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Why all the farang jumping to their death?


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WHAT IS UP WITH THIS?  Just about twice a month (or more), they find some poor farang who "jumped to his death" from his high rise condo...  This seems to be happening too much to be coincidence!  

It seems always to be the same: the Thai girlfriend tells the police that she doesn't know why, but he's been talking about committing suicide and he's been depressed lately--then she goes out to the store and he jumps out the window.  C'mon!  This is happening WAY TOO OFTEN!!

Here's an example that was just posted:

Englishman plummets to his death from condo balcony

I read the Pattaya Mail online every Thursday when it comes out and sure enough--they've got one or two a month, it seems.  What is this?  Some Thai boyfriend kills farang over Thai wife?  Some way of offing the guy for his money?

Something is up...


Here's the original article from PattayaMail.com, just in case they take it down in a week:

Englishman plummets to his death from condo balcony

Reasons behind the tragedy remain a mystery

Boonlua Chatree

Pattaya police and Sawang Boriboon Foundation rescue personnel rushed to Casa Condo situated behind Pratamnak Hill, Jomtien after receiving a report that a foreign man’s body was found in the parking lot. The deceased was later identified as British passport holder Barry Wilson, age 35.

Wilson’s 24 year-old wife, Rung Soonram, from Buriram Province told police that the two had been living together in the condo for a year, after Wilson had obtained his long-stay visa in Thailand.

During questioning, Rung alleged that her husband had recently expressed a wish to die, but since she didn’t see any symptoms of depression, physical illness or mental illness, she had not taken the comments seriously. She said she had no idea why he might have leaped off the building.

Wilson’s body was transferred to Banglamung forensic unit for further examination.

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Seem's the answer is DONT LIVE IN A CONDO, or stay in a HIGH RISE BUILDING.

The Thais are in the shit with no tourists, what are they going to do with all those Condo's that remain empty ? Propery is cheap, now maybe it will just get cheaper.

Hey but never mind, they can boost Thailands economy by killing us, stealing, cheating and winning the money in the dead Falangs bank-account.  


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This is going on now for many years,and every time i read about it,something in my skull is saying to me"there is something wrong about this".So i am happy to have an single house,only with an shower(not a bath tube)and a celing that not could hold my weight ::o:
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Killer Pattaya Prostitutes



Section From Bottom Paragraph.

About 75 to 100 tourists are found dead every year in Pattaya, some from an overdose, heart attack, fights and some still in bizarre circumstance.  ???BIZARRE CIRCUMSTANCES???  The best one Iv'e seen on the net is "Suffocated Him Self"  



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Another tourist dies in PATTAYA (Not bad 2 in a week)

Norwegian tourist dies from apparent drug overdose

Source Pattaya Mail  20.06.03


by Boonlua Chatree

Management of a Soi Buakow hotel notified Pattaya police after a security guard discovered the body of 35-year-old Norwegian national Dahl Gaute in his hotel room.

Norwegian national Dahl Gaute died last week of an apparent drug overdose.

Police arrived at the hotel to find the body sprawled out on the bed. Nearby was a needle and a bag of white powder was found on the bedside table. Tests revealed the substance was heroin and the apparent cause of death was an overdose of the narcotic. Officers estimate Gaute had been dead 2-3 hours before discovery.

When police questioned the hotel security guard he said he was doing a routine security check on the hotel floors when noticed the door to Gaute’s room was open. The guard said he knocked on the door to make sure everything was okay, but got no answer so he entered the room to check and discovered the body. He notified hotel management of the discovery and police and Sawang Boriboon personnel were call to the scene.

The body was transferred to the police forensic institute for an autopsy to validate the cause of death and relatives of the dead man have been notified to collect the body.

POINTS:=  APPARENT OVERDOSE,  DOOR OF APPARTMENT OPEN  and of course no mention that he may have been force-fed by the person who killed him.  Ah- keeps the Thai Police from working by stating overdose !!!!!!!!!

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A Pattaya Whore is standing at the entrance to a hotel weeping. Her tears are streaming down her cheeks.

An elderly Thai Policeman passes by and feels pity for her. "What is the matter,? Why are you crying?"

"It's mean!  " the Whore sniffed. "  My Thai Boyfriend drugged and killed a Falang  I  F*cked  yesterday..."

"That's awful indeed !" the Thai Policeman replied angrily. "Your boyfriend is a real bastard!"

"Yes," said the  Pattaya Whore. "He had promised to me that I could do it."  :o  :D  B)  B)

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Monday, February 17, 2003


Man found dead with bag over head

RAWAI: A Frenchman who had been living on Phuket for more than five years was found dead in odd circumstances, apparently the victim of a bizarre suicide.

Police named the man as Gay Laurent, 43, who lived in the Happy House estate in Rawai.

