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Work Permit Bs From Employer

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Hi all

Been offered a teaching job at a Lang School in BKK. They tell me I have to work illegally on a Tourist Visa as there is currently a problem with getting work permits????

They have told me some insane BS about two forms that are needed. One is from the Labour Dept .. the other from Immigration. They reckon Immigration wont give form "A" unless I have form "B" from the Labour Dept... but the Labour Dept wont give form "B" unless I have form "A" from Immigration. "Catch 22".

I know Thailand govt depts can be crazy sometimes .. but this just sounds like a load of crap. I think they just couldn't be bothered applying for the permit ... Am I right? .. or has anyone heard of this "problem" ?


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Loosely translated, this means "we will not or can not get you a work permit, and we want you to work for us at risk of imprisonment or deportation with little or no risk to us."

There is no problem with getting NORMAL work permits for teachers, especially for qualified teachers through government schools who are playing by the rules- I have suspected for years that many of the agencies/language mills pay bribes to various government departments to smooth their access to paperwork (which is indeed a difficult matter). Considering the current paralysis in government, it may indeed be true that these abnormal work permits are harder.

Unless you have no other choice, you should start looking for other jobs immediately. You may also wish to review the information in many threads in the Teacher's forum (especially the pinned ones).


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Hi all

Been offered a teaching job at a Lang School in BKK. They tell me I have to work illegally on a Tourist Visa as there is currently a problem with getting work permits????

They have told me some insane BS about two forms that are needed. One is from the Labour Dept .. the other from Immigration. They reckon Immigration wont give form "A" unless I have form "B" from the Labour Dept... but the Labour Dept wont give form "B" unless I have form "A" from Immigration. "Catch 22".

I know Thailand govt depts can be crazy sometimes .. but this just sounds like a load of crap. I think they just couldn't be bothered applying for the permit ... Am I right? .. or has anyone heard of this "problem" ?


Tell them to F off and go look for a job with a more reputable employer.period.

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Hi all

Been offered a teaching job at a Lang School in BKK. They tell me I have to work illegally on a Tourist Visa as there is currently a problem with getting work permits????

They have told me some insane BS about two forms that are needed. One is from the Labour Dept .. the other from Immigration. They reckon Immigration wont give form "A" unless I have form "B" from the Labour Dept... but the Labour Dept wont give form "B" unless I have form "A" from Immigration. "Catch 22".

I know Thailand govt depts can be crazy sometimes .. but this just sounds like a load of crap. I think they just couldn't be bothered applying for the permit ... Am I right? .. or has anyone heard of this "problem" ?


It's theoretically possible that they could be over the number of WPs they are permitted, but that is their problem and you would be very wise not to let it become yours.

Simply put, why bother with a place like that when there are other places that won't treat you that way and are not so willing to let your butt become the one in the sling if things go wrong?

Bottom line: Move on. Quickly.

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You may not be perfectly legal with a legal employer for a few months, but don't start with one that wants you to teach on a tourist visa without WP or TL. If you cannot get legal employment, don't even try to work. Everybody hates to hear "Leave the country!" but if you cannot teach legally here, and need work as a teacher, there's not much other choice.

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Hi all

Been offered a teaching job at a Lang School in BKK. They tell me I have to work illegally on a Tourist Visa as there is currently a problem with getting work permits????

They have told me some insane BS about two forms that are needed. One is from the Labour Dept .. the other from Immigration. They reckon Immigration wont give form "A" unless I have form "B" from the Labour Dept... but the Labour Dept wont give form "B" unless I have form "A" from Immigration. "Catch 22".

I know Thailand govt depts can be crazy sometimes .. but this just sounds like a load of crap. I think they just couldn't be bothered applying for the permit ... Am I right? .. or has anyone heard of this "problem" ?


It's not total BS. It's true that you need two forms. It is also true that you need something from Immigration and something from the Labour Dept. It is also true that both places need something from the other. What happens is you go back and forth from the two and eventually get the two lined up and things squared away. It is a hassle. The process can't start without entering the country on a non-immigrant type "B" (or non-imm type "O" for volunteer work) visa obtained abroad however.

Edited by CSS
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Hi all

Been offered a teaching job at a Lang School in BKK. They tell me I have to work illegally on a Tourist Visa as there is currently a problem with getting work permits????

