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Is Pattaya A Safe Place To Live?


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l've lived in Pattaya for 7 years now and it seems the crime situation is getting worse, everyday someone gets shot or robbed, and quite often people are killed over petty arguments. ls it just me or is serious crime on the rise in Pattaya ?? :o

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l've lived in Pattaya for 7 years now and it seems the crime situation is getting worse, everyday someone gets shot or robbed, and quite often people are killed over petty arguments. ls it just me or is serious crime on the rise in Pattaya ?? :o

Well, it is a big city now when you consider the population of tourists as well. I would love to see some accurate statistics on serious crimes over time. I would be surprised if they are easy to find, does anyone know of a source? Short of that, I just wouldn't trust the "if it bleeds it leads" local farang yellow journalism press. There are crimes every day in cities throughout the world, but they are mostly on the back pages.

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l've lived in Pattaya for 7 years now and it seems the crime situation is getting worse, everyday someone gets shot or robbed, and quite often people are killed over petty arguments. ls it just me or is serious crime on the rise in Pattaya ?? :o

Well, it is a big city now when you consider the population of tourists as well. I would love to see some accurate statistics on serious crimes over time. I would be surprised if they are easy to find, does anyone know of a source? Short of that, I just wouldn't trust the "if it bleeds it leads" local farang yellow journalism press. There are crimes every day in cities throughout the world, but they are mostly on the back pages.

l did wonder myself if there was any accurate crime statisics available to the public?? l wonder how many expats living here have been victim to a crime?

My Thai wife was robbed for her gold whilst l was on the motorbike with her!!

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Never been a crime victim here. I feel safer here than most US cities. Basic common sense prevents alot. For example, I wouldn't wander late at night on 3rd Road. I have seen some horrific Thai on Thai violence though.

lt does seem that most of the killings are Thai on Thai, but you do see some falang killed sometimes. Seems very sad to me the reasons why they kill each other really trivial stuff, mainly bar room brawls. When we go out sorry to say we avoid going to places where there are groups of young Thai males, 2 times in 7 years l've witnessed shooting's in bars.

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I have been visiting and living in Pattaya for around 15 years now and I have not been a victim of crime. I go out almost every night to any area I feel like going and I have not encountered personal attacks. That doesn't mean that they don't exist but I have no desire to go looking for it either.

I have an extended group of ex pat friends in Pattaya and most of those guys are in their 60's and 70's and they also have not been victims of crime. Most of these guys wouldn't think twice about walking from Soi Bhuakhou to Soi Arunothai which is well past 3rd. road.

Some common sense things are, never walk around with large chunks of gold hanging off ya (easy target), never disrespect a local Thai person and don't get into arguments with pissed up tourists. Just enjoy your time and you will be fine, 1000's of others are.

Edited by bmanly
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I have been visiting and living in Pattaya for around 15 years now and I have not been a victim of crime. I go out almost every night to any area I feel like going and I have not encountered personal attacks. That doesn't mean that they don't exist but I have no desire to go looking for it either.

I have an extended group of ex pat friends in Pattaya and most of those guys are in their 60's and 70's and they also have not been victims of crime. Most of these guys wouldn't think twice about walking from Soi Bhuakhou to Soi Arunothai which is well past 3rd. road.

Some common sense things are, never walk around with large chunks of gold hanging off ya (easy target), never disrespect a local Thai person and don't get into arguments with pissed up tourists. Just enjoy your time and you will be fine, 1000's of others are.

Did a quick search on the net and found out Thailand is No 3 in the world for murders with firearms last year, South Africa was first followed by Colombia :o

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The problem lies in the perceptive abilities of the complainants - well what d'you expect? They would come up with exactly the same question wherever they live. It gives them a feeling of being connected to all that stuff you read in the papers - what is needed is reliable information by reliable info gatherers that is intelligently interpreted - and the chances of that happening??????????????????????????????

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I'v been living all around the world and I'v spend the last 12 months in Bangkok and Pattaya.

I havnt seen any crime or violence in the pattaya night life ever, and I have never even been cheated or robbed, not by taxi drivers and not by bars either. Most important is that I feel very safe here walking the streets at night. Actually I feel much safer here in Pattaya than I did in Bangkok.

