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Farang Guys Eying Up My Thai Gf


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A question for the guys on this forum. (Sorry girls :o ).

When I'm walking with my Thai GF I often notice farang guys eying her up (and she notices this as well). I mean they will try to catch her eye and smile at her.

Now this could be because they want to show their sympathy with her for being stuck with such a prat :D

But it really seems to be that they are trying to flirt with her.

Is it the case that some farang consider any Thai girl easy game, even if she is actually with her boyfriend at the time?

(Or maybe these farang mistaka a girl's smile as a 'come-on', as opposed to a gesture of politeness).


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Is this in Uk or Los Simon? Simple solution , get a minger for a gf and you're sorted!

Seriously though , my wife gets some attention back here in Sunny Oxfordshire , usually when not attached to my neanderthalesque arm though.

Last week , a young oik who had either been to Los , or read a beermat etc , asked my wife ( she was drinking with some English lady friends) " How much for a blowjob?" my wife replied "How much does your mother charge?" , without missing a beat. Young chap wasn't best pleased , apparently his mother had stopped dispensing with the service due to stomach aches.. :o

But I would absolutely love to be witness the next time this happens , no not the Mother's oral services... :D

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I think it happens to all of us who have Thai wives. It used to piss me off, now I just tell them to piss off if I am with her at the time. I actually notice more Thai guys haveing a chat as we approach, but my Mrs usually takes care of them :o

I remember taking my wife (just me and her) on a Christmas day Bar hop all over the Island and I was in a bar in Patong with her and this guy said to her in Thai "you are so beautiful, I love you".I was sitting next to her and he probably thought she was a bar girl and thought I was a client. I said to him @#$%^&*()_+ in Thai, smiled and walked off. He had no idea what I said, but the local girls thought it was hysterical.

Let them have there flirt, they have to go home to fat birds :D

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I would imagine that it is only the younger, less experienced farang boyfriend/husband who has any threat to feel, and even then I'd imagine it to be rare as any Thai girl worth marrying is, I imagine, decent and loyal to her hubby/boyfriend and makes him feel masculine and secure which is why we love them so much.

I'll find my girl someday, oh yes, once I have my worklife sorted out. :o

Anyway Si, I can understand why it would piss a guy off no matter how loyal and wonderful their girl was, because the more you love her, I suppose the more you are going to feel slightly offended when some <deleted> thinks he fancies his chances with her.

Even if he is just flirting without intention the disrespect of it would piss me off a lot and she'd end up having to give me a massage.

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Last week , a young oik who had either been to Los , or read a beermat etc , asked my wife ( she was drinking with some English lady friends) " How much for a blowjob?"

This is something I've always worried about happening in the Uk, sat in the pub and then some d1ckhead comes and says something like that, my TGF would be a little upset I think, I'd like to think that I'd just be cool and ignore it but the reality is that I'd be quite angry.

As for other farangs eyeing up my princess, let em ! Can't say I've never admired a beautiful girl with another man before


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I apologize Simon. Can't help myself.


Can't speak for others, but for me its a mixture of curiosity and acknowledgement. Curious about noticing what Thai girls end up with Farangi, and the eye contact gives a glimpse of personality. Acknowledgement as in suggesting some positive feedback for her choosing a Farangi. :D

No need to steal your woman, Simon. Seems to be plenty around in BKK.

Now if someone actually says something uncalled for then just laugh and keep walking....


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When I'm walking with my Thai GF I often notice farang guys eying her up (and she notices this as well). I mean they will try to catch her eye and smile at her.

Only farang guys?

I guess it is a boy thing.

The grass is always greener neighbour's place.

The meal you ordered seems to be less appealing than the one ordered by the people at the table next to you.

.... :D:o

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I'm not offended in anyway by farang guys eying her up! Makes me feel happy to have such a great GF! But I'm just suprised that some farang seem to push their luck rather far by trying to flirt when she is physically by my side.

(Or maybe they take one look at me, decide that I'm past by sell-by-date and couldn't punch my way out of a paperbag, and go in for the kill...)