They have told me some insane BS about two forms that are needed. One is from the Labour Dept .. the other from Immigration. They reckon Immigration wont give form "A" unless I have form "B" from the Labour Dept... but the Labour Dept wont give form "B" unless I have form "A" from Immigration. "Catch 22".

I know Thailand govt depts can be crazy sometimes .. but this just sounds like a load of crap. I think they just couldn't be bothered applying for the permit ... Am I right? .. or has anyone heard of this "problem" ?


If you have to take the job, CYA (cover your ass) Get an MP3 or 4 recorder and get their words 'on chip'.

When your salary is late, a month or so down the track, and 'surprisingly' immigration just happen to 'drop in' - you know the rest.

Cheaper to buy an immigration officer for an hour or so than pay a teacher for 2 - 3 months!

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All good advice -- run away, run away.

They're making it sound like the process of getting work permits can never be completed by any school in Thailand due to this "catch 22" situation. That's obviously BS because thousands of us foreigners have WP's. Their lie is indicative that this will likely be a horrible place to work where they'll have absolutely no regard for you. Lets face it, they don't really care if you expose yourself to the risk of imprisonment or deportation as long as they can get a native English teacher in the classroom any way possible, so they sure as heck aren't going to do anything (ever) to help you.

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Its is true that currently to get a a non-B visa you need a WP3 Form.

and to get a WP3 form you need a non-B .

So currently is quite hard to get either (and you need them for your WP).

I had the same problem with my situation. But I am married to a Thai so I just applied for a Non-O while I was visiting home for a week.

The problem is that this government right now is ######ed up.... so you have to wait till they solve this problem.

WP3 is a form that Ministry of Labour should give to the applicants with a Non-B visa

and a Non-B is only given in Thailand (and through my own experience) in Penang (haven't tried other places) if a WP3 is also submitted.

Thats just ministry of labour and immigration having different rules that appearantly work against each other....

Send a mail to Gen. Sonthi see if he cares...

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Its is true that currently to get a a non-B visa you need a WP3 Form.

and to get a WP3 form you need a non-B .

So currently is quite hard to get either (and you need them for your WP).

I had the same problem with my situation. But I am married to a Thai so I just applied for a Non-O while I was visiting home for a week.

The problem is that this government right now is ######ed up.... so you have to wait till they solve this problem.

WP3 is a form that Ministry of Labour should give to the applicants with a Non-B visa

and a Non-B is only given in Thailand (and through my own experience) in Penang (haven't tried other places) if a WP3 is also submitted.

Thats just ministry of labour and immigration having different rules that appearantly work against each other....

Send a mail to Gen. Sonthi see if he cares...

I guess things have changed since I got my original non-imm. B visa several years ago. My recollection is that I went Penang with a letter from my employer expressing their intent to hire me and (I believe) a copy of the employment contract. Once I had a non-imm B visa, my company then applied for a work permit. I suppose there may have been other forms along with the letter and contract when I set off for Penang, but I don't remember them. Either way, I don't recall it being a long drawn out and ridiculous (from what I read here) procedure.

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Its is true that currently to get a a non-B visa you need a WP3 Form.

and to get a WP3 form you need a non-B .

So currently is quite hard to get either (and you need them for your WP).

I had the same problem with my situation. But I am married to a Thai so I just applied for a Non-O while I was visiting home for a week.

The problem is that this government right now is ######ed up.... so you have to wait till they solve this problem.

WP3 is a form that Ministry of Labour should give to the applicants with a Non-B visa

and a Non-B is only given in Thailand (and through my own experience) in Penang (haven't tried other places) if a WP3 is also submitted.

Thats just ministry of labour and immigration having different rules that appearantly work against each other....

Send a mail to Gen. Sonthi see if he cares...

Well thats exactly what the Language school told me. That is .. the hassle is due to the current government being in a mess and it will be sorted out eventually.

In the meantime they are prepared to reimburse me for fares/accommodation/visa fees associated with doing Tourist visa runs..... but will they? .. can I trust them? .. thats the quandry.

I won't be working at the Lang school itself .. they are contracting me out to a Government school out in the sticks (issaan country) .. 30,000 per month, free apartment, 22 contact hours per week, lesson plans provided, paid for school holidays .. sounds not too bad .. thats`another worry .. sounds too cosy!

Maybe I'll risk it till the end of the term at the end of September .. then do a runner! ... Start off the new term in November somewhere else .... what do you think?