Still, if you compare Pattaya/Bangkok to London, Paris, Madrid and even Copenhagen, then I would still feel much safer here after dark than in any of those cities. And for those out there who preach murder statistics, why dont you take a trip to Rio de Janeiro and then come back and tell me about murder statistics. That along with Marseille (France) and Dhaka (Bangladesh) are the worst crime cities I have ever seen. We are talking the sound of gun shots outside your hotel window every night.

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l've lived in Pattaya for 7 years now and it seems the crime situation is getting worse, everyday someone gets shot or robbed, and quite often people are killed over petty arguments. ls it just me or is serious crime on the rise in Pattaya ?? :o

Have never had any safety concerns in Pattaya. If I were to consider moving to Patters, safety won't be on the list of priorities. Safety is granted, at least for my lifestyle.

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l've lived in Pattaya for 7 years now and it seems the crime situation is getting worse, everyday someone gets shot or robbed, and quite often people are killed over petty arguments. ls it just me or is serious crime on the rise in Pattaya ?? :o
I come from Torbay in Devon, i would defianatly rather walk home from pattaya after a night out than in Torquay with pissed up jocks and scousers all looking for fights after about 10pm,.All cities and towns are the same there,.i worked the clubs in torbay in the 70s and it was no different then,ill never forget a friend and i stopped to ask a lady for directions in birmingham, no sooner had we rolled down the window 2 black guys were offering us all sorts of drugs ! ..dont kid yourself thailand cites are that bad, its worse at home,.
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Pattaya is a total nut house, anyone who lives here and says its safe must be a complete fool.

I’ve lived here for far too long and next week I move out of Pattaya for good, the reason being I value my life & all my limbs.

From the minute I go out of my condo I have to take care that I don’t upset someone whether it is someone who cuts me up in the car or basically some one who is pi-sed at the world & there are so many like that here.

I’ve been sat outside Starbucks at Tuc Com 10:30 in the morning & a yaba head just walked up to me and smacked me across the head ?? and that is absolutely nothing to what I’ve seen or been thro over the years………Pattaya you can have it :o

I’ve lived in BKK Nana and there is absolutely NO comparison

People who have been in Pattaya for a while and had no problems......it will soon come to you so don't worry

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Pattaya is a total nut house, anyone who lives here and says its safe must be a complete fool.

I’ve lived here for far too long and next week I move out of Pattaya for good, the reason being I value my life & all my limbs.

From the minute I go out of my condo I have to take care that I don’t upset someone whether it is someone who cuts me up in the car or basically some one who is pi-sed at the world & there are so many like that here.

I’ve been sat outside Starbucks at Tuc Com 10:30 in the morning & a yaba head just walked up to me and smacked me across the head ?? and that is absolutely nothing to what I’ve seen or been thro over the years………Pattaya you can have it :o

I’ve lived in BKK Nana and there is absolutely NO comparison

People who have been in Pattaya for a while and had no problems......it will soon come to you so don't worry

Sorry to hear about your bad time in Pattaya 'terryp'. Don't let an isolated incident ruin your life. Pattaya is a safe city compared to my home city in the U.K.

I agree that crime has increased recently, particularly bag-snatches and ladyboy muggings. But there is no need to be paranoid.

If I ever become a victim of crime (I've been here 6+ years) with no problems yet, then I would not let the criminals defeat me. I would do everything in my power to remedy the situation.

I suggest that you do the same.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

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Obviously the majority of people living in pattaya will not get killed or robbed. However, fact is it is a very dangerous place to be especially for the innocent who doesnt understand the laws of the jungle. Murders involving tourists and thais (thai kill thai party) are common place. If pattaya was a UK town then it would be cordend off 24/7 as a crime and/or accident scene.

Thais know pattaya is a dangerous place. I have spoken to many food vendors and stall holders who now shut up shop earlier than they used to - before dark - as they fear being robbed.

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This subject comes up 5-6 times a year, and I really can't be bothered spending hours and hours researching crime stats again and again, just to come up with basically the same results every time. I've literally spent dozens of hours researching this over the past year.

