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Hi there,

I have a 1 year old female persian cat who has just started her estrous cycle and she is driving me crazy!! I am not very clued up with cats (in fact she's my first) but she's restless, miaowing SO loud, rolling around in pain and is in need of constant affection. After looking these symptoms up on the interent many sites advise to get her spayed. My questions are:

  1. Is this mean to the cat??
  2. Is the procedure dangerous or does it have any side effects? (ex:weight gain etc)
  3. Do most vets in Bangkok do this procedure?
  4. Roughly, how much does this procedure cost?

Any assistance greatly appreciated.


you have to do it today - before she gets pregnant.

1. no, it's not mean - shows that you care of her

2. not dangerous - and is healthy for the cat

3. every veterinarian learned it - it's their job

4. would imagine 1000 baht +

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