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Record Number Of People Leave Uk


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Record number of people leave UK

More people left the UK last year than in any year since 1991, statistics just released suggest.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest that some 385,000 people left the UK for the long term in the year to mid-2006.

Long-term migration into the UK, meanwhile, was 574,000.

The figures show the UK's population grew to 60,587,000 - an increase of 349,000 (0.6%). They also suggest there were 159,000 more births than deaths.

Population growth

The number of people aged 85 or over grew by 6% to 1,243,000 while the number of people of retirement age increased by 1% to 11,344,000.

The largest population growth, by district, was 14% in Westminster, followed by Camden and South Northamptonshire - both 12%.

The populations of Forest Heath and Rutland grew by 11%.

The greatest reductions at 2% were in Rushmoor, Middlesbrough, Sefton and Burnley.

Britons abroad

The average age was 39 compared with just over 34 in 1971.

The method by which migration statistics are compiled changed in 1991, making comparisons with earlier figures difficult.

A study by the Institute for Public Policy Research for the BBC News website in 2006 showed almost one in 10 British citizens lives overseas.

The top expat locations were Australia, Spain, the US and Canada.

Increasing numbers were heading to Asian countries such as the UAE, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand and China.

From .....

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6958220.stm ( Wednesday, 22 August 2007 )

5.5m Britons 'opt to live abroad

Thailand: 41,000



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I have just this minute read that article on AOL UK News.

Two things concern me.

I have stated for years that the UK, within 25 years will become a third world country. many areas of the UK have already become deplorable. Entire British Communities wiped out, the community gone for ever, including the local pub.

However, how many, who have already left, are going to have to return to the UK, when funds run dry .?

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I have just this minute read that article on AOL UK News.

Two things concern me.

I have stated for years that the UK, within 25 years will become a third world country. many areas of the UK have already become deplorable. Entire British Communities wiped out, the community gone for ever, including the local pub.

However, how many, who have already left, are going to have to return to the UK, when funds run dry .?

sounds a good prospect to me.

I can`t wait.

Edited by Lite Beer
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TEFL Mike,.....I agree the british pub has long gone,......only young people visit their local karoke bar then leave pissed and walk home make noise fight,......these establishments should all be outside town centre,.....

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True I came here because of the tax benefits and the fact that the wife is Thai, but if it weren't for the money I would go back to UK, Thailand is great for holidays but becomes a bit of a drag when I spend a long time here. Plus and minus points for both, but the UK clinches it on infrastructure.

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I am nearing 50 now,...and I reckon that over those years the people who were here when I was born must make up about 1/10 th of todays U.K. population ,...with over half of the original UK RESIDENTS FROM THAT ERA NOW LIVING OVERSEAS,...sorry for shouting (pressed the wrong button!)

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However, is there any point in returning to the UK, even with ill health etc?

Now the new rules and regulations are in force, all expats, to whatever country, both Europe and further afield,on their return to the UK ,will have to now pay for health treatment.

Excluding : from what I read in a report a few weeks ago, those who are working abroad teaching english as a foreign language.

I cry when I see the state of England now and what it used to be like, until, not that far distant past. :o

Land of Hope but no Glory?

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True I came here because of the tax benefits and the fact that the wife is Thai, but if it weren't for the money I would go back to UK, Thailand is great for holidays but becomes a bit of a drag when I spend a long time here. Plus and minus points for both, but the UK clinches it on infrastructure.

How they can say the population is 60 million is beyond me, the true figure is plus another 10 - 20 million.

If l could have my 2 english sons here, and they moved West Ham United to Bangkok i would never go back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And it ain't easy to get back into the UK system once you've been out of it for a while. I got told I was 'of questionable immigration status when I went back last year and was almost refused hospital treatmant... and I;m British!!!!!!

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And it ain't easy to get back into the UK system once you've been out of it for a while. I got told I was 'of questionable immigration status when I went back last year and was almost refused hospital treatmant... and I;m British!!!!!!

Just mentioned this fact in my post only a few minutes ago. The rules have tightened up over the last few months regarding hospital treatment.

