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Looking For A Personal Trainer / Gym Buddy.

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I am looking for a personal trainer / gym buddy that makes house calls (I mean that as it sounds).. :o

I have my own gym and other equipment and need a person who wants to train 3 times a week..

Let me know if your interested, either a paid trainer or someone who wants to work out for nothing.

I should have my new pad within this week, so looking for about a September start.. Location will be 15 mins from emporium either way.

Im also look for a aikido trainer or boxing trainer, to train 2 times a week..

Would be be perfect if the same person is skilled in both, if not, no problem..

If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

My goal is to get in shape..

Send a PM and lets get this show on the road..


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If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

I don't think special forces guys spend a lot of time learning hand-to hand. They concentrate on shooting. You probably want an Instructor - if anything.

If you are in Phuket or Bangkok, you can study Grace Ju Jitsu which would probably be a lot more effective than hand-to-hand combat techniques.


If you want to get in shape, why don't you just do Thai boxing? You don't have to spar if you don't fancy it and everyone is welcome.

A few places are close to you; in Emporium, Asoke (Bangkok fight club) and Ekami (come out by the coffee shop walk up suk past the hospital and it's on your left). The last place is good.

Or, get on the web and find a Thai instructor to come to yours.

When in Thailand...

If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

I don't think special forces guys spend a lot of time learning hand-to hand. They concentrate on shooting. You probably want an Instructor - if anything.

If you are in Phuket or Bangkok, you can study Grace Ju Jitsu which would probably be a lot more effective than hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Brazilian jujitsu is extremely weak against multiple opponents (while you are grappling one opponent his buddy is stomping on your neck).... and considering we live in Thailand, the home of the group attack, it's not as effective as a striking art for self defence HERE. Muay Thai would be better and cheaper and easier to get access to and private lessons.


If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

I don't think special forces guys spend a lot of time learning hand-to hand. They concentrate on shooting. You probably want an Instructor - if anything.

If you are in Phuket or Bangkok, you can study Grace Ju Jitsu which would probably be a lot more effective than hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Brazilian jujitsu is extremely weak against multiple opponents (while you are grappling one opponent his buddy is stomping on your neck).... and considering we live in Thailand, the home of the group attack, it's not as effective as a striking art for self defence HERE. Muay Thai would be better and cheaper and easier to get access to and private lessons.


Damian, don't make me laugh. Pure Muay Thai is completely ineffective in a street or combat situation. BJJ is also useless. In this case, you need deadly street and combat arts, and those are not taught at casual schools anywhere.

What the OP needs is fitness training with some martial arts maybe. Muay Thai is as good as any.

If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

I don't think special forces guys spend a lot of time learning hand-to hand. They concentrate on shooting. You probably want an Instructor - if anything.

If you are in Phuket or Bangkok, you can study Grace Ju Jitsu which would probably be a lot more effective than hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Special forces guys spend time learning how to quickly and efficiently deal with whatever situation they face. They're not good guys for fitness training...


I respectfully disagree, muay thai trained as a ring art is going to leave you vulnerable because you learn to fight by rules, but the techniques themselves are excellent for street defence. If someone can teach him muay thai as a street fighting art it is very good. The kicks and punches can drop an attacker in one blow (of course all kicks and punches from all arts should hopefully drop an attacker in one blow - which is important for multiple attackers), if they get close that is where they really shine with the neck control and knees and elbows. Nothing is totally complete but muay thai has alot of advantages and if trained with the street in mind as opposed to going 5 rounds in a ring then it is very effective.

But if you meant pure muay thai the ring art then yes I agree but even that is better than what alot of martial arts schools will teach.

What deadly street combat arts do you mean? As a martial arts instructor I'm very curious. Theres alot of crap out there that spouts the word "deadly", chi arts claiming fireballs of energy come to mind.


If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

I don't think special forces guys spend a lot of time learning hand-to hand. They concentrate on shooting. You probably want an Instructor - if anything.

If you are in Phuket or Bangkok, you can study Grace Ju Jitsu which would probably be a lot more effective than hand-to-hand combat techniques.

fair enough, I know that many special forces guys use aikido type movements in their hand to hand... they are multi talented..

