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Teaching, Some Basic Questions


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After many years I'm seriously thinking about taking Thai language courses as my speaking abilities seem to dwindle every passing year. As a benefit I presume that being somewhat fluent will assist me in potentially working as an teacher. I have taught about 1.5 years about a decade ago in Korea and Cambodia.

I have...

a BA from a very respectable university (good grades), Masters work

a english certificate (about 40-60 hours??) from 1995

taught technical courses professionaly (lithographics-computer equipment 5yrs)

> How qualified does this make me to work in the Thai market?

I would like to ...

work in Bangkok or a coastal city

work at a university, govt agency - possibly high school

> What are the chances of the above?

What is the pay like for these positions...

> a university, govt agency, high school

> How difficult is the pratom6 really?

my understanding of the teaching scene has been this:

1. pay is about 200-350b per hour (BKK 'may' be a little higher, not much)

2. visas still can be a headache

3. private schools often wish to work you w/o visa and not pay for your visa costs

4. hours are spotty and often you are worked split shifts and weekends

thank you

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Hi, and welcome to the forum. Please look around this Teaching in Thailand site, starting with the thread pinned to the top of the front page, about qualifications.

Pay varies widely, but you might get 400 or more in BKK. You might get full time job at 35K in BKK.

Visas and work permits are very much a headache.

Private and public schools may shaft you on wp and visa, making you illegal.

Private language schools have weird schedules; full time schools except unis want you on campus most of the week.

Good luck.

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hi thx pb

i see in other forums you are CONTEMPLATING a move based upon nonsensical visa laws. i too have had similar sentiments. i have only thought about teaching lightly in passing but its just not a good investment in time (and money: tefl, clothes, etc...)

i think thailand had jumped the shark a few years ago, if not half decade++

thank you for your input.

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I work for a private school and a lot of what has been said is true. If you want to PM, I can send you some information about where I work that might help you know the situation and it can act as a benchmark for what it is you want.

As PB said there are other sites that can give you ideas about particular schools and things to look out for.

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