Yes, there is crime in Pattaya. Yes, most of the crimes involving farangs gets reported, and that is the kind of news the rest of us tend to pay more attention to (being fellow farangs and all).

Why does it always seem like bad news when farangs are involved ? Because when its good news, nobody pays attention. We've proved that here on TV when "good news" stories were posted and the number of replies and views were a tiny fraction of what "bad news" topics received. Nobody cares unless it's bad.

I first visited Pattaya over 14 years ago, and moved there (more or less) a little over 3 years ago. Never been the victim of a crime, or even in a threatening situation. I've walked along Beach Road at 3 am, so pissed I was almost seeing double, yet never had anyone try to rob me or pick my pockets (though one sewer rat was giving me the evil eye because I wouldn't share my french fries with it) :o

I've been on holidays where the earliest I've come in a week was 3:30 am. Quite a few times I've been staggering back to my apartment and said good-night to gang in the laundry, only to have them laugh and point out that the sun was already up.

Then again, I don't stagger around with great gobs of gold dangling around my neck. I don't sneer at the khatoeys and call them names or make other disparaging remarks. I don't go groping women in the streets, or assume that all of them are "available". I don't go picking up strange women off the street and bringing them back to my place. I don't wander around with a years wages stuffed in my wallet and then flash it at everyone to try and impress them.

Maybe those are some of the reasons why I've never been a victim of a crime (yet, "knock, knock") ?

I used to live in downtown Vancouver (Canada), and there are many parts of that town I would avoid in the daytime, sober, let alone at night when drunk. Never been a concern in Pattaya though.

But like most places in the world, if you want trouble, you'll find all you can handle and more. Most of the losers that try to make trouble in Pattaya find themselves on the losing side of the equation very quickly (though it is kind of funny once in awhile to see two 65+ year old guys trying to have a fist fight in a bar over a girl. 2 or 3 girly swings later they are both back at the bar wheezing away, wondering of their hearts will last long enough for them to finish their beer and they've forgotten about the girl altogether).

So. Yes there is crme in Pattaya.

Yes, sometimes farangs are involved (often as the victim).

Yes, it can be dangerous, but if you use a little common sense, the danger factor can be reduced significantly.

All in all, I don't know of a better place to live (personally), but I do know there are far more worse places to live than Pattaya.

You'll never find a place that is perfectly safe, crime free and only inhabited by your "kind" of people (meant as a generic statement, not directed at anyone in particular). Crime and safety are just a couple of factors you have to consider when determining where you want to live.

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This subject comes up 5-6 times a year, and I really can't be bothered spending hours and hours researching crime stats again and again, just to come up with basically the same results every time. I've literally spent dozens of hours researching this over the past year.

Yes, there is crime in Pattaya. Yes, most of the crimes involving farangs gets reported, and that is the kind of news the rest of us tend to pay more attention to (being fellow farangs and all).

Why does it always seem like bad news when farangs are involved ? Because when its good news, nobody pays attention. We've proved that here on TV when "good news" stories were posted and the number of replies and views were a tiny fraction of what "bad news" topics received. Nobody cares unless it's bad.

I first visited Pattaya over 14 years ago, and moved there (more or less) a little over 3 years ago. Never been the victim of a crime, or even in a threatening situation. I've walked along Beach Road at 3 am, so pissed I was almost seeing double, yet never had anyone try to rob me or pick my pockets (though one sewer rat was giving me the evil eye because I wouldn't share my french fries with it) :o

I've been on holidays where the earliest I've come in a week was 3:30 am. Quite a few times I've been staggering back to my apartment and said good-night to gang in the laundry, only to have them laugh and point out that the sun was already up.

Then again, I don't stagger around with great gobs of gold dangling around my neck. I don't sneer at the khatoeys and call them names or make other disparaging remarks. I don't go groping women in the streets, or assume that all of them are "available". I don't go picking up strange women off the street and bringing them back to my place. I don't wander around with a years wages stuffed in my wallet and then flash it at everyone to try and impress them.

