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Snide Remarks


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If you think LOS is bad w/respect to the Farang/TG thing, try dating a chick in HK or Singapore. Man, you get the "looks" there.

Now, that I do not agree with. I never had any "looks" in Singapore when going out with a local girl.


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If you was in UK, just look around at the state of the women there, the silly clothes, fags hanging out of their mouths, screaming at their kids.

Jesus christ, it's frightening....................most of the looks you will get will be looks of envy, don't worry about it.

Just thank god you are not with Big Bertha over there with the nosering, tattoos, picking her  spots and screaming at the kids.................................. :D


Whatever they think or say, you're the one who's happy and with a good looking girl who's really really nice and feminine. :D

Tell them to, just tell them to AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH can't print it, can't print it, OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it makes me MAD!

Have you seen the 'Why do Brits not want to go home' topic? ...Another reason. :o:D:D

My oh my, you are an emotional little chap! Slow it down mate, or your ticker's

gonna burst.

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As in most asian countrys there is only one way to make a descent living,and working in the fields might be a more honorable way to some,

Gee I wonder what masses of well educated Thai's, Malaysians, Taiwanese, Japanese, Koreans would say to that. You know, the doctors, teachers, lawyers, accountants, dentists, managers, nurses, administrators. Men and WOMEN.

Some farangs seem to never step out of the Sukhumvit bars or Issan rice fields. To those deluded farangs, OPEN YOUR EYES, there's a huge modernising city around you, there's hundreds of thousands of Thais, driving expensive cars, earning a "decent living" without having to resort to prostitution or the like.

And to extend your delusion to the whole of Asia is just plain ridiculous. Get real.

there's hundreds of thousands of Thais, driving expensive cars, earning a "decent living" without having to resort to prostitution or the like.

I'm not gonna argue with you on the numbers (driving expensive cars, earning a "decent living")

BUT to get that job, that provides a decent living you need to be educated.

In Thailand you need a degree to answer the telephone.

And how in <deleted> he11 is some girl from upcountry gonna get that education when her folks are living off sweet F/A

You tell me!

AND all the people driving these expensive cars!! Have you forgotten that Thailand is in the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.

Just where do you think most (perhaps read very many) get the money from.

Prostitution is just one of the things Thailand is so famous for. :o

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AND on the subject of snide remarks.....

I have taken my wife (not a BG but thats not everything) home to meet the folks.

When they met her they fell in love with her (even my children after they got used to the idea that their "step mum" was younger than they were)

As long as I am happy and as long as she is happy I don't give a flying <deleted> what another living soul thinks.

Those that are happy for us are our friends.

Those that are not happy, can fry in he11 :o

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And how in <deleted> he11 is some girl from upcountry gonna get that education when her folks are living off sweet F/A

You tell me!

Have met many poor farmers who have done just that, they sacrificed just about everything for their kids, their kids work very very hard and they do go on to acheive.
AND all the people driving these expensive cars!! Have you forgotten that Thailand is in the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.

Just where do you think most (perhaps read very many) get the money from.

Yes its corrupt, but most of the people you see driving that car work their <deleted> off for that car in legitimate business/jobs. Given the fact that they generally work on lower salaries makes getting that car even more impresive.

Prostitution is just one of the things Thailand is so famous for.  :o

Agree, it is unfortunate, but that is slowly changing.

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And how in <deleted> he11 is some girl from upcountry gonna get that education when her folks are living off sweet F/A

You tell me!

Have met many poor farmers who have done just that, they sacrificed just about everything for their kids, their kids work very very hard and they do go on to acheive.

AND all the people driving these expensive cars!! Have you forgotten that Thailand is in the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.

Just where do you think most (perhaps read very many) get the money from.

Yes its corrupt, but most of the people you see driving that car work their <deleted> off for that car in legitimate business/jobs. Given the fact that they generally work on lower salaries makes getting that car even more impresive.
Prostitution is just one of the things Thailand is so famous for.  :o

Agree, it is unfortunate, but that is slowly changing.

Yeah- its a tough issue. There *is* a choice to be made (excepting slave traders and such!! :D ) But it isn't so simple.

Their parents make a huge difference when it comes to this subject. My tee ruk's (incidentally, not a BG) biological parents have split up. Her dad is a good man, but her mom is living and Bangkok and only calls when she wants money. AND mum wants her youngest daughter to drop out of high school and get a job so she can help support her mum's joblessness.