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And it ain't easy to get back into the UK system once you've been out of it for a while. I got told I was 'of questionable immigration status when I went back last year and was almost refused hospital treatmant... and I;m British!!!!!!

wev'e been done like kippers lads! :o

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I mean I was a <deleted> and told the truth about living in Thailand but I should have lied and I think I would have gotten a better reception. I still have the letter telling me my immigration status was no good. And yet an Eastern European can come here and have medical care and welfare benefits and I worked for Britain for years!!!!!

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And it ain't easy to get back into the UK system once you've been out of it for a while. I got told I was 'of questionable immigration status when I went back last year and was almost refused hospital treatmant... and I;m British!!!!!!

wev'e been done like kippers lads! :o

Think laterally. Successive Governments have consciously or sub-consciously, forced the White British National out of their own Country????? They have promoted immigrants from the ex-(so called) Empire. Cheaper labour?

Or, have the White British national forced themselves out of the market through greed?

A proper thesis needs to be applied to these questions. We know there is a 'shift' resulting from 'Globalisation'?

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sorry TEFLMike, was dashing in without reading!!!!! Yes it was awful for me while I was very ill, they kept hassling me for proof of address. The trick I think, is not to burn your bridges

Indeed, I keep my address in the UK and redirect my mail over here so they can't pull that expat crap.

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sorry TEFLMike, was dashing in without reading!!!!! Yes it was awful for me while I was very ill, they kept hassling me for proof of address. The trick I think, is not to burn your bridges

Indeed, I keep my address in the UK and redirect my mail over here so they can't pull that expat crap.

No problem :D . I posted that within asecond of your post arriving :-).

I am

about to give up my association flat in the UK in October. I cannot afford to keep that on now I am here. I was married , with a house for 30 years . Funds are dwindling. I am still paying extortinate council tax etc. I will no doubt use my parents or brothers address in the UK. My bank and doctors are still 50 miles away near my parents from where I lived anyway :o

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The British government are only just waking up to the fact that the mass migration of EU workers in UK went ott. I'm all for crossing borders and multi culture stuff but UK is losing the proverbial plot. Brits are being refused drugs for certain conditions because our health service is so strapped for cash. I was in hosp recently and the hospital trust was bankrupt so they were sending people home ill to clear the beds. It never used to be like that. It's sad and desperate.

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True I came here because of the tax benefits and the fact that the wife is Thai, but if it weren't for the money I would go back to UK, Thailand is great for holidays but becomes a bit of a drag when I spend a long time here. Plus and minus points for both, but the UK clinches it on infrastructure.

How they can say the population is 60 million is beyond me, the true figure is plus another 10 - 20 million.

If l could have my 2 english sons here, and they moved West Ham United to Bangkok i would never go back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

,...?...gawd blimey squire!..you 'ammers' ain't arf got some fingers!
I mean I was a <deleted> and told the truth about living in Thailand but I should have lied and I think I would have gotten a better reception. I still have the letter telling me my immigration status was no good. And yet an Eastern European can come here and have medical care and welfare benefits and I worked for Britain for years!!!!!
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True I came here because of the tax benefits and the fact that the wife is Thai, but if it weren't for the money I would go back to UK, Thailand is great for holidays but becomes a bit of a drag when I spend a long time here. Plus and minus points for both, but the UK clinches it on infrastructure.

How they can say the population is 60 million is beyond me, the true figure is plus another 10 - 20 million.

If l could have my 2 english sons here, and they moved West Ham United to Bangkok i would never go back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No truer word spoken in 'jest' . Have they not just moved Man City to Thailand? Or about to do so? :D

Oh yes! The DSS are about to start checking Passports on their new computer systems , hmmm

I am off to bed, this whole episode is depressing me, I will never sleep tonight :o

,...?...gawd blimey squire!..you 'ammers' ain't arf got some fingers!
I mean I was a <deleted> and told the truth about living in Thailand but I should have lied and I think I would have gotten a better reception. I still have the letter telling me my immigration status was no good. And yet an Eastern European can come here and have medical care and welfare benefits and I worked for Britain for years!!!!!

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Perhaps these British Expats who bleat on about the UK should be invited to recind their citizenship and rights to ever go back.