A friend of Mr Laurent contacted police about 7:30 pm on February 7, saying that he had been unable to contact Mr Laurent for three days. When the friend went to Mr Laurent’s home, he found all the doors and windows locked tight.

Pol Maj Jessada Sangsuree, of Chalong Police Station, said that police knocked down a door to enter. They found Mr Laurent sitting on a sofa, wearing only his underpants, with a black plastic bag covering his head.

The police found 50,000 baht in the house. Nothing had been disturbed and there were no signs of a fight.

Officers were told that Mr Laurent had been suffering from a malignant form of cancer. An autopsy at Wachira Phuket Hospital failed to establish a clear-cut cause of death, but police believe Mr Laurent committed suicide by asphyxiating himself with the plastic bag.

His body was taken from Wachira Phuket Hospital for cremation at Wat Sawangarom on Sunday.

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How the (four hashes) can you asphyxiate your self?

I can understand drowning your self - you swim out so far you can't swim back, but what stops you tearing the bag off your head when the panic sets in?

Why did he not use his car exhaust or the usual alchohol and drugs (not exactly hard to find in LOS!) or simply rent a highrise flat in Pattaya and arrange to me a bar girl there?

Reminds me of a farang girl that was murdered a few years back in Chaing Mai - stabbed multiple times, police first declared it as suicide! Then blamed the farang hotel owner who was hundreds of miles away visiting across country.

Thai police murder of farang investigation:

1 - Can we get away with calling it suicide?

1.1 - Yes - then end investigation here.

1.2 - No - try anyway and go to 2 if severly laughed at or slapped by farang's embassy

2 - Find another farang nearby and blame him/her. Go to 3 only if this was impossible and provably so and the intended murderer was a) not an overstay :o not a back packer c) rich with connections

3 - Blame dead farang's illegal activities (make them up if does not have any). Go to 4 only if too rich/powerfull or connected to be publically labelled as so.

4 - Call it a mystery and file it under b (for bin).


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Swede falls to his death from Pattaya condo

Intoxicated Swedish resident accidentally falls to his death

PATTAYA: Sixty one year old Swedish national Lennart Bror Torstad was found dead on the ground floor parking lot of Rung Fa Condominium after he accidentally fell from the 8th floor through the kitchen window.

The deceased’s girlfriend, Buasri Youngchanin, aged 32, told police that they had been living together for about 6 months and had recently moved in the condominium. Buasri said Lennart was scheduled to return to Sweden on April 19th. She said Lennart was a nice and charming man but on the night of the accident he drank so much alcohol he could barely control himself.

Buasri also said Lennart watched TV alone in the room before she fell asleep. When she woke up and did not see Lennart in the living room she went to check in the kitchen. She said she was in deep shock when she saw the kitchen window was broken and Lennart was lying in the parking lot.

Buasri told police that perhaps Lennart tried to get to the refrigerator for some water in the kitchen but unfortunately slipped out of the glass window, since the window was installed in a risky position.

Lennart Torstad’s body was transferred to the forensic department for a post mortem examination.

Source: Pattaya Mail 2003-04-25

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Englishman critically injured after falling from his fifth floor apartment

NOTE:- above the word FALLING, the read on "PUSHED" would have been a better word "maybe"

Police were called to Soi Diana off Pattaya Second Road when staff from the Bliss Mansion reported that one of the apartment’s residents had fallen from a fifth floor room and crashed onto the roof of the next door laundry.

Police and Sawang Boriboon personnel rushed to the scene to find 42-year-old Englishman Reggie Coates critically injured and unconscious from the fall. He was rushed to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for emergency treatment.

Police questioned Suwit Hunthar, an employee working at the information desk, who told officers that Coates had checked into his fifth floor apartment on November 19.

Police officers examined Coates’ room but no items appeared to be missing. Notably, it appeared that there were signs of a struggle as there was an overturned table and items strewn around the room. They suspect that the Englishman was thrown over the balcony rather than fell.

They are anxious to question Coates when he comes to, so that they can proceed further with their investigation.


9 January 2003

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Foreign tourist found dead in hotel

Fifty-six year old British national Thomas O’Donnell was found dead in his hotel room in Soi Yamato on December 22. Police and Sawang Boriboon personnel rushed to the guesthouse after housekeeping staff discovered the man’s body when they were carrying out their cleaning duties.

During initial investigations, police examined the contents of the room and apparently found nothing disturbed and the tourist’s belongings intact. They did, however; find numerous packets of condoms and 20 cartons of duty free cigarettes, all of which was taken as evidence.


The man’s body was taken to the police forensic institute for further investigation into the cause of death. The initial suspicions are that the man died of heart failure. Following an autopsy, the man’s relatives were informed through the embassy to return the body to the UK for funeral rites.


