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Military Goverment


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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ?? What has been the effect on tourism ??

Would you consider investing money in Thailand in the current climate ??

Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ??

Short term. Not long term. Its fixable.

What has been the effect on tourism ??

Minimal. The violence in the south is a bigger threat.

Would you consider investing money in Thailand in the current climate ??


Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

Not for decades, if ever.

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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ??

Short term. Not long term. Its fixable.

What has been the effect on tourism ??

Minimal. The violence in the south is a bigger threat.

Would you consider investing money in Thailand in the current climate ??


Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

Not for decades, if ever.

Not sure if your average tourist even thimks about the south too much.

Many of my friends who own buisnesses in Pattaya are complaining tourist numbers are well down on last year, although l have'nt seen any offical figures yet.

ln Pattaya there are alot of cheap buisnesses for sale, the prices seemed to have dropped significantly from a year or two ago

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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ?? What has been the effect on tourism ??

Would you consider investing money in Thailand in the current climate ??

Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

Do ya think tanks rolling through Bangkok is good for tourism !!!!!!!! :o

Invest money here ? hel_l NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ?? What has been the effect on tourism ??

Would you consider investing money in Thailand in the current climate ??

Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

Do ya think tanks rolling through Bangkok is good for tourism !!!!!!!! :o

Invest money here ? hel_l NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can see your point

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The place is starting to look more like Burma.

Investors and tourists will notice.

Not good.

There are some pretty draconian laws being passed with regards to people commenting about the goverment, surely this can't be good for democracy.

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A military gov't isn't really very good for any segment of the economy (except the military). Their area of expertise isn't in running a country, it's in protecting it. As a result, you see very short sighted laws and draconian measures implemented that do little for economic growth or stability and also do little for civil society.

In essense a military gov't really is only good and protecting a country from itself and that's a pretty big discounting of the people's ability to manage their affairs.

This has less to do with Thailand, per se, and more to do with military rule anywhere.

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The place is starting to look more like Burma.

Investors and tourists will notice.

Not good.

There are some pretty draconian laws being passed with regards to people commenting about the goverment, surely this can't be good for democracy.

ls GEORGE.W. BUSH dragging a country through a war nobody wants DEMOCRATIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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A military gov't isn't really very good for any segment of the economy (except the military). Their area of expertise isn't in running a country, it's in protecting it. As a result, you see very short sighted laws and draconian measures implemented that do little for economic growth or stability and also do little for civil society.

In essense a military gov't really is only good and protecting a country from itself and that's a pretty big discounting of the people's ability to manage their affairs.

This has less to do with Thailand, per se, and more to do with military rule anywhere.

So even if we end up with a democratically elected goverment at the end of all this, the threat of military intervention is always going to be there, so will this harm Thailand?

l would have to think long and hard before investing here.

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The place is starting to look more like Burma.

Investors and tourists will notice.

Not good.

There are some pretty draconian laws being passed with regards to people commenting about the goverment, surely this can't be good for democracy.

ls GEORGE.W. BUSH dragging a country through a war nobody wants DEMOCRATIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

The right to free speech, the right to vote and have a goverment elected by a process free from corruption is democratic and hopefully thats what you get in the US.

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In essense a military gov't really is only good and protecting a country from itself and that's a pretty big discounting of the people's ability to manage their affairs.

Thai Military protecting the Country? That would be nice.

What are the chances? About the same as finding an honest cop.

When it comes to corruption, the Thai Military has no equals.

Believe me. They are only looking out for #1, themselves.

Thai Military is the most corrupt of all Thai agencies..and that is saying allot.

How many Mercedes Benz are purchased by the military every year I wonder?

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The problems Thailand has faced came mostly before this government came in. As for the dollar being weak you can't blame Thailand for that. I support this gov't. In six months you can complain that the 'new' government caused the problems in the south too.

By the way, in the US a lot of Americans would say that a monarchy can't be good for a country. Just because the military has some involvment doesn't mean the gov't is something like China's or Burma's or Cuba's.

Get real.

Edited by Aujuba
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My reference to the military was a general reference, not specifically toward Thailand--but I think applicable.

As far as corruption goes, I don't doubt you on that. As a very general rule, the military isn't known for it's high moral principles and sense of conscience. People who are attracted to the military are often people who find some sense of enjoyment in situations where civil laws breakdown, others are attracted by the sort of black and white view of right and wrong. Of course this certainly doesn't apply to ALL military people, but some.