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Yep.. eyeing up is fine, but this.........

I remember taking my wife (just me and her) on a Christmas day Bar hop all over the Island and I was in a bar in Patong with her and this guy said to her in Thai "you are so beautiful, I love you".I was sitting next to her and he probably thought she was a bar girl and thought I was a client

....... is downright disrespectful :o The guy was obviously a PR1CK

Even IF you were a client it still doesn't mean he can do that.....

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Now if someone actually says something uncalled for then just laugh and keep walking....


Not in my case,

Last year spent 3 months in Germany ( Cologne / Koln) visiting Sister in Law

One night me and the wife went out to dinner then decided or rather i deciced to have a nightcap at a Bar before retiring to our Hotel.

Whilst i went to spend a penny (toilet), 3 Arabs (I am not against Arabs nor am i racist) decide to make a move on my wife,

Upon my return my Wife informed me what was crudley suggested to her,

I questioned the men why do you stereotype Thai ladys?

The answers i got back initially was where did you meet? was it Pattaya or Bangkok and which Bar because we have have same also you do we want.

Beleive me i went beserk ,

Anyway after a serious 1 on 3 i ended up in the local nick that night but at least i was not charged (Thank god these guys were illegal immigrants and the Police seemed more than happy to release me the next day after finding out there staus)

This is a true story i kid you not (even made the local newspaer there)

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Unfortunately if you do that in Thailand, its you that becomes the illegal immigrant. :o

Even in such a situation I think maybe I prefer to smile and walk away. Possibly they might feel guilty and commit "suicide" at some later date...... :D


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Natural- if you have a pretty lady- gonna get looks from other lads. Done it myself and I have a gorgeous tgf. :o

the same here -- but it depends on where you are i guess .

but some girls like to flirt anyways so if you have a gorgeous girl then you have to expect some trouble from time to time . If you are well attached then its not a problem.

just cut them some slack , for if you are to possesive then that works against you in the end.. If you have a gorgeous thai gal then they will attract like flies to a pile of ****

unfortunatly .

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Sometimes it's nice like a compliment but at times it can be really uncomfortable when they continue to stare...

How about the other way around, when Thai girls eye up your farang friend or beau. This can be a discomfort at times as well. Every girl just walking around in the mall or the waitress, it seems they all get realy giddy around farangs???

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It happens a lot, but never really bothers me until we are having a nice dinner out. Then it can irritate me. Inevitably, there will be a table with some guys, who think they must be Gods' gift, who sit and try to cast flirtatious looks (or just plain stare).

I did mention it to my gal and she was cool about it. Now we'll choose as quiet a table as possible and she'll automatically choose the seat that has her out of oggling range. Silly I guess, but we both enjoy the dinner a lot more.

It's pretty irritating too when you're out in a bar listening to some music with your gal and you can't go to the bathroom for 5 minutes with out some schmuck hitting on her since you are out of site. Kind of sucks, but goes with the territory I guess.

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Yep.. eyeing up is fine, but this.........
I remember taking my wife (just me and her) on a Christmas day Bar hop all over the Island and I was in a bar in Patong with her and this guy said to her in Thai "you are so beautiful, I love you".I was sitting next to her and he probably thought she was a bar girl and thought I was a client

....... is downright disrespectful :o The guy was obviously a PR1CK

Even IF you were a client it still doesn't mean he can do that.....

Probably an Italian or French f#%&, just can't help themselves, don't mean any harm really. Had to tell an Italian mate to go #### himself if he needed to look at my wife's tits any longer. He got the message.

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Is it the case that some farang consider any Thai girl easy game, even if she is actually with her boyfriend at the time?

There are always sh1theads who have no respects for others whatsoever. I have got some looks while with my girl. But nothing bad ever happened. I'm not sure it's because she presents herself pretty well, or the p1ss-off look when she notices a weird look from a farang.

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YeS happens all the time.

If I walk into any Meat market bar in Sydney theres always some grimy lothario learing,main prob with the Meds who are like Blowflies and dont take no for an answer ,they just stand there or circle grinning inanely.

