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Hi TV peeps , I am an avid arachnid fan and occasionaly I try to breed the little beggars.

I have many Tarantulas and a few are native to Los.

Have a look at my latest love story attempt....

Well I decided last night to send my male lividum in with the female.

I will attempt to tell the story with pics....

The tanks have been moved together for the last few days...


Top view


The male in his sperm web


The female waiting...


Male on his way over..


Nearly there..


You've gone past it mate...


On his way down the tunnel the meet her..


At this point he started vibrating , I assumed he met her.

He spent about 15 minutes in the tunnel moving further and further down.

I could see her abdomen emerging at the 'room' at the bottom of the enclsure.

Eventually she forced him to the top at which point I rescued him and returned him to his holding tank.

And don't come back.....


Well I'm not sure if they connected, I couldn't see if she was 'cleaning' after because she remained in the tunnel.

I've shown these pics to a few other people and one has told me that these are different colour forms.......oh dear........any suggestions?


Also I received a male minax in the post today for breeding with my massive female...wish him luck......



read these words and worry:

Also I received a male minax in the post today

OI! Don't you start giving him ideas :D


read these words and worry:

Also I received a male minax in the post today

Is your address still the same, Moss ?


Up until 5 minutes ago :o


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