So, in short, they do a reasonably good job of waging wars, protecting borders etc. Running a country or a gov't just isn't their strong suit.

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Most people in the Thai military were drafted I bet.

As for military people enjoying civil law breaking down I doubt that. They have families and relatives who have to live in the civilian world. Of course there are a few nuts in every military though. Most military people love their countries. TV is always showing wacked out surreal stories of corrupt military people and for the most part it's just not true.

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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ??


What has been the effect on tourism ??

Slight downturn. But I think there will continue to be enough foreigners who will desperately try to cling to a life in Thailand for the foreseeable future no matter what the government. Certainly enough to continue to support a very minor part of my rental income portfolio.

Would you consider investing money in Thailand in the current climate ??

Yes. Even better (investment prospect wise only of course) if there was "blood on the street" but I suppose this is as good as it gets.

Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

Who cares?


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My post states people who are attracted to the military--that really doesn't refer to conscripts who are drafted into it--probably quite the opposite. It also doesn't refer to the breakdown of civil order in their neighborhood, since most military action occurs out of ones own region.

And of course most military people don't necessarily like it, but these are people who are often either attracted to that type of life by personality or training.

I am not trying to make a dig at the military. They are necessary and generally do what their trained to do, well. But their "rules of engagement" and definition of the "enemy" do not fit well within the framework of governing.

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Do you think the military goverment has damaged Thailands long term prospects ??

I think the word you were looking for was doomed.

The answer to the question is btw yes :D

Will Thailand ever be taken seriously as a democratic nation ??

Has it ever been before ? :o

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The place is starting to look more like Burma.

Investors and tourists will notice.

Not good.

There are some pretty draconian laws being passed with regards to people commenting about the goverment, surely this can't be good for democracy.

ls GEORGE.W. BUSH dragging a country through a war nobody wants DEMOCRATIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

How strange...it seems to me that man got 51,5% of votes...and wasn't that after the war started...oohh, wth, Thaivisa's liberals surely know better :D

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Anyone who has taken the time to study Thailand's history will note several coups d'etat, hence, it is nothing new. It is true that in the short term it affects Thailand's credibility and investor confidence, but as for tourist numbers, no, I really see no long term impact.

Consider what has happened in just the past ten years:

- Sept 11/Bali bombings (not only related to Thailand but did have a temporary effect on tourist numbers)

- Tsunami

- SARS/Bird flu

- Continuing violence in the three southernmost provinces

- Military coup

DESPITE all these factors, tourism still seems to increase rather than decrease. You could of course speculate that it would have increased even more without these things, but all these factors that were at one time blown up as the end of tourism, have not come to have any significant impact on the absolute numbers.

So don't worry. Be happy. :o

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Yeah things are going up. All the rightwing pro-Thaksin whingers have nothing to do now so they complain. Are people leaving - no. How many people have left the Thaivisa board? None Membership is continually going up and up. Thailand will always be a great place for business etc in Asia.

Okay, all that was a bit spruced up.

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Most people in the Thai military were drafted I bet.

As for military people enjoying civil law breaking down I doubt that. They have families and relatives who have to live in the civilian world. Of course there are a few nuts in every military though. Most military people love their countries. TV is always showing wacked out surreal stories of corrupt military people and for the most part it's just not true.

l think there are some high-ranking generals in the thai army who have benefitted from this situation, and will have no problem doing the same again if they feel the need arises.

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Anyone who has taken the time to study Thailand's history will note several coups d'etat, hence, it is nothing new. It is true that in the short term it affects Thailand's credibility and investor confidence, but as for tourist numbers, no, I really see no long term impact.

Consider what has happened in just the past ten years:

- Sept 11/Bali bombings (not only related to Thailand but did have a temporary effect on tourist numbers)

- Tsunami

- SARS/Bird flu

- Continuing violence in the three southernmost provinces

- Military coup

DESPITE all these factors, tourism still seems to increase rather than decrease. You could of course speculate that it would have increased even more without these things, but all these factors that were at one time blown up as the end of tourism, have not come to have any significant impact on the absolute numbers.