While it is one thing to say it is possible, A whole lot depends on the parents making their children's education a high priority. That is tough to do on opium.

My own parents instilled a very strong work ethic in me. I can certainly see the judgement that there is something else you could have done. On the other hand, I also know that lots of good, well meaning people haven't had the benifits I have had growing up- and I don't mean financial.

I may very well decide that to be the case- possibly in more cases thaan not. I know pleeeenty of farangs for who that *is* true, and Thais are in very, very many ways exactly the same as farang. But I can't judge people solely on that decision.

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Those that are happy for us are our friends.

Wise words John B, wise words.

I work very hard, I don't dabble in corruption and I have a healthy UK salary but I can't afford a FKN Mercedes! I have to believe what I see and 2+2 does not add up to 5. I think a large chunk of these people are living of immoral earnings, in all it's forms, not just prostitution. I knew a BKK high-so girl once who's BMW was paid for by multiple boyfriends, such a spoilt snobby child she was. I avoid that type like the plague now. Completely clueless about the true value of money/work/loyalty.

I also wish to make the following point. I come from a working class background and a broken family. My Father, who I haven't seen for around 10 years, was an ass.hole. My Mother is the most lovely, hard working woman you could meet and desperately wanted to give me a good start in life. She struggled to bring me and my Sister up on minimum wage and couldn't afford higher education for us. However, she made us into good people with the resources she had and all the love she could muster... If you saw me in a bar in Thailand, would you avoid social contact with me because I am from a working class background? Would you mock me because I didn't have the opportunity to go to University? Would you mock me for my Midlands working class accent?

If you answered no, then why do you mock the Isaan woman, who are more often than not, proud and goodly folk. Your negative comments about Isaan girls are ill informed and when you speak them, you offend me and my girl deeply.

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If you think LOS is bad w/respect to the Farang/TG thing, try dating a chick in HK or Singapore.  Man, you get the "looks" there.

Now, that I do not agree with. I never had any "looks" in Singapore when going out with a local girl.


Well, all I can say is you've been pretty lucky. I lived in Singapore for three years and the Chinese gals I'd date always got "looks" when we'd go to a show, Changi Golf course etc. Maybe I was just a bit paranoid but to me it seemed there's more of a stigma for a local girl w/farang than in Thailand.

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As in most asian countrys there is only one way to make a descent living,and working in the fields might be a more honorable way to some,

Gee I wonder what masses of well educated Thai's, Malaysians, Taiwanese, Japanese, Koreans would say to that. You know, the doctors, teachers, lawyers, accountants, dentists, managers, nurses, administrators. Men and WOMEN.

Some farangs seem to never step out of the Sukhumvit bars or Issan rice fields. To those deluded farangs, OPEN YOUR EYES, there's a huge modernising city around you, there's hundreds of thousands of Thais, driving expensive cars, earning a "decent living" without having to resort to prostitution or the like.

And to extend your delusion to the whole of Asia is just plain ridiculous. Get real.

there's hundreds of thousands of Thais, driving expensive cars, earning a "decent living" without having to resort to prostitution or the like.

I'm not gonna argue with you on the numbers (driving expensive cars, earning a "decent living")

BUT to get that job, that provides a decent living you need to be educated.

In Thailand you need a degree to answer the telephone.

And how in <deleted> he11 is some girl from upcountry gonna get that education when her folks are living off sweet F/A

You tell me!

AND all the people driving these expensive cars!! Have you forgotten that Thailand is in the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.

Just where do you think most (perhaps read very many) get the money from.

Prostitution is just one of the things Thailand is so famous for. :o

I know women who come from up country and were born to poor farmers who are now lawyers. There is a government grant system that helps anyone get an education, just like in our own countries - you pay it back after you start work.

I do not enter this arena to often as I have my own view on bar girls, but would you marry one in your own country?, if you have a ex bargirl do you tell your family the truth? I could not live the lie personally.

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I knew a BKK high-so girl once who's BMW was paid for by multiple boyfriends, such a spoilt snobby child she was. I avoid that type like the plague now. Completely clueless about the true value of money/work/loyalty.

My first girlfriend was one of them and she hasn't changed and I feel genuinly sorry for her.

Anyway, that's heading off topic so I'll put it in the fridge and take it out when I'm stuck for an idea for a new post.

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