how does a country acquire first word status ? Is it GDP? health care ? educational standards ? or maybe everyone needs a mobile and if that is the case then Thailand sure does qualify.

I am gobsmacked....just been watching the telly and theres a a Thai fella at the expats club talking about wot to do in the event that you are involved in an RTA here in Pattaya.This "expert" was very helpful but he started by saying farangs should remain friendly towards the Thai people that collide with them or vice versa.Does anyone have any stories to tell ref having a RTA here ? Heres a true account of my personal horror story on the subject.CAN ANYONE TOP THIS ????

Last year i was riding my motorbike on jomtien beach rd when a 9 yr old girl ran out right in front of me and i winged her breaking her leg . i stopped and was surrounded by an angry (not friendly)lynch mob waving and pointing none of whom were her family or saw wot happened,luckily a policeman who did see that is wasnt my fault saved my ass.I went to the hospital i felt terrible this girl lived with her grandmother in Khorat and was here on holiday with her 14 yr old sister i paid for her treatment and transfer back to her hometown approx 30k.Afew days passed then the police contacted me saying the family wanted 100k compensation and i should try to clear the matter with them so my girlfriend at the time (a lawyer) my son and i travelled to see the girl as she was still recieving treatment in khorat hospital.On arrival we were greeted by a ranting mob(not friendly) demanding cash . i do understand enough Thai to know that they had arrived at 100k as the father and uncle of the girl who had not seen her for more than a year waned to buy a new motorbike each and get bladdered .i showed them the police report saying the whole accident was not my fault and i had already paid for the girls treatmant. at this point the estranged mother showed up and started fighting with her ex over who should get the windfall they assumed was coming the whole time this was going on the uncle was inappropriatley touching my son pulling his shorts down (not friendly)i told him to stop he carried on so i called the police while waitng for the boys in brown he persisted so i punched his lights out (not friendly)and those of the father.when the police arrived and all parties realised i wanted to press charges against this sick bastard they suddenly wanted to forget all including the windfall.it turned out that they were known to the police and the girl and her sister had been taken off the parents as they were abusing them.There was a happy ending as i sorted out the girls leg and met the grandmother gave her a few quid for food bills etc both they and i felt alot better.THERE IS A MORAL TO THIS STORY .. DRIVE SLOWLY BE CAREFUL ON THE ROADS AND DONT LISTEN TO THAT EXPERT BLOKE WHEN U SEE HIM ON THE TELLY.



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