Maybe those are some of the reasons why I've never been a victim of a crime (yet, "knock, knock") ?

I used to live in downtown Vancouver (Canada), and there are many parts of that town I would avoid in the daytime, sober, let alone at night when drunk. Never been a concern in Pattaya though.

But like most places in the world, if you want trouble, you'll find all you can handle and more. Most of the losers that try to make trouble in Pattaya find themselves on the losing side of the equation very quickly (though it is kind of funny once in awhile to see two 65+ year old guys trying to have a fist fight in a bar over a girl. 2 or 3 girly swings later they are both back at the bar wheezing away, wondering of their hearts will last long enough for them to finish their beer and they've forgotten about the girl altogether).

So. Yes there is crme in Pattaya.

Yes, sometimes farangs are involved (often as the victim).

Yes, it can be dangerous, but if you use a little common sense, the danger factor can be reduced significantly.

All in all, I don't know of a better place to live (personally), but I do know there are far more worse places to live than Pattaya.

You'll never find a place that is perfectly safe, crime free and only inhabited by your "kind" of people (meant as a generic statement, not directed at anyone in particular). Crime and safety are just a couple of factors you have to consider when determining where you want to live.

People so pissed that they see double whilst wandering along beach road at 3 am all adds to the general feeling of insecurity for normal people. Anyone who wanders along beach road at that time of day pissed is obviously nuts - roulete. You have been lucky thats all. And yes we can all state places back home where we wouldnt wander late at night but any half witted person would tell you that beach road late at night is a no no

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Pattaya is a total nut house, anyone who lives here and says its safe must be a complete fool.

I've lived here for far too long and next week I move out of Pattaya for good, the reason being I value my life & all my limbs.

From the minute I go out of my condo I have to take care that I don't upset someone whether it is someone who cuts me up in the car or basically some one who is pi-sed at the world & there are so many like that here.

I've been sat outside Starbucks at Tuc Com 10:30 in the morning & a yaba head just walked up to me and smacked me across the head ?? and that is absolutely nothing to what I've seen or been thro over the years………Pattaya you can have it :o

I've lived in BKK Nana and there is absolutely NO comparison

People who have been in Pattaya for a while and had no problems......it will soon come to you so don't worry

Would totally agree with you, if you have lived in Pattaya for a few years and you have'nt seen trouble l you must have your eyes shut.

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I fully agree with your assessment. In the 3 years I've been here full time, I'm having unprovoked encounters with hot headed Thais. I was recently cut off by a motorcycle driver who shoved me with his forearm. Never had a Thai touch me in an aggressive manner within the last 3 years until then. I've recently had beggars touch my arm with their dirty hands while I was in conversation. Been poked several times by vendors while I'm in conversation with others. Had the lazer pointer people shine their lights in my face countless times. I stay in Pattaya mainly for 1 reason but I'm looking at Hua Hin more and more because it really does offer almost everything that Pattaya does but on a lesser scale which is fine with me. Anyone else for Hua Hin? :D

Pattaya is a total nut house, anyone who lives here and says its safe must be a complete fool.

I've lived here for far too long and next week I move out of Pattaya for good, the reason being I value my life & all my limbs.

From the minute I go out of my condo I have to take care that I don't upset someone whether it is someone who cuts me up in the car or basically some one who is pi-sed at the world & there are so many like that here.

I've been sat outside Starbucks at Tuc Com 10:30 in the morning & a yaba head just walked up to me and smacked me across the head ?? and that is absolutely nothing to what I've seen or been thro over the years………Pattaya you can have it :o

I've lived in BKK Nana and there is absolutely NO comparison

People who have been in Pattaya for a while and had no problems......it will soon come to you so don't worry

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Y'all complaining must not be Americans. Pattaya is significantly safer to walk around at night than most large American cities. Not even close! It is not a place to "ask" for it by waving around big wads of baht on dark sois and leave the jewelry at home. I think alot of the Thai on farang crime is from prostitutes invited home, and contrary to popular belief, farangs are not obligated to employ them.

