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Recently stayed at the Kawee Hotel in Sra Kaew. I wouldn't recommend it, but I digress.

I was surprised to see in the regulations for guests the following statement.

"Lepers and sufferers of other infectious diseases are not permitted in the hotel."

Recently stayed at the Kawee Hotel in Sra Kaew. I wouldn't recommend it, but I digress.

I was surprised to see in the regulations for guests the following statement.

"Lepers and sufferers of other infectious diseases are not permitted in the hotel."

Is that in Pattaya? Maybe they meant 'leapers'.

Recently stayed at the Kawee Hotel in Sra Kaew. I wouldn't recommend it, but I digress.

I was surprised to see in the regulations for guests the following statement.

"Lepers and sufferers of other infectious diseases are not permitted in the hotel."

Is that in Pattaya? Maybe they meant 'leapers'.

bet you slept well in there bed :o


Well I'd say this would be the policy of any hotel - leprosey is highly contagious and could spread quite easy and any other contagion. However most arent really noticable so unless once was obviously sick dare say they wouldnt have a problem checking in.


Not many hotel beds that haven't had something unhygienic done in them.. It's a mark of the hotel's quality whether or not you can detect it after.. :o

Well I'd say this would be the policy of any hotel - leprosey is highly contagious and could spread quite easy and any other contagion. However most arent really noticable so unless once was obviously sick dare say they wouldnt have a problem checking in.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health say leprosy is NOT "highly contagious," take a look at:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001347.htm#Causes, incidence, and risk factors

"It is not very contagious (difficult to transmit) ..."

However, doesn't surprise me that the hotel has such a notice on the wall.

Back to the hotel, not a whole hel_l of a lot of options in Sakeo.  I've stayed there.

Here's more:  http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/7153/hotel/hotelcen51.htm


It would seem ignorance persists on Thaivisa also! :D

Not really... :o

No, I want the last word!

Mods, close this topic immediately! lol.


I can see the op's point. Although a slightly different tack, a place I stayed at in Chiang Mai a while back (Lai Tai) had a rather large poster stuck to the counter which read "If one stains the sheets, one will be charged 50 baht" or words to that effect. Lots of families staying there and quite a nice place to boot, but <deleted> wants to read crap like that on checking in? If some inconsiderate so 'n so does ejaculate all over the sheets or wipe his ole man on the curtains, then fine him after but don't let the intentions of the management be known to all n sundry - the vast majority of whom will not be scattering gism around the room anyway - before the act... amateurs!! :o:D


Maybe putting up the various signs is to cover the Hotel from a later claim. A lot of Thailand hotels I have stayed in have signs warning guests about losing keys: 'Warning: Guest will be charged 2,500 baht if room key is lost.'

Personally, I am looking around for a reasonable Bangkok hotel in the 3 star level. Thanks, ThaiVisa for your help here.

Reading the reviews, it seems either guests are very fussy - or a lot of Bangkok hotels need to lift their game. The main complains are: rude staff, dirty and smelly carpets and noisy air-conditioners.


A lot of the cheaper hotels encourage lepers as guests. They generally leave a tip.


At least thotels let you in Boksida, when I try to take a Durian in they stop me. :D

A lot of the cheaper hotels encourage lepers as guests. They generally leave a tip.

These hotels also have the luxury of recycling the lepers bath water for soup :o


probably all OT:

my first day/night in bkk i made the mistake of taking a room that said no thai ladies

i had no idea how lucky i would get and had to take/pay for another room that night

for low (and maybe even midrange rooms) there is always something wrong or malfunctioning, etc,

almost always :D not to mention the noise

my worst experience was in malaysia where the guest house room was infested with what i am sure were bedbugs, of 17 countires, that was a first, that i knew of, apparantly they are not uncommon there, now i look for them everywhere!

i did have 4000 baht stolen from a room at river kwai mansion/hotel on the river in kanchanburi and i am almost sure it was an inside job

the mistake was making an ordeal of it and the insuing nastiness of the staff, but i did buy a padlock and a door knob cover i have yet to use after 2 years, very heavy to travel with, though i do see some places have a latch for you to add your own padlock to the room door lock

some of the signs expectations of the guests and the service is sooooooo....... :o

which makes the ones with good service such a breath of fresh air

nett hotel in lopuri and ploy inn at lonely beach ko chang, new banana GH in pinang, all gave me exceptional service for a good price 400-500 baht

tell them jeffree from usa/bkk told you

this is NOT a plug, just want them to have back the good karma back they gave me

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