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An Evolutionary Analysis Of Thai-farang Relationships


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Yea I do know, I know exactly what the vast majority of Thai people think

No you don't, you only KNOW what YOU think.

You can only assume what others think.

Lets put it this way, if an ex Grave Digger who is 62 was married to a 22 year old Thai woman, do you think that Thai people would think he's a bad man, or that she is unlucky, or they look unsightly together?

Or would they be a celebrity couple in Thailand, invited to all the Elites parties and constantly being interviewed by Thai media and asked to go on TV etc, she would become a Thai Superstar just by her association with the 62 year old ex Grave Digger, or better Known as Rod Stewart.

Would YOU think that their relationship was wrong, would it keep you awake at night, would it lead you to a course of Xanax due the the stress of worrying about what other people choose to do with their lives?

Damm busybodies, whats up with em ?,..

Or to put it another way, if it takes two gravediggers two hours each to lay two young thai women how many gravediggers does it take to dig three graves while a thai woman lays them? I think we need to go back to the statistics rather than the suppositions.

Edited by ratchabuild
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Yea I do know, I know exactly what the vast majority of Thai people think

No you don't, you only KNOW what YOU think.

You can only assume what others think.

Lets put it this way, if an ex Grave Digger who is 62 was married to a 22 year old Thai woman, do you think that Thai people would think he's a bad man, or that she is unlucky, or they look unsightly together?

Or would they be a celebrity couple in Thailand, invited to all the Elites parties and constantly being interviewed by Thai media and asked to go on TV etc, she would become a Thai Superstar just by her association with the 62 year old ex Grave Digger, or better Known as Rod Stewart.

Would YOU think that their relationship was wrong, would it keep you awake at night, would it lead you to a course of Xanax due the the stress of worrying about what other people choose to do with their lives?

Damm busybodies, whats up with em ?,..

Or to put it another way, if it takes two gravediggers two hours each to lay two young thai women how many gravediggers does it take to dig three graves while a thai woman lays them? I think we need to go back to the statististics rather than the suppositions.

Or go back to the suppositories as the constipated statistician said after failing to work it out with a pencil.

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What I actually think goes on in most Old Farang Guy/Young Thai Woman relationships is:

The old guy is looking for companionship and someone to take care of him, the woman is looking for companionship and someone to take care of her (and often her child-ren from an earlier relationship)

This is not some unthought primeval instinct but something they have both thought about, perhaps even discussed together.

So they get together and stay together.

I know many such relationships and contrary to your 'theories' the women in these relationships are almost without exception faithful to the old guy they are marrried to/living with.

Sadly I don't think the same can be said of many of the guys in such relationships, my observation is that if there is cheating going on it is usually the western guy cheating on his Thai wife - I know and have known far too many guys married to Thai women who are only too happy to 'butterfly' when the woman who loves them is not looking.

Absolutly correct, im sure we all know men that take a wife to their country and after a while ( usually when the novelty wears off ) will return to holiday alone in thailand to sow seeds,.SOME men deserve all they get,.
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From a Buddhist perspective behavioral norms are largely taken from natural law. I think the young/old, Thai/Farang relationships might largely be put down to the interconnectedness of all things. There is such a thing as sexual misconduct however (from the Buddhist perspective) and what that comprises may be found here:


Thanks, lannarebirth - the concept of "protection " is interesting. There would seem to be quite large sections of the population not applying that precept.

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Anybody want to go phishing? :o

Anyone who thinks fishing is good fun is deluding himself. :D

What about golf with a fishing rod? Is there any more interesting sport on earth meemeethai? than Folfing or golshing

:D You see! That's the problem! You call fishing and golfing sports?

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This was a potentially interesting topic. It has made me aware of evolutionary psychology & how it's applied to contemporary relationships. Jai yen yen & let the discussion continue.

A wee joke to steer us back on topic :

A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters but always talked about having a son.

They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.

The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.

The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.

He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.

He told his wife: "There's no way I can be the father of this baby.

Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered!

Have you been fooling around behind my back?"

The wife smiled sweetly and replied:

"Not this time!"

Boom boom !

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I asked my girl friend what Thai people thought when they see a 55 year old farang and a 20 year old Thai women. She said that she thinks the following:

Did her parents sell her to him?

Does she really love him?

Does he really love her?

And that she believes most Thai people would have the same reaction as her. And I must have opened a door to rag on farangs because she then said

The worst is when farang wear jetukram necklaces. Do they even know what it means? Did their wife just buy it for them? Jetukram is very silly and they look very silly.

FWIW, She has had very limited contact with farangs besides myself.

I would honestly be very interested in what people from Isaan think about when they see these large age gap couples and what Thai people in general think.

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This was a potentially interesting topic. It has made me aware of evolutionary psychology & how it's applied to contemporary relationships. Jai yen yen & let the discussion continue.

A wee joke to steer us back on topic :

A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters but always talked about having a son.

They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.

The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.

The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.

He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.

He told his wife: "There's no way I can be the father of this baby.

Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered!

Have you been fooling around behind my back?"

The wife smiled sweetly and replied:

"Not this time!"

Boom boom !


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these large age gap couples and what Thai people in general think.

You already know, cos your GF told you, why contradict yourself ?

In reality, do you actually have a Girlfriend at all?

Because I have never known any Thais that will judge people the way you say your girlfriend does, why would they, it's not their business.