Maybe one of those Pattaya T shirts saying...

Im Taken or

You cant afford me

in multi languages.

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How about the other way around, when Thai girls eye up your farang friend or beau. This can be a discomfort at times as well. Every girl just walking around in the mall or the waitress, it seems they all get realy giddy around farangs???

I get it quite a few times every day; i don't mind and sometimes its funny. :o

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I'm usually a bit slow to react, and by the time I actually get angry the situation has changed. I have never had to deal with anyone persistent, though, with any g/f. Also, I generally try to keep my jealousy in check. I do get some pangs, on occaision, but I make an attempt to stifle them. They really aren't going to help anyone, and I most certainly don't want to lead by example.

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How about the other way around, when Thai girls eye up your farang friend or beau. This can be a discomfort at times as well. Every girl just walking around in the mall or the waitress, it seems they all get realy giddy around farangs???

yeah i find it worst the other way round , my girlfriend gets very annoyed when she see's eyes on me , even after i explain that theres nothing i can do to stop a girl looking at me.Only once she really went crazy at a Thai girl in Bangkok,she sat there staring at me but i didnt look coz i knew ill get the 3rd degree but my girl didnt take it too well :o

i dont think ill ever get to meet her uni friends :D but it works both way , she gets looks and so do i,the best way to solve it is to give the look of "u only wish u had this buddy" :D even tho it took a few months to get to that point without getting angry

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What really gets my blood boiling is the fact that these other men seem to make it obvious that they are ogling or trying to flirt with my Girlfriend. It's a double edged insult... firstly, they insult by indirectly suggesting she's easy or a bargirl. Secondly, they insult by doing it right in front of my face. FKN *ssholes... and going to the toilet for a couple of minutes, just don't get me started on that one!

I hasten to add that it's just as bad from Thai men, not only Farangs.

Just as bad for my girl though. I get hit on all the time in the bars when it's clear me and my girl are together. The real problem is that Thailand is just one big flirt box.

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It actually never happened to me with farangs.

So far,...

But it happened with Thai men.

In Thai pubs, discos where I'm the only farang.

And when they start to be drunk.

They seem to think, when drunk, she should not be with a farang.

As they probably think that for all Thai girls,...

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It actually never happened to me with farangs.

So far,...

But it happened with Thai men.

In Thai pubs, discos where I'm the only farang.

And when they start to be drunk.

They seem to think, when drunk, she should not be with a farang.

As they probably think that for all Thai girls,...

Hm, i think this proves that Bluecat is female ... :o

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In Thai pubs, discos where I'm the only farang.

And when they start to be drunk.

They seem to think, when drunk, she should not be with a farang.

As they probably think that for all Thai girls,...

My experience exactly. They seem to think that I am not there when flirting with my girlfriend. She looks very uncomfortable when this happens because she can sense when my blood is boiling. It makes me want to punch them just to remind them that I AM there and I AM aware of their advances on my girlfriend.

That reminds me of an incident at a Maw lam concert near her home. A group of young Thai men said to my girlfriend, in Thai, as we walked past... that they would never eat fish like her and then sarcastically shook my hand. My Thai wasn't so good at the time so it wasn't until we'd walked away that I realised exactly what they'd said and it's latent meaning. I know now that they were implying that she was trash and wouldn't touch a girl that had been with a Farang. You can imagine my reaction. Perhaps fortunately, they had dissapeared into the crowd when I tried to find them.

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While out with my TGF at a club in Ireland, this guy came right over and tried to chat her up, she looked at me, I said “farang baba babo” and a few other Thai words to her... she started laughing. He got embarrassed and walked away.

Have a Happy…


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It actually never happened to me with farangs.

So far,...

But it happened with Thai men.

In Thai pubs, discos where I'm the only farang.

And when they start to be drunk.

They seem to think, when drunk, she should not be with a farang.

As they probably think that for all Thai girls,...

Hm, i think this proves that Bluecat is female ... :o

Not unless she's a lesbian , read his post again Raymond.. :D

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