I will have a look at Gracies place in Bangkok, Ive actually already been in touch, so we are thinking along the same lines..

thanks for your post.

Damian, don't make me laugh. Pure Muay Thai is completely ineffective in a street or combat situation. BJJ is also useless. In this case, you need deadly street and combat arts, and those are not taught at casual schools anywhere.


Are you saying Tony Jaa has been lying to me all this time? Oh well, still some nice eye candy! :o

If you want to get in shape, why don't you just do Thai boxing? You don't have to spar if you don't fancy it and everyone is welcome.

A few places are close to you; in Emporium, Asoke (Bangkok fight club) and Ekami (come out by the coffee shop walk up suk past the hospital and it's on your left). The last place is good.

Or, get on the web and find a Thai instructor to come to yours.

When in Thailand...

To be honest I dont rate it for me... I trained a little before and unless you start young, you dont really have that flexibilty...

I know many will disagree, but Muay Thai isnt a good sport to start later in life... shin damage at my age would kill me! (-;


I rate aikido very highly, wing chun Kung <deleted> and a few others, that are very close contact sports. They use the opponents strength against them and are great forms of close contact fighting.. Its not fitness Im after, I will get there doing regular workouts and cardio..

thanks so far though..

also many fights end up on the ground and gracie ju jitsu is a very poweful self defence for that type of fighting..

If there are any real special service's guys who train in hand to hand combat, that would also be great.. (not the ones that think they are, i mean the ones with actual service time in the special forces)... SAS prefered..

I don't think special forces guys spend a lot of time learning hand-to hand. They concentrate on shooting. You probably want an Instructor - if anything.

If you are in Phuket or Bangkok, you can study Grace Ju Jitsu which would probably be a lot more effective than hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Special forces guys spend time learning how to quickly and efficiently deal with whatever situation they face. They're not good guys for fitness training...

I totally agree with you..


Maipleur.... shin damage? There is no shin damage unless you plan on having 50 to 200 full contact fights in the ring bone on bone.... Flexibility? Most muay thai practitioners (in North America) can't kick above the waist.... the most devastating kicks from muay thai are to the LEG. Aikido and wingchun? Even a sport Muay Thai pro would destroy a black belt in Aikido and wing chun....... right and most fights land up on the ground? Says who? 2 nimcumpoops with no skill WILL land on the ground but someone with adequate training should have dropped their attacker well before they got to a point they lost balance and started rolling on the ground flailing like a child with some other unskilled tard. And in Thailand how are you going to grapple the ONE guy while his friends do what? Stand and watch? Nobody fights one on one here, if you're going to get into it HERE you HAVE to be prepared for his friends jumping in,that means DON'T GO TO THE GROUND AT ALL COSTS. Ah forget it.... so many misconceptions on martial arts.

Maipleur just do what you think will be the most interesting to you.


Maipleur.... shin damage? There is no shin damage unless you plan on having 50 to 200 full contact fights in the ring bone on bone.... Flexibility? Most muay thai practitioners (in North America) can't kick above the waist.... the most devastating kicks from muay thai are to the LEG. Aikido and wingchun? Even a sport Muay Thai pro would destroy a black belt in Aikido and wing chun....... right and most fights land up on the ground? Says who? 2 nimcumpoops with no skill WILL land on the ground but someone with adequate training should have dropped their attacker well before they got to a point they lost balance and started rolling on the ground flailing like a child with some other unskilled tard. And in Thailand how are you going to grapple the ONE guy while his friends do what? Stand and watch? Nobody fights one on one here, if you're going to get into it HERE you HAVE to be prepared for his friends jumping in,that means DON'T GO TO THE GROUND AT ALL COSTS. Ah forget it.... so many misconceptions on martial arts.

Maipleur just do what you think will be the most interesting to you.


Yes, Damian, good analysis. If I get into it in Thailand I want you on my team. However, the OP is only looking for fitness training and some martial arts thrown in. 5 against 1 is tough odds no matter how much you know.


2 V 5 now ha ha odds are improving :-)

I am totally on Damian's side

Muay Thai is one of the strongest stand up styles.

