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Baht Bus Fare - The Real Story


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i decided to open a new thread becasue this is the definitive answer and i did not want it to be lost in the related thread.

today i had to go to pattaya mem for a BP check up. normally i walk EVERYWHERE, i loathe songtaews and think the drivers are about the worst representation of thai manners i have ever seen. today was the worst. i 'had' to take the bus (500m mind you) so as to not increase my blood pressure before the chkup.

the price is b5 everywhere save for: dolphin to sukhumvhit, nakula, over jomtien, pattaya tai north late night. those are b10

so i gave the guy b5 and he blew up (and so did my blood pressure). i should have gave him b10 so as to not cause the conflict - but being here 10 yrs and paying this, its just natural.

edit: i told the guy IN THAI > thai's pay five baht, farangs pay five baht -same

the guy repeatedly tried to run me over and then chased me up to (but not into) the hospital. he circled the hospital numerous times with his shrew of a wife in tow.

i called the police and reported that the man attempted to murder me with his vehicle and is now stalking me.

THAI POLICE WORTHLESS FOR FARANG: she stated that if i wanted to take action i had to file a complaint - sound familiar?? if a thai was raped, cracked skull, knifed ... do they have to file a complaint?? no. but i digress.

the woman on the phone CONFIRMED THE DOUBLE PRICING STANDARD. thai pay 5 farang pay 10. i said im here at the hospital - we pay the same. we alsopay the same at the airport, the restaurant, the barber, the cinema... she was speechless - but murmured - but not at the aquarium na. WORTHLESS.

there can be no double pricing FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT - PERIOD. this is racism pure and simple and to prove this my friends daughter who is thai holding french pp pays 5.

as stated prior - we all know why they do not post the price which is further insulting. it appears they will attept to kill you for paying LESS than 10 - but aer quit ehappy to take MORE than ten from you. in the end - they are <deleted> thieves and i am so sick of this crap and pattaya bs and crime in general i may write to the travel agencies and the iata.

thai police support racist double pricing fully. 100% fact.

and btw - the next time someone tries to kill you - go file a complaint!

the price is 10 - period. i stand corrected as racist this policy, 'law' - whatever is...

Ive always given 10 baht, i dont relate principles in thailand, are there any racism laws in thailand ? i doubt it, .i just go with the flow here or my blood would boil, pay up and dont worry about it. its nots personal, they hate everyone !
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Bt 10 is good value ? On which planet ?

The minimum wage in the UK is probably around GBP6 per hour so GBP 60 for a full days work. In Thailand it is about Bt150. So to get in the back of an uninsured truck and sit on a bench, to be driven at breakneck speed by a yabba induced driver with suicidal tendencies for a mere 500m costs about 7% of the daily wage which equates to about GBP 4.

Prey tell me where you buy the same rubbish transport in the UK period and then where you go only 500m for 7% of the daily wage ?

It is called a baht bus beacuse it used to cost a baht. Yes, one baht.

The people in Pattaya who earn 150 baht per day don't use Baht Buses. They are probably Burmese or Cambodian labourers.

Tourists and Thai Pattaya residents on a higher salary use Baht Buses, as well as school kids who all pay around 5 baht for a short trip out of laziness. So many fat school kids now........

The last time I was in the U.K. I paid 3.50 GBP for a short bus trip. That is approximately 228 Baht.

Go figure................

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I beg to differ. I see poor Thai people everyday on the baht buses. On some routes especially in low season, it is mostly poor Thais! I judge them to be poor because of the way they are dressed; of course I am not privy to their financial particulars. I judge them to be Thai because they are speaking Thai.

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I beg to differ. I see poor Thai people everyday on the baht buses. On some routes especially in low season, it is mostly poor Thais! I judge them to be poor because of the way they are dressed; of course I am not privy to their financial particulars. I judge them to be Thai because they are speaking Thai.

If I were a poor Thai; then I would walk. Food being a priority. The price set by Baht Bus drivers reflects supply and demand. Fuel prices are high.

Your argument is rather like saying; 'Oh' the poor people of England, spend all their money on cigs, bingo and lottery tickets'. Let's lower transport costs.

It cannot work. This is not Switzerland. Thailand has a similar population to the U.K.

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I beg to differ. I see poor Thai people everyday on the baht buses. On some routes especially in low season, it is mostly poor Thais! I judge them to be poor because of the way they are dressed; of course I am not privy to their financial particulars. I judge them to be Thai because they are speaking Thai.

If I were a poor Thai; then I would walk. Food being a priority. The price set by Baht Bus drivers reflects supply and demand. Fuel prices are high.

Your argument is rather like saying; 'Oh' the poor people of England, spend all their money on cigs, bingo and lottery tickets'. Let's lower transport costs.

It cannot work. This is not Switzerland. Thailand has a similar population to the U.K.

I think you are talking about destitute, not poor. Poor people in America drive cars. Poor means not rich. It doesn't mean not having 5 baht to ride a long distance instead of walking. Poor means not having alot of money, having money less than average; it includes people who have no money, but like I said there is a better word for that.