So don't worry. Be happy. :D

Would agree with you Thailand has had many coup's over the centuries and survived, but l think if this were to happen again within the next 5 years or so this would have a negative effect on the economy.

One of Thailands main sources of income is tourism and continued political instability could prove damaging.

Some of the laws being passed at the moment are from the dark ages !! My wifes mother owns a small shop close to a navy base on the eastern seaboard, the police told her that no more than 3 people were allowed in the shop at one time and it was illegal for anybody to discuss the goverment in more than groups of 3. This was last year, now nobody is allowed to discuss politics at all in or near the shop, and the police have asked her to spy on her customers and listen if they are talking about the goverment and to them inform them immediately.

For the majority of expats living here l don't think life has really changed much if at all, but l would'nt take it for granted it will always be this way!!

Lets hope the current goverment stick to their promise of Decemeber elections!! :o

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Looking at things through the lens of global capitalism (which I assume is stance the OP meant), the answer is no. The idea that there is some kind of correlation between democracy and business is a farce, put about by Western powers to justify where necessary their imperialist ambitions. As others have said, instability may deter investors but international capital has no problem doing business with dictatorships; China (not exactly high on the democratic index) doesn’t really have too much trouble eating at the same trough as the Western ‘democracies’. As regards tourism, I would imagine that figures are available online but as the safety of white-skinned foreigners is fairly assured in Thailand most holiday makers have probably given the matter little thought. Certainly ethical considerations tend not to figure particularly highly in most tourists’ decision making.

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Looking at things through the lens of global capitalism (which I assume is stance the OP meant), the answer is no. The idea that there is some kind of correlation between democracy and business is a farce, put about by Western powers to justify where necessary their imperialist ambitions. As others have said, instability may deter investors but international capital has no problem doing business with dictatorships; China (not exactly high on the democratic index) doesn't really have too much trouble eating at the same trough as the Western 'democracies'. As regards tourism, I would imagine that figures are available online but as the safety of white-skinned foreigners is fairly assured in Thailand most holiday makers have probably given the matter little thought. Certainly ethical considerations tend not to figure particularly highly in most tourists' decision making.

I would disagree. I think democracy leads to people voting in their perceived self interest. Usually, a short sighted self interest. This short sighted self interest usually leads to consumerism in one fashion or another. Is that good for business? Sure it is. Is it good for all the worlds people, in the long run? Probably not, but it does serve to get everyone on the same page for when the shit hits the fan, resource wise. Maybe then they can work together through enlightened self interest of many more peoples. It would be nice if they could skip a few steps in this progression, but not too many seem in favor of it.

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Looking at things through the lens of global capitalism (which I assume is stance the OP meant), the answer is no. The idea that there is some kind of correlation between democracy and business is a farce, put about by Western powers to justify where necessary their imperialist ambitions. As others have said, instability may deter investors but international capital has no problem doing business with dictatorships; China (not exactly high on the democratic index) doesn't really have too much trouble eating at the same trough as the Western 'democracies'. As regards tourism, I would imagine that figures are available online but as the safety of white-skinned foreigners is fairly assured in Thailand most holiday makers have probably given the matter little thought. Certainly ethical considerations tend not to figure particularly highly in most tourists' decision making.

Would agree with some of your points, the baht is still strong GDP is still rising, although not as much as predicited.

Will there be long term damage who knows ??? l hope life for the average expat does'nt change to drastically because l think that accounts for a large number of members on this forum.

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Looking at things through the lens of global capitalism (which I assume is stance the OP meant), the answer is no. The idea that there is some kind of correlation between democracy and business is a farce, put about by Western powers to justify where necessary their imperialist ambitions. As others have said, instability may deter investors but international capital has no problem doing business with dictatorships; China (not exactly high on the democratic index) doesn't really have too much trouble eating at the same trough as the Western 'democracies'. As regards tourism, I would imagine that figures are available online but as the safety of white-skinned foreigners is fairly assured in Thailand most holiday makers have probably given the matter little thought. Certainly ethical considerations tend not to figure particularly highly in most tourists' decision making.

Would agree with some of your points, the baht is still strong GDP is still rising, although not as much as predicited.

Will there be long term damage who knows ??? l hope life for the average expat does'nt change to drastically because l think that accounts for a large number of members on this forum.

need to see what happens over the next few months to see if its damaging........

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