Edited by Jingthing
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Y'all complaining must not be Americans. Pattaya is significantly safer to walk around at night than most large American cities. Not even close! It is not a place to "ask" for it by waving around big wads of baht on dark sois and leave the jewelry at home. I think alot of the Thai on farang crime is from prostitutes invited home, and contrary to popular belief, farangs are not obligated to employ them.

America is slowly making most countrys unsafe to live :o

oh, in the name of democracy, freedom and the american way - unsafe

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Y'all complaining must not be Americans. Pattaya is significantly safer to walk around at night than most large American cities. Not even close! It is not a place to "ask" for it by waving around big wads of baht on dark sois and leave the jewelry at home. I think alot of the Thai on farang crime is from prostitutes invited home, and contrary to popular belief, farangs are not obligated to employ them.

America is slowly making most countrys unsafe to live :o

Misery loves company ...

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This subject comes up 5-6 times a year, and I really can't be bothered spending hours and hours researching crime stats again and again, just to come up with basically the same results every time. I've literally spent dozens of hours researching this over the past year.

Yes, there is crime in Pattaya. Yes, most of the crimes involving farangs gets reported, and that is the kind of news the rest of us tend to pay more attention to (being fellow farangs and all).

Why does it always seem like bad news when farangs are involved ? Because when its good news, nobody pays attention. We've proved that here on TV when "good news" stories were posted and the number of replies and views were a tiny fraction of what "bad news" topics received. Nobody cares unless it's bad.

I first visited Pattaya over 14 years ago, and moved there (more or less) a little over 3 years ago. Never been the victim of a crime, or even in a threatening situation. I've walked along Beach Road at 3 am, so pissed I was almost seeing double, yet never had anyone try to rob me or pick my pockets (though one sewer rat was giving me the evil eye because I wouldn't share my french fries with it) :o

I've been on holidays where the earliest I've come in a week was 3:30 am. Quite a few times I've been staggering back to my apartment and said good-night to gang in the laundry, only to have them laugh and point out that the sun was already up.

Then again, I don't stagger around with great gobs of gold dangling around my neck. I don't sneer at the khatoeys and call them names or make other disparaging remarks. I don't go groping women in the streets, or assume that all of them are "available". I don't go picking up strange women off the street and bringing them back to my place. I don't wander around with a years wages stuffed in my wallet and then flash it at everyone to try and impress them.

Maybe those are some of the reasons why I've never been a victim of a crime (yet, "knock, knock") ?

I used to live in downtown Vancouver (Canada), and there are many parts of that town I would avoid in the daytime, sober, let alone at night when drunk. Never been a concern in Pattaya though.

But like most places in the world, if you want trouble, you'll find all you can handle and more. Most of the losers that try to make trouble in Pattaya find themselves on the losing side of the equation very quickly (though it is kind of funny once in awhile to see two 65+ year old guys trying to have a fist fight in a bar over a girl. 2 or 3 girly swings later they are both back at the bar wheezing away, wondering of their hearts will last long enough for them to finish their beer and they've forgotten about the girl altogether).

So. Yes there is crme in Pattaya.

Yes, sometimes farangs are involved (often as the victim).

Yes, it can be dangerous, but if you use a little common sense, the danger factor can be reduced significantly.

All in all, I don't know of a better place to live (personally), but I do know there are far more worse places to live than Pattaya.

You'll never find a place that is perfectly safe, crime free and only inhabited by your "kind" of people (meant as a generic statement, not directed at anyone in particular). Crime and safety are just a couple of factors you have to consider when determining where you want to live.

Excellent,. :D
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Been to Pattaya one time for a two day holiday.

First day on the baht bus alongside a Swedish family, three Thai's start fighting in the middle of the day - a knife is drawn and someone gets stabbed, blood all around and everyone walking around like it's just a normal day.

Second day, se at least 3 fights down the walking street before 12pm - Sad old expats trying to box each other over some 20 year old girl.

I've seen two or three bits of trouble in my 5 years in Phuket, and nothing as serious.

Pattaya is generally regarded as a pretty scummy place, I can't think of any reason to stay there other than the sex scene, but each to their own. I'm sure some people will tell me how it's a delightful place for their children or some other nonsense, but really there are so many other, nicer places.

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