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Where To Buy A Paintball Gun In Thailand?

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I need a new toy :o

I bought a crossbow in Mai Sai recently, but I now feel it might be too dangerous, in my hands. :D


There was on for sale in the classifieds section of this forum...

Quick look found this... (searched to page 10 of the classifieds)

Paintball Marker 2003 mi Autococker new

Failing that you can always approach one of the paintball sites in thailand and see if they have anythign for sale or are willing to give you their supplier contact details.

If you need any help getting it set up or just need some advice etc give me a shout, i used to eb a semi-pro paintballer back in blighty, entered loads of tournements... always prided ourselves on the fact we always came last (ok we wernt that serious - hehe)

My "Field" name was Ott

(as in OTT, as in Over the top - story goes we were in a limited ammo tourney and i saw one of the opposition dive behind a bush, thinking to myself i'm sure i'll get him its only a flimsy bush i unloaded 3/4 of my ammo supply into the bush... never got him, but the spectators and marshals wet themselves with laughter as apparently the guy had moved shortly before i opened fire... well it was funny at the time :o)

Take a look at page 3 in free classified

If that was my ad for the MI Autococker then it is a bit late for me to bring it over. But I will be back to work in the US next week and I sell painball gear and can send you just about any hardware like guns, barrels, and parts. I don't knowabout import duties so caveat emptor. My advice is to buy a Tippmann 98, the most reliable gun out there.

Take a look at page 3 in free classified

If that was my ad for the MI Autococker then it is a bit late for me to bring it over. But I will be back to work in the US next week and I sell painball gear and can send you just about any hardware like guns, barrels, and parts. I don't knowabout import duties so caveat emptor. My advice is to buy a Tippmann 98, the most reliable gun out there.

Thanks, Jopha, for the info and suggestion. The Tippmann 98 looks to be a pretty good price. I still need to check with customs to see what's up with that, but if it can happen without too much hassle or cost, then I think I might be better off ordering through you if I can't find something locally.

No need for Customs Ajarn.They are all right here in LOS.


Just what the doctor ordered. Thank you, sir! :D

They even feature the Tippmann 98 :D

I'm guessing the duty must be high...Prices here average about 400% higher than on other websites overseas. :o


The paintguns, crossbows, blowguns, powrslingshot and other legal stuff in Thailand is to expencive. Like ajarn said is about 400% more than websides overseas. The duty is only 6% if you imported a paintgun for personal use. If you import to sell, then you need importlicense, licence for sell and much more tax. Buy it from america, but a problem is that most of the websides who deal with all kind of guns don't ship outside america. So get a friend to buy it for you and send it to you and mark the pack sportequipments. You will save a lot of money. I do the same before, but I find out that china now have some stuff who can match the quality from america and at a "funny" price.


Whilst we're on the subject, I've been looking for a paint knife for years. :D

Last time I went paint balling I bought a paint grenade, I doggedly held onto it until the last game, threw it at the enemy in a rush of blood and ducked behind a thicket, the thud I didn't heed was the greande bouncing off a tree and landing a few feet behind me, is there a rank lower than private? :o

The paintguns, crossbows, blowguns, powrslingshot and other legal stuff in Thailand is to expencive. Like ajarn said is about 400% more than websides overseas. The duty is only 6% if you imported a paintgun for personal use. If you import to sell, then you need importlicense, licence for sell and much more tax. Buy it from america, but a problem is that most of the websides who deal with all kind of guns don't ship outside america. So get a friend to buy it for you and send it to you and mark the pack sportequipments. You will save a lot of money. I do the same before, but I find out that china now have some stuff who can match the quality from america and at a "funny" price.

Man, so much good info here. Thanks. :D

Looks like I'll be contacting Jopha, after all :o

What kind of stuff have you found from China that matches the quality from America?

What kind of stuff have you found from China that matches the quality from America?

Spesially Crossbows, CO2 pelletguns, blowguns, slingshot. Company like Barnetts, maybe the best crossbows in the world, is no made in China and Taiwan but they are made under license so you cant order from china. Taiwan produce a lot of paintguns for the american marked and if you look for co2 pelletguns, you will find out, that almost all are made in China or Taiwan. I found some funny powerfull crossbows who also can shoot 6mm steelballs, like and airgun and my friend and I contact the company and get monopolly for theese crossbows in Thailand and Sweden. And they are still legal in Thailand. Funny stuff!

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