The bus fares for non-aircon buses in Bangkok are also low. They are packed with poorer Thais. You can't walk across Bangkok everyday, you would die. There are also millions of poor Thais driving motos they can't afford well but buy them anyway. Motorized transport is almost as necessary to urban life as food.

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GBP 3.50 for a short bus trip ? where ? Even in rip off London it is only GBP 1.00 I think if you have an Oyster card or perhaps GBP 2.0 if not and you don't buy a ticket beforehand.

GBP: 3.50:

A one way ticket from a South Manchester suberb into the Manchester City Centre before 0930 hours.

Bus company: Stagecoach.

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I beg to differ. I see poor Thai people everyday on the baht buses. On some routes especially in low season, it is mostly poor Thais! I judge them to be poor because of the way they are dressed; of course I am not privy to their financial particulars. I judge them to be Thai because they are speaking Thai.

If I were a poor Thai; then I would walk. Food being a priority. The price set by Baht Bus drivers reflects supply and demand. Fuel prices are high.

Your argument is rather like saying; 'Oh' the poor people of England, spend all their money on cigs, bingo and lottery tickets'. Let's lower transport costs.

It cannot work. This is not Switzerland. Thailand has a similar population to the U.K.

I think you are talking about destitute, not poor. Poor people in America drive cars. Poor means not rich. It doesn't mean not having 5 baht to ride a long distance instead of walking. Poor means not having alot of money, having money less than average; it includes people who have no money, but like I said there is a better word for that.

The bus fares for non-aircon buses in Bangkok are also low. They are packed with poorer Thais. You can't walk across Bangkok everyday, you would die. There are also millions of poor Thais driving motos they can't afford well but buy them anyway. Motorized transport is almost as necessary to urban life as food.

It would be very easy for me to slip into a philosophical rant quoting Diogenes views on poverty. But I shall refrain.

If you are prepared to pay 5 or 10 baht for a Baht Bus trip then do it. Don't complain afterwards if some bright spark paid 50 satang and did a runner.

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If you are prepared to pay 5 or 10 baht for a Baht Bus trip then do it. Don't complain afterwards if some bright spark paid 50 satang and did a runner.

I have no idea what you are on about, but thanks, I will happily ride the baht buses and pay the farang price because I do what I can to avoid knife and baseball bat injuries.

And you should know by now, Thai people culturally don't like to walk!

Only mad dogs and Englishmen are walking about in the midday sun here.

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I think there was a greater exchange then the OP let on,

Being chased down over 5b and your life threatened ? :D

Maybe the driver reached a point where he wasn't going to take anymore disrespect and abuse from this cheap farang and unloaded.

Tiered pricing is nothing new, :o

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I agree with the OP, though I usually pay the racist farang price as I consider the extra 5 baht as payment to avoid being violently assaulted by thuggish baht bus drivers. It is worth it to me, but of course you are correct, the correct fare was 5 baht, and this is institutionalized racism and enforcement by intimidation in action. Thanks for showing a real case of what I know to be the real, dark situation.

Some people say the baht bus collective isn't a MAFIA. When you are forced to pay protection money to avoid being beat up to a class of people, what exactly would you call them?

I flagged down a taxi meter that was kerb crawling on second road, agreed a fare to bkk, no sooner had i shut the door the car was surrounded by the pattaya taxi pickups,.a lot of hand waving and so on and the taxi driver had to give them 200 baht ! ,i asked what for ? what did they do to deserve it ? the driver said pattaya mafia, no good, ,im inclined to agree
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The driver got off easy. Not unusual for those types of situations to turn violent. If he hadn't paid, it would have. The crazy thing is the baht buses can't drive you to Bangkok! I am not saying that Bangkok taxis are authorized to pick up passengers on Pattaya streets. No taxis are, because we don't have taxis, thanks to the baht bus mafia.

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For many years there has been a official notice in English stating the official fare "10 Baht" regardless of distance, and a matrix guide for private charter.

But there again for many years Pattaya seems to have had more than it's fair share of "Cheap Charlie's".


Can you please post a copy of this so called Official notice stating the official 10 baht fare.


Sorry these are self adhesive signs, white on red posted in the back of the bus, normally behind the driver written in English, I do not have a copy, keep meaning to photograph one, but at present I am 6000 miles away from Pattaya so you will have to wait.


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I believe the words on the signs (when they are there or not mutilated) says:

‘The regular fare of mini bus in Pattaya is not over 10 baht per person according to the law of enforced by the department of land transport'

Got this from the pattayasecrets link posted before. Leaves them fudge room to always charge farangs 10 or more. Interesting, because lately it is more common for them to get violent if you give them 10 for a long ride, they now often want 20.

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We can debate it for pages and pages. They don't care. Even the Pattaya city hall and mayor supports the double pricing. I pay 10B and I think that is just fine. Anyway, I would say most Thais aren't paying 5B anymore, except for very very short journeys maybe. 10B is standard.

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GBP 3.50 for a short bus trip ? where ? Even in rip off London it is only GBP 1.00 I think if you have an Oyster card or perhaps GBP 2.0 if not and you don't buy a ticket beforehand.