Edited by keekwai
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You ask what we think about you working through the end of September. That's only 4 or 5 weeks. Heck, some of us did it for years (but we were not very wise, and that was long ago). Unlike other websites, ThaiVisa has a general rule not to advise anybody to do anything illegal.

You are a tourist. Just be a tourist. Tourists don't work. Duh. If you want to be a teacher, become one.

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Its is true that currently to get a a non-B visa you need a WP3 Form.

and to get a WP3 form you need a non-B .

So currently is quite hard to get either (and you need them for your WP).

I had the same problem with my situation. But I am married to a Thai so I just applied for a Non-O while I was visiting home for a week.

The problem is that this government right now is ######ed up.... so you have to wait till they solve this problem.

WP3 is a form that Ministry of Labour should give to the applicants with a Non-B visa

and a Non-B is only given in Thailand (and through my own experience) in Penang (haven't tried other places) if a WP3 is also submitted.

Thats just ministry of labour and immigration having different rules that appearantly work against each other....

Send a mail to Gen. Sonthi see if he cares...

I guess things have changed since I got my original non-imm. B visa several years ago. My recollection is that I went Penang with a letter from my employer expressing their intent to hire me and (I believe) a copy of the employment contract. Once I had a non-imm B visa, my company then applied for a work permit. I suppose there may have been other forms along with the letter and contract when I set off for Penang, but I don't remember them. Either way, I don't recall it being a long drawn out and ridiculous (from what I read here) procedure.

I think you can try untill september...

I have had been in the seem situation before.

I don't think they will bother to cheat on you unless you would do very bad as a teacher...

I am in the business of hiring teachers atm and we are still looking for many... there is what some would call a shortage of 'good' teachers.

as to bad teachers there are plenty.

Anyway just my opinion.

PS : About this WP and WP3 forms... this is a new rule since 1st of June 2007...

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I think you can try untill september...

I have had been in the seem situation before.

I don't think they will bother to cheat on you unless you would do very bad as a teacher...

I am in the business of hiring teachers atm and we are still looking for many... there is what some would call a shortage of 'good' teachers.

as to bad teachers there are plenty.

Anyway just my opinion.

PS : About this WP and WP3 forms... this is a new rule since 1st of June 2007...

Ahhh .. a voice of reason. I know theres a slight risk .. but what the hel_l. Its at a Government school and I've found out since first posting this thread (today) that they are aware of the deal.

4-5 weeks .. I'll make the gamble .. if they come good on thier promises .. great! .. if not ... RUN!

Contrary to Peace Blondies slightly harsh critique .. I'm not a tourist .. I'm just on a tourist visa until it can be changed after securing full time work. Its a common route to go as we all know what a hassle it is to apply for work in Thailand from overseas.

I've already worked here for 3 years previously (spent a year in Oz) and thats the way I did it then. Its just now I've come up with this so called "problem" But according to a couple of posters it just may be a genuine one. (due to current govt. reshuffling etc)

Thanks for the feedback all.

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Its just now I've come up with this so called "problem" But according to a couple of posters it just may be a genuine one. (due to current govt. reshuffling etc)

Thanks for the feedback all.

Just to put things in perspective (in case you haven’t worked out that the story you’ve been given by the school is a stinking heap of poo) this government ‘in transition’ has managed to the first time in a number of years issue citizenship to foreigners after a freeze on applications under the last government.

No regular day to day administrative procedures have been affected by the coup. If they can dole out citizenship, the sure can dole out a work permit.

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BY DEFINITION, everybody who is in this country on a tourist visa is a tourist. I am not an immigrant; by definition, I am a non-immigrant. We are discussing immigration categories. You are a tourist.

But now let me puit on the other hat and be a kinder, gentler moderator. I sympathize with your plight. I, too, worked at government schools that knew better, and just never got around to making me legal. It's a pity that I have often empathized with. However, I don't condone anybody in Thailand breaking the laws, especially government officers who wear govt. uniforms in Thai govt. schools.

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Ok Ok .. I'm a tourist. You win PB. I'll just be off to Khow San Rd to buy an overpriced wooden elephant now. :o

But even if I start work with a "not so slack" employer .. I'll still be working illegally for a few weeks while I wait for them to wade through the whole complicated process.

I'm doomed to burn in hel_l no matter what I do. :D

Edited by keekwai
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