(Sadly they can't do that)

I for one am sick of hearing them droan on about the UK and what ever their particular gripe is - OK they have a right to say what they want. but I'd appreciate if they at least tried to come up with something they thought up for themselves.

I guess it never occurs to them that if they had been born in Thailand they'd like as not be sitting on a street corner trying to make a living as a Motorbike taxi driver.

As it is the UK gave them education, health care, the oportunities and work while the boom in the UK ecconomy (and property market) has given them a chance to live where they like.

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I agree with what you're saying Guesthouse but there's a few relevant points here. Yes we got our education, health care and during the boom years had work but the UK is in a pretty poor state now.

I, and I expect quite a few others on here, served time in the forces, for their country. Should we, and everyone else who contributed to the system, not be entitled to return to our homeland any time we please without having to suffer the third degree from some civil servant. Immigrants turning up in the UK from any European nation have more rights, and benifits, than we do.

I can remember having to go and sign on about 10 years ago in Uk. I'd been working out of the country but owned a house, had a wife and kids. I was asked by the Indian lady behind the counter at the dole office in Aberdeen why I was comming to live here????

The country has gone to the dogs.

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I mean I was a <deleted> and told the truth about living in Thailand but I should have lied and I think I would have gotten a better reception. I still have the letter telling me my immigration status was no good. And yet an Eastern European can come here and have medical care and welfare benefits and I worked for Britain for years!!!!!

Yeah, and that proves the total sham that the system is. They are basing it on NI contributions, however, if you come from one of those EU states and have still not paid in you are entitled.

If you ask me, natives have been sold out.

GH, I understand your argument, however ,if you have paid into the system for a number of years you should still have more rights than some econoimic migrant from wherever who has not paid in a penny.

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Ecconomic Migrants

The recent immigration to the UK has, as noted above, been from the New EU states from Eastern Europe. They come to the UK using their rights under the 'Treaty of Rome' (The same treaty my wife and I used to go live and work in Italy) and the same treaty many many British expats use to live in France/Spain and other parts of Europe.

Britain is doing rather well out of this 'circulation' in people, it is certainly doing very well out of immigration from Europe.

The building boom that has hit the UK is being facilitated by a ready supply of young workers from Eastern Europe, the same is seen in the service industries and as I have said before, in the professions.

Rather than the UK being in a sorry state, the ecconomy is booming, services are improving and standards of living are rising.

As for these rumours of being banned from returning to the UK for medical treatment - Once again FROM MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

A British Citizen who produces proof of Citizenship CANNOT BE DENIED ENTRY TO THE UK.

Once ANYONE is in the UK they are entitled to FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT AT THE POINT OF NEED.

So you show up, you go to the hospital and they treat you.


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Ecconomic Migrants

The recent immigration to the UK has, as noted above, been from the New EU states from Eastern Europe. They come to the UK using their rights under the 'Treaty of Rome' (The same treaty my wife and I used to go live and work in Italy) and the same treaty many many British expats use to live in France/Spain and other parts of Europe.

Britain is doing rather well out of this 'circulation' in people, it is certainly doing very well out of immigration from Europe.

The building boom that has hit the UK is being facilitated by a ready supply of young workers from Eastern Europe, the same is seen in the service industries and as I have said before, in the professions.

Rather than the UK being in a sorry state, the ecconomy is booming, services are improving and standards of living are rising.

As for these rumours of being banned from returning to the UK for medical treatment - Once again FROM MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

A British Citizen who produces proof of Citizenship CANNOT BE DENIED ENTRY TO THE UK.

Once ANYONE is in the UK they are entitled to FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT AT THE POINT OF NEED.

So you show up, you go to the hospital and they treat you.


Yes, that is correct, but I believe that if they feel that you are not classed as resident in the UK then you may still be billed in the future. Might be wrong, but there are various contradictory personal reports about it and the various laws contradict various professional codes of conduct, which makes it even more confusing.

In regards to services improving, I'd certainly disagree with you on that (Health), but the previous two parties in power in the UK have been very creative in making it appear that way. There is still far to much wastage in that sector and certain sectors of healthcare provision have had significant cuts in budget and provision. Plenty of arguments on why that is the case, but not relevant to a debate on TV :o

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