The crushing right elbow will smash any facial bones

The Muay knee to the body is equalled to a 35 mile per hour car crasha nd can depress the chest 2 to 3 inches (which may shut the heart down)

ALSO muay thai/kick boxing was voted by "mens health mag" as the best cardio workout


You are in Thailand, take up Muay Thai for ######s sake, Aikido is a joke and boxing is basically like a watered down version of MT.


Rittee himself does personal training (cross-fitness training) but probably dosen't want to advertise himself here. PM him.


Jeet Kun Do if trained properly is pretty good, kali is a great supplement to all martial arts. Muay Thai IS the best workout available if fitness is a concern (I've trained just about everything and nothing pushed me as hard as muay thai)... when I need to lose weight for a job I start doing serious daily muay thai training and the weight comes off fast.... in fact I need to do that right now, I'm getting poodgy.


We can offer jeet kune do for empty hand and kali for weapons, at your place or ours. PM if interested.

yes I am interested and will be in touch.. If I am right, this was set up by Bruce Lee after his wing chun days??

A free form martial art?

not sure, but yes interested.. thanks


I'm not a Jeet Kun Do expert so take my input with a grain of salt, I only trained a few months and went to a seminar with Dan Inosanto (the head of Jeet Kun Do after Bruce Lee) but ya, Jeet Kun Do in my opinion is the street evolution of Wing Chun and has alot to offer with less limitations than alot of other martial arts. You will probably like it alot.


My goal is to get in shape..


I highly recommend the Navy Seal fitness regime.It doesn't involve any combat, just simple bust your ass exercise.

Google "Navy Seal workout"


Alternatively, try the "300" workout, the one the actors in the movie "300" went through to get in shape.

Google "300 workout"


I do a combo of the 2 above regimes.


That 300 workout looks bad! Scares me. But I love the back-to-basics element. Lifting truck tires, climbing ropes, cleans etc in an old sh*tty warehouse. That's the way to train.

My goal is to get in shape..


I highly recommend the Navy Seal fitness regime.It doesn't involve any combat, just simple bust your ass exercise.

Google "Navy Seal workout"


Alternatively, try the "300" workout, the one the actors in the movie "300" went through to get in shape.

Google "300 workout"


I do a combo of the 2 above regimes.

cheers for that, good site also. (mens health) That is an awesome workout and one I will adapt to my lifestyle, nice and quick and intense.. The proof it worked is shown in the movie.. thanks again..

Donz wrote:

That 300 workout looks bad! Scares me. But I love the back-to-basics element. Lifting truck tires, climbing ropes, cleans etc in an old sh*tty warehouse. That's the way to train.

I totally agree with you, I grew up boxing and trained in a shed.. That is also why I have my own gym now, no fluff and no distractions.

That 300 workout looks bad! Scares me. But I love the back-to-basics element. Lifting truck tires, climbing ropes, cleans etc in an old sh*tty warehouse. That's the way to train.

Yeh, it's a mean workout. I can only do it at about 75% of required reps, any more and I would start crying in the gym and everyone would laugh at me :o

  • 2 weeks later...
Special forces guys spend time learning how to quickly and efficiently deal with whatever situation they face. They're not good guys for fitness training...

You should try a cross-country hike through Tora Bora in the summer carrying a full kit of tactical gear with no sleep for 5 days and see how fit you feel :o


If you are interested in Special Forces Combatives, there is a seminar in November in Pattaya, Thailand which will be led by the founder of Special Forces Combatives James Webb. Here is a link to download information in PDF format:


James Webb is retired from the U.S. Army and has a few videos on the market as well. He is a Martial Artist that founded the Special Forces Combatives which is still in use in the U.S. Special Forces to this day. Also, one of his students, who will be teaching at this seminar, teaches combat Muay Thai which is Muay Thai techniques for combat situations. They have spent much time with the Thai military in learning Thai Lert or the Thai military combat art. The cost of the seminar is pricey, but it is well worth it. Let me know what you think.

By the way, James Webb is my Dad.

also many fights end up on the ground and gracie ju jitsu is a very poweful self defence for that type of fighting..

The accepted wisdom is that MOST street fights end up on the ground, and I think that you have to learn to take on ONE opponent effectively before you think about taking on FIVE! :o

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