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Is Thailand Still The Land Of Smiles ?


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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

Nobody hates it here, or we wouldn't be here.

Living here on a day to day basis for years; working, buying apartments, eating, experiencing different things, you pick up a greater understanding of the place. It's not 100% rosy.

The thread topic is about time and change. Is it still the LOS? Things are changing, and people are adding comments as per the thread title.

My opinion is that Thai people prefer to smile for numerous reasons, but it's getting harder for them to manage it...

(maybe this is the World in general?)

The buddha didn't suggest that you wait to achieve a bit of serenity and a smile just as soon as everyone else on the planet starts doing what you want them to do. It's an inside job and far more Thais than farang are working away at it. See who's smiling!

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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

Because they think it makes them feel better. But all they do is show how miserable and pathetic their lives here really are. Bless em. :o

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Reading this thread makes me suspect that Thaivisa must be one of the unhappiest forums on the internet. So many posters seem so miserable, it's a wonder they get through the day. It must be truly awful to be stuck living somewhere which makes you feel so cynical and unappreciated. My condolences to you all.

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Reading this thread makes me suspect that Thaivisa must be one of the unhappiest forums on the internet. So many posters seem so miserable, it's a wonder they get through the day. It must be truly awful to be stuck living somewhere which makes you feel so cynical and unappreciated. My condolences to you all.

Don't worry Bendix. They'll all leave the UK sooner or later. :o

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I think the land of smiles things is just tourist rubbish personally, there is a lot going on behind the scenes they dont want tourists to know.

It took me 3 yrs living here to figure that out. Eventually I discovered the only thing they smiled at was my money. Once I left the tourist areas and entered the local middle class establishments, there were no smiles to be found anywhere. In fact, the conceited attitudes were astounding. Even my best of Thai friends were taking any opportunity to take advantage of me whenever I let my guard down.

The "California" attitude was the very reason I left CA and came to Thailand in the first place. I was surprised during my recent visit home to find most everyone of all classes so friendly. Complete strangers starting conversations waiting for elevators, in grocery stores, shopping malls, at the park. It certainly has made me question what LOS is all about.

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I'm a fat, ugly old man and I have lived in Thailand a long time. Everywhere I go- all over the country - sweet, beautiful young girls smile at me and pay me attention and most are not prostitutes and gain nothing by being freindly to me.

It's the LAND OF SMILES to me! :o

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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

Nobody hates it here, or we wouldn't be here.

Living here on a day to day basis for years; working, buying apartments, eating, experiencing different things, you pick up a greater understanding of the place. It's not 100% rosy.

The thread topic is about time and change. Is it still the LOS? Things are changing, and people are adding comments as per the thread title.

My opinion is that Thai people prefer to smile for numerous reasons, but it's getting harder for them to manage it...

(maybe this is the World in general?)

I could not agree more. Visiting Thailand and living in Thailand are two differnt things....especially those of us who are in our prime working years. However, I still like living here better than in my home country - but I am under no illusions its paradise.

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I agree with you Yoko. These stupid sap farangs who think they've entered the inner chambers of Thai society have no idea how much their Thai partners are laughing at them.

Let's not go overboard, a chuckle at best in most instances... hardly any reason for RFLMAO type laughing though.


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Was really aiming my question at falangs, expats who could compare Thailand to there own country. Totally agree with what you're saying, but for the average westerner living here quality of life is very good compared to their own country.

That though is a bit of a holiday attitude.

The average working stiff farang has more or less no hope to get a job with work permit and good salary, even teaching English without the right qualifications is hardly possible anymore without using the different visa services who are also increasingly cracked down upon.

And when those farang run out of funds and continue to stay despite, life in the Land of Smile is getting very ugly.

If by working stiff you mean people with trade skills, you're right. However, people with law degrees, accounting degrees, etc., can find decent paying jobs in Thailand; without working for MNCs. I know of a number of Westerners on what are essentially localized packages making anywhere from 80-200k+ baht per month – while they won't get rich, they are comfortable. You just need decent experience, networking skills and a Uni degree. Lots of them around - you just won't meet them at the local teacher watering hole.

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I like lame, regulated, corruption free countries myself. Ones where the "small man" has a chance. The inherant corruption in every government institution really drags me down.

It happens everywhere I know but I've become very aware of it during my time here.