The reason London is so 'cheap' is because poor sods like me, who used to live there, paid massive amounts of Council Tax which in turn subsidised many things in 'Red Kens' London, including the bus system. One of the reasons I came to Thailand is to get away from the culture that expected me to subsidise everything. So I have no sympathy with your argument at all :o

However, I also have an Oyster card for when I go to visit the UK - and now that I dont have to pay the taxes in the UK - I love using it to go everywhere cheaply!!! I also love using the free libraries, museums etc...

As for the Baht bus fares, On the rare occasions I am forced to use them I pay 10 baht for me and 5 baht for my Thai wife, for a short trip within Pattaya and 20 baht to Jomtien.

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the price is b5 everywhere save for: dolphin to sukhumvhit, nakula, over jomtien, pattaya tai north late night. those are b10

so i gave the guy b5 and he blew up (and so did my blood pressure). i should have gave him b10 so as to not cause the conflict - but being here 10 yrs and paying this, its just natural.

First, the only regulation regarding the price of a trip is that maximum fare is 10Baht, this is set by the Land Transport Authority. This is a private transport organisation and apart from the maximum fare, for a regular trip, the driver can charge anything he likes. If you don't like it don't use it.

If you have paid 5 Baht the for 10 years it's probably time you pay a bit more. Do you pay the same today that you paid 10 years ago for everything else?

10 years ago locals paid 1-3 baht for a trip you paid 5 baht for, I don't hear any complaints about that!

I even see many locals pay 10 baht for shorter trips, especially bar girls that make a bit of money. I often see Thai tourists from Bangkok pay 10, or even 20 Baht!.

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I moved by the deep compassion some posters have for those baht bus drivers. I always paid 10 baht for the past 7 years with some exceptions when I got off on second road at klang, coming from nua.

There seems to be some agreement that the drivers are often drunk, drugged, aggressive and threatening. Probably later in the day more so than in the morning. Pattaya City Hall seems to support and I m not surprised. With the son of a godfather running for mayor (and surely to become so) to replace the current exhibit of that species what can we expect? They give a sizeable part of the local population a cut from the big farang pie while still participating themselves as well. I found the BKK taxi driver story related here very informative. It really shows that it is a sub-Mafia of the paramount Chinese clan here.

So I will continue to take the baht bus OUTSIDE the bus station on Nua and save a bit and avoid being handled like cattle by those disease rotten bastards.

I will continue to WALK shorter distances, I will the the RED AIRCON bus for returns from Jomtien beach.

I always have correct change and just give them the 10 baht and walk away, that is against the traffic so there is no question of following me. I also prefer female drivers and or those with small kids. I experienced less trouble with those. I never get on empty baht busses on 2nd or Beach Rd but take those already frequented.

The taxi I will hire by arrangement out of side.

This is all just patch work and no real response as we are faced with a monopoly. It is certainly not alone the 5 baht over charge but the kind of treatment we receive.

Good for those who put up a fight and refuse to pay the over charge. Those who flame them as cheap charlies are surely major contributors to local charities (or the sex industry).

Ah, by the way, I never had trouble with the motorbike taxi people once the price was decided (before the trip). Surely, not safe but for certain trips unavoidable.

Once last complaint: These busses pollute the air really badly with highly toxic diesel fumes. It would be nice if our local major's brother would open a shop selling filters and the like. I m sure the benevolent father of pattaya would see to it that all baht busses would be refitted within a day or two.

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I moved by the deep compassion some posters have for those baht bus drivers. I always paid 10 baht for the past 7 years with some exceptions when I got off on second road at klang, coming from nua.

There seems to be some agreement that the drivers are often drunk, drugged, aggressive and threatening. Probably later in the day more so than in the morning. Pattaya City Hall seems to support and I m not surprised. With the son of a godfather running for mayor (and surely to become so) to replace the current exhibit of that species what can we expect? They give a sizeable part of the local population a cut from the big farang pie while still participating themselves as well. I found the BKK taxi driver story related here very informative. It really shows that it is a sub-Mafia of the paramount Chinese clan here.

So I will continue to take the baht bus OUTSIDE the bus station on Nua and save a bit and avoid being handled like cattle by those disease rotten bastards.

I will continue to WALK shorter distances, I will the the RED AIRCON bus for returns from Jomtien beach.

I always have correct change and just give them the 10 baht and walk away, that is against the traffic so there is no question of following me. I also prefer female drivers and or those with small kids. I experienced less trouble with those. I never get on empty baht busses on 2nd or Beach Rd but take those already frequented.

The taxi I will hire by arrangement out of side.

This is all just patch work and no real response as we are faced with a monopoly. It is certainly not alone the 5 baht over charge but the kind of treatment we receive.

Good for those who put up a fight and refuse to pay the over charge. Those who flame them as cheap charlies are surely major contributors to local charities (or the sex industry).

Ah, by the way, I never had trouble with the motorbike taxi people once the price was decided (before the trip). Surely, not safe but for certain trips unavoidable.

Once last complaint: These busses pollute the air really badly with highly toxic diesel fumes. It would be nice if our local major's brother would open a shop selling filters and the like. I m sure the benevