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Are You Guilty Of Drunk Posting ?

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We always slam drunk drivers, how about drunk posters?

Do YOU ever post when under the influence of alcohol.....

I know it's just an internet forum, but we all post here for various reasons, some of us just ain't got no contact with people face to face, as in guys that work away for 2 - 3 months at a time on some shitty job where they are all on their own. Maybe it's well paid, but it's still <deleted> believe me.

Then you have the bottle and the PC, they kinda go together :o

I don't even know what this topic is supposed to be about now..............have I fallen victim to the bottle ( or the can ) and the PC syndrome?


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I like to drink and post-releases all the inhibiytons biut the spllling miistakes arre hoorendous.

Flaming others is easier after a few samsung cokes and the logic of my srguments is profwned,

Thank God the bib are not watching or it could cost me another 200 baht!

With all that money couldn't you find a Geisha girl?

lol, they are well out of my price range...........

Get back to Thailand man. Why have money and be miserable?


Not necessarily posting after drinking - but I have had to 'cool down' a few times before posting. Having a sleep on things gives a whole new perspective the next day - usually.



Frequently! :D

Some of my best material gets dredged up from the recesses of the black hole between my ears at these moments in time. :o

So much so that I have to go back the next morning & check that I haven't offended anybody who didn't deserve it in the previous session. :D


PS. Maybe someone could invent an internet sobriety test program that has to be passed before allowing an individual to log on! :D Like that little program where "we are just trying to see if you are actually human".

The real question is- does anyone post fully sober?

Yes....... Myself don't drink......... maybe had 2 beers in the past 30 years


The real test of drunken posting is knowing you posted rubbish, and then frantically going back into the control panel to edit quickly...and realizing you can't find your own post or the edit function.

The real test of drunken posting is knowing you posted rubbish, and then frantically going back into the control panel to edit quickly...and realizing you can't find your own post or the edit function.

I've done that :o ....once or twice.

I try very hard to not post drunk. I usually feel bad about it the next day.

We always slam drunk drivers, how about drunk posters?

Do YOU ever post when under the influence of alcohol.....

I know it's just an internet forum, but we all post here for various reasons, some of us just ain't got no contact with people face to face, as in guys that work away for 2 - 3 months at a time on some shitty job where they are all on their own. Maybe it's well paid, but it's still <deleted> believe me.

Then you have the bottle and the PC, they kinda go together :o

I don't even know what this topic is supposed to be about now..............have I fallen victim to the bottle ( or the can ) and the PC syndrome?


Hey, this is the exact topic I posted 2 weeks ago. You actually replied to it.

The only differnce is that you are getting more replies than the few I received. I guess people just like you more. Maybe I need to drink more.


I've been drinking vodka since 4 am...whaddobbit? :o (allowances must be made when one is on holiday...)

however, I must admit to my chagrin that I have desired sex with a well known female poster and have decided to start a dump truck business...what's a falang-on-holiday to do???

Hey, this is the exact topic I posted 2 weeks ago. You actually replied to it.

Did I ? :D

I don't remember that, I must have been slaughtered at the time. :o

Hey, this is the exact topic I posted 2 weeks ago. You actually replied to it.

Did I ? :D

I don't remember that, I must have been slaughtered at the time. :o

i have enough problems posting sober........ :D

Hey, this is the exact topic I posted 2 weeks ago. You actually replied to it.

Did I ? :D

I don't remember that, I must have been slaughtered at the time. :o

Lee Van Cleef would never be slaughtered...he would just squint and be the slaughterer... :D:D

Hey, this is the exact topic I posted 2 weeks ago. You actually replied to it.

Did I ? :D

I don't remember that, I must have been slaughtered at the time. :o

i have enough problems posting sober........ :D

I like that girl wid de hips...I think that me an' her mum got drunk on the Venice Beach boardwalk one time in 1976... :D ('where'd ye put the 'wine tuts?...'...'we're out; I got 2 dollars, how much you got?...')

Do YOU ever post when under the influence of alcohol.....


because..er..i don't drink.

boring...yes..i know!! :o

Same as me Suzy - not drinking is the most exciting thing I've ever done!

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