Watching Colonel Somchai buy a new BMW with the money he has stolen off of my friends / fellow social memebers / normal people, really pisses me off.

(God only knows why I've spent the last few years here...)

As soon as I can get hold of an apathetic, look after myself first, kind of attitude the happier I'll be. And I don't mean that comment as a slight to others, just a personal observation.

I hear your lament Jas, but unfortunately lamenting the injustices of things like the colonels living high off the hog doesn't change a bean in the barrel mate. :o

LOS is what it is, most expats I hang with accept this and go with the flow, roll with the punches and so on.

I think it's this acceptance of what it is and working with it that divides Thaivisa and the expat community. The other side of the divide are those who rage and rally against it like defiant fireworks roaring into the night, they may look good and sound

the part, but after the bang and fizz dies down its back to reality I'm afraid :D

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Again, it should be said it's not the country you love or hate... it's your own life that you love or hate. Go on more vacations, hire a maid or two, play more tennis, work less, work more.... is your OWN LIFE the Life of Smiles?


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Again, it should be said it's not the country you love or hate... it's your own life that you love or hate. Go on more vacations, hire a maid or two, play more tennis, work less, work more.... is your OWN LIFE the Life of Smiles?


If you smile... :D if you're happy.... :D ....you smile and are happy in the country you're in.

If that country is Thailand, you're more happy, if not, you're not happy :o

You're right Heng.


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The average working stiff farang has more or less no hope to get a job with work permit and good salary, even teaching English without the right qualifications is hardly possible anymore without using the different visa services who are also increasingly cracked down upon.

Wait a minute.. 'Visa services' ?? Why would anyone need a visa service? In my opinion requiring that foreign teachers are qualified and don't have a dodgy background is a GOOD THING (speaking as a father). It would be even better if similar scrutiny was applied to ALL teachers including Thai ones. But hey, it's a start. :o

"The average working stiff farang has no hope getting a job with a work permit"

Sorry but that's completely backwards. The average working farang is either working in Farangland (vast majority :D ) , or is employed in Thailand because HIS SKILLS ARE REQUIRED, and thus the work permit is a mere formality; no magic at all required to obtain one, it's a logical consequence of having wanted skills and not minding to live in Thailand.

Now is it getting 'harder' : Probably, primarily because this assclown military government is %$*(U$)'ing up the country. Few investments are made generally, and hiring a qualified foreigner is an investment.

And is Thailand still the land of Smiles. OF COURSE it is. Don't confuse a smile with anything it isn't; it's an established social gesture that people do, like giving someone a nod and a " how are ya" in the elevator. But as with established cultural things, they don't go away overnight, or at all. Kids are taught to smile just as they're taught to wai or say 'thank you'. Claiming it's going away is ludicrous, even the blind can HEAR the smiles.

Edited by Sanpatong
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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

Because they think it makes them feel better. But all they do is show how miserable and pathetic their lives here really are. Bless em. :o

spot on :D

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Was really aiming my question at falangs, expats who could compare Thailand to there own country. Totally agree with what you're saying, but for the average westerner living here quality of life is very good compared to their own country.

That though is a bit of a holiday attitude.

The average working stiff farang has more or less no hope to get a job with work permit and good salary, even teaching English without the right qualifications is hardly possible anymore without using the different visa services who are also increasingly cracked down upon.

And when those farang run out of funds and continue to stay despite, life in the Land of Smile is getting very ugly.

If by working stiff you mean people with trade skills, you're right. However, people with law degrees, accounting degrees, etc., can find decent paying jobs in Thailand; without working for MNCs. I know of a number of Westerners on what are essentially localized packages making anywhere from 80-200k+ baht per month – while they won't get rich, they are comfortable. You just need decent experience, networking skills and a Uni degree. Lots of them around - you just won't meet them at the local teacher watering hole.

Well, i don't know the local teacher watering hole.

But the average westerner, which was the term of the post i answered, does not have a university degree. And even a normal University degree won't give you a decent job here. There are more than a few teachers with degrees in all sorts of fields who only get a job as a teacher.

Many farang on local hire have had previously foreign hire jobs and got their local hire jobs after their contracts ran out through the connections they have made while on the expat position.