You are saying that she actually bothers to question the relationships of others, when she herself is walking round with a Farang?


Nice try Johnny, you may get a few bites though.........good luck. :o

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these large age gap couples and what Thai people in general think.

You already know, cos your GF told you, why contradict yourself ?

In reality, do you actually have a Girlfriend at all?

Because I have never known any Thais that will judge people the way you say your girlfriend does, why would they, it's not their business.

You are saying that she actually bothers to question the relationships of others, when she herself is walking round with a Farang?


Nice try Johnny, you may get a few bites though.........good luck. :o

Nice try Maigo, Id respond but its almost 9pm and I imagine that they will be putting you to bed soon.

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blah blah sarcasm blah blah assumption blah blah knowledge

You had a bunch of completely useless and irrelevant questions in there which I will do you the favour of ignoring. One day, if you are lucky, you will finally grasp what the vast majority of Thai people think when they see a 60/19 farang/pooying couple walking down sukhumvit. Until then, enjoy your fantasy world and try not to embarass yourself too much in public. You're going to need that luck, since you obviously don't know the first thing about the average Thai mindset. :o

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It's accepted farang practice in LOS to promenade with the GF - old or young, most men do it.

As I tend to go for rather older companions (to the contempt of one or two younger posters), I doubt that I cause any eyebrows to lift.

However, I suggest that the more sensitive among you take the easy option and just keep your love life a little less public.

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"Accepted farang practice" meaning accepted by some farangs. These are not the most perceptive.


Sorry - I meant accepted by the Thais, not by the more critical farangs among us.

I see what you mean. If yes, it's because they don't expect farangs to know how to behave any better :o .

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Im still confused about something, if it is acceptable for 60 year old men to parade around with 19 year old girl friends, then why dont I ever see any Thai males doing the same thing? Is it only acceptable in Thai Culture for farang to act in such a manner?

60 and 19 might be extreme, but I have seen plenty of older Thai men with younger Thai women.

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Im still confused about something, if it is acceptable for 60 year old men to parade around with 19 year old girl friends, then why dont I ever see any Thai males doing the same thing? Is it only acceptable in Thai Culture for farang to act in such a manner?

Not in public, but there are enough of them having "mia noi's" or "mia kep" (kept women / wives) on the side... Its just not acceptable to do so in public. Especially when they have first wives already. (Please refer to "Missing Penis" thread in this forum) :o

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Im still confused about something, if it is acceptable for 60 year old men to parade around with 19 year old girl friends, then why dont I ever see any Thai males doing the same thing? Is it only acceptable in Thai Culture for farang to act in such a manner?

You don't get it.

Thai men like to spend more time on the bed. Farangs like to go outside more. It is as simple as that.

Also one point. Those thai men usually have a family or have a status that they don't want to be seen that much in public.

Of course the thais are going to view it as a money transaction but it is more acceptable to them coz they understand that this is life. And thais have to live in reality when they are poor whilst farangs have the money to live in dreams.

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Im still confused about something, if it is acceptable for 60 year old men to parade around with 19 year old girl friends, then why dont I ever see any Thai males doing the same thing? Is it only acceptable in Thai Culture for farang to act in such a manner?

You don't get it.

Thai men like to spend more time on the bed. Farangs like to go outside more. It is as simple as that.

Also one point. Those thai men usually have a family or have a status that they don't want to be seen that much in public.

Of course the thais are going to view it as a money transaction but it is more acceptable to them coz they understand that this is life. And thais have to live in reality when they are poor whilst farangs have the money to live in dreams.

An excellent post and applicable all over the world!

Spring break in Ft Lauderdale - away from mom and pop and the prying eyes of our local community, we can turn it loose!

Just as Brits would be reluctant to parade the little hottie they were lucky enough to connect with in their home town of East Witch, Thai men have reputations to protect but would exhibit exactly the same behavior in West Whoretown USA if given the chance. And (to remain gender politically correct), women over the world have no problem parading around with their latest, and significantly older muscle-guy, famous actor, doctor, well-hung black dude, dripping-in-gold rich mogul, et al..

All of this jabber about older farangs being any different from any other humans on this planet is nonsense. "Frowned on by society", "Thais don't do this", "Extremes of behavior".. Gimme a break. We are human animals and it is common knowledge that oftentimes the most outward puritanical evangelists lead the most disgusting 'under-the-covers' life. Politicians (been watching the news over the past few years?), evangelist preachers, do-gooders who come-a-knocking on your door to save you from the depths of depravity and everlasting fire, posters on these very forums who preach then eventually divulge the reality of their own sad existence..

Can we perhaps begin these kinds of discussions keeping in mind that we are, first of all, humans and take responsibility for our own actions before we throw stones?

Hmm, given our history, probably not gonna happen...

Edited by Dustoff
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Hmm, given our history, probably not gonna happen...

I guarrantee you it ain't gonna happen. The best we can get is maybe them using smaller stones. But then they have a higher velocity. :o

Human beings are funny. Most of them I think, like to think of themselves being the only good people on earth, being the only people that have good hearts, and other people are cruel, just because others do something which doesn't seem the best thing to do, but fail to see how sometimes they themselves are doing bad things when it is to their benefits.

I don't blame them. It is human nature actually. I have been there and I am still there sometimes maybe. I do try though to fight this nature by using my best logical sense. That's why I am here to discuss hoping to send out some messages and at the same time recieving some so we can all learn.

And I am not a Master Baitor! :D

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