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Briton may have died from lung congestion

(Filed: 09/04/2002)

A THAI pathologist said Jayne Nixon, the British tourist who was found dead in a Bangkok hotel room, may have died because of "congestion in her lungs".

Wicharn Pieunim, pathologist at Ramathibodi Hospital, denied claims by police that Miss Nixon, from Lechlade, Glos, had died of a heart attack. Her heart was in good condition, he said. Beginning the post mortem examination yesterday, Mr Wicharn said tests were being made for alcohol and every type of drug. Miss Nixon, 26, was found naked on the bed of her room at the £6-a-night Nakorn Pink hotel at midday on Saturday. She had arrived at the hotel at 2am with an unidentified black man whom police would like to interview. A member of staff said she appeared to have been drinking.

She had landed in Bangkok four days earlier on the first stage of a long holiday undertaken following the break-up of a long-term relationship. The police have yet to rule out foul play, though there was no sign of robbery or a struggle in her small room. The police earlier offered a series of explanations for the cause of death, beginning with drugs, then alcohol, before saying it would be up to a week before the results of the autopsy were known.

Thai police were strongly criticised by the Foreign Office for their investigation into the murder of Kirsty Jones, the Welsh backpacker whose killer has still not been found 18 months on, despite numerous arrests and DNA tests.

Yesterday was a public holiday and the Chanat Songkram police station had a skeleton staff. There was no sign of Miss Nixon's mystery companion being pursued. Lt Suchart Pirom, in charge of the investigation, said: "We have not ruled out a drug overdose but we have an open mind. We are still looking for the man who came to the hotel with her."

Police in the Kao San area, a district favoured by backpackers, say three foreigners each month are found dead in guest house rooms, mostly from traumas brought on by drugs and alcohol.


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American tourist falls from apartment building


Body discovered by neighbor

Seventy-four year old American John Salet (sic) fell to his death from the 4th floor of the Thidawan Apartment in Nong Prue, Banglamung District on June 12th.

Investigation officer Tawatchai Sudsakorn told Pattaya Mail that he believes the tragedy was an accident.

Supatra Protien, 23, a neighbor from room 203, told police she had just recently seen the American in room 402, on the 4th floor. She told police that on the day of the accident, “I was in the shower and I heard a sound like something hit the ground very hard. When I went to look, I saw him already on the ground.”

The police searched the victim’s room and found nothing to imply the death was anything more than a tragic accident. Apparently the victim slipped and fell. However, the body has been removed to the Sawang Boriboon Foundation for autopsy.


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Foreign resident mysteriously dies at his home in Pattaya

Briton John Lewis, 53, was found dead at the front of his house on Soi Khaotalo at about 10:30 p.m. June 13. Lewis’s wife, Lamduan Labpadsuntr discovered the body.

Investigating police and Sawang Boriboon personnel found a number of beer bottles and a packet of cigarettes at the scene, but no evidence of foul play.

Lewis’s wife, Lamduan described her husband as a good man. She said he would often have a few drinks, after which he would then play with their dogs.

On this day in particular, she said her husband was relaxing in the front of their house and had mentioned that he was tired. She noticed that he was unusually quiet and went out to check on him. Finding him abnormally still, she realized that he passed away and called out to her neighbors for help.

Police suspect that the man had suffered a heart attack and have sent the body to the police forensic institute to determine the cause of death.


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Swedish tourist leaps to his death


Police believe the indigent man committed suicide

Swedish tourist Erkki Kotiranta received massive head and body injuries after plummeting from his 7th floor hotel room on Central Road shortly before midday on April 25. He later succumbed to his injuries. Pattaya police initially surmise it was a suicide.

The hotel’s staff told police that Erkki Kotiranta had checked in 4-5 days earlier, and had a pending bill that had not been cleared. Prior to the fatal act, he had told a room boy, who was sent up to remind him of his dues, that he would follow him down to settle up.

The body was sent to the forensic department of the Police Hospital for autopsy.


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Does anyone know how falangs would 'normally' commit suicide. It would be unreasonable to believe that our preferred methods would change just because we have moved to LOS.

Arrrrrrrrgh, just realised  LOS = Land of Suicides

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Exactly!  Why would we go all the way to Thailand, find and settle in with our choice of Thai girlfriend, get a condo, finally get that one-year Visa--then run and JUMP out a window!  Uh... yeah right!

No way!  This is another one of those mafia-pays-off-police and girlfriend-gets-farang's-money/condo/belongings scams.  I mean, why worry about having no education, no jobs, no opportunities?  Mai pen rai!!  Just slip something into your stupid farang boyfriend's lunch, wait until he's fallen sound asleep, leave the door unlocked when you go to Big C, then simply let the Thai mafia gang sneak in and heave the body out the window!  Instant inheritence!

And why don't the police investigate?  Gee, I wonder....


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