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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

Because they think it makes them feel better. But all they do is show how miserable and pathetic their lives here really are. Bless em. :o

spot on :D

Very condescending and insulting attitude that shows a complete lack of empathy for the suffering of fellow humans.

For many Thailand is not a escapist drug, but a home in which they take an active interest. Part of that interest is not just experiencing a cool semi-colonial life where we have more money than the average locals and can afford a comparably luxurious personal lifestyle in which many of the things that make life here so comfortable are so because of the rampant social injustices.

For me personally such a pond life existence is not happiness. How can i "hate Thailand"?

I have family here, i work here, i live here, and that since many years. Pointing out the many problems Thailand is facing is not bar stool winging but a realistic view of Thailand.

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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

that truly is the million dollar question.

probably because no one listens to them at home.

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Most people obviously have a different experience here than I do.

Why are people here or posting here if they hate Thailand so much? I just don't get it.

Because they think it makes them feel better. But all they do is show how miserable and pathetic their lives here really are. Bless em. :o

spot on :D

Very condescending and insulting attitude that shows a complete lack of empathy for the suffering of fellow humans.

For many Thailand is not a escapist drug, but a home in which they take an active interest. Part of that interest is not just experiencing a cool semi-colonial life where we have more money than the average locals and can afford a comparably luxurious personal lifestyle in which many of the things that make life here so comfortable are so because of the rampant social injustices.

For me personally such a pond life existence is not happiness. How can i "hate Thailand"?

I have family here, i work here, i live here, and that since many years. Pointing out the many problems Thailand is facing is not bar stool winging but a realistic view of Thailand.

you are absolutly right.

I agree with you 100%.

however on the contrary to your Pointing out the many problems Thailand is facing, and doing it politely and in good intent. many of our members on this and many other threads use a very condescending and insulting attitude, mixed with racist remarks and a patronising ignorant position that shows a complete lack of respect or empathy to thailand and its people.

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you are absolutly right.

I agree with you 100%.

however on the contrary to your Pointing out the many problems Thailand is facing, and doing it politely and in good intent. many of our members on this and many other threads use a very condescending and insulting attitude, mixed with racist remarks and a patronising ignorant position that shows a complete lack of respect or empathy to thailand and its people.

Well, yeah, you have a point there. :o

We should be careful though to separate bar stool whinging from constructive criticism. But also the indifferent endorsement of Thailand as paradise on earth, the fabled "Land of Smile", is IMO not that different from our bar stool cynics. Both are rather egoistic views that only take into account the personal level of happiness or unhappiness one experiences here, without empathy for the many people who are not as lucky, or who have not the luxury to sit every day at a bar complaining about irrelevancies.

Thailand is a developing country with many problems, there is no way around it. Many Thais have very difficult lives that are not to be envied, and for those Thailand is not "the Land of Smile", but a constant struggle to make ends meet in a unjust society without the option to leave when things get intolerable.

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If you dont like it, go, simple.

No, not simple.

Visa regulations in western countries make it very difficult for many to move their spouses and children to their countries even if they would want to leave.

New Thai visa regulations have already resulted in many cases where westerners who have previously had no problems getting a visa for Thailand do not qualify now anymore, and who cannot qualify for a visa for their families in their home countries. I would suggest asking the different western embassies in Thailand, who are aware of many such desperate cases.

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From a purely selfish perspective (you ought to try this once in a while - treat yourself), I still enjoy living and working here.

Regarding the political; social; cultural situations here in Thailand, just realise you are not going to make one lick of difference to the big picture here, and then get on with it.

Thailand is always one place in the world that I enjoy being in, and miss when I'm not.

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Once I left the tourist areas and entered the local middle class establishments, there were no smiles to be found anywhere. In fact,

What a load of poppycock!!!!

Would you please enlighten me as to the places you went and did not see a smile, if you are actually on the same planet as I am, then there must be something very wrong with you for Thai people not to smile.

Ever thought it could be you are a total @#$%%^$ and you never make people happy no matter what country you are in ?

Edited by Maigo6
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Again, it should be said it's not the country you love or hate... it's your own life that you love or hate.

Sure Heng, you have hit the nail on the head, many Farangs come to Thailand thinking that Thailand owes them a living, then they get all bitter and twisted when they fawk up!!!!

It's not Thailand that got you into the position you are in now, YOU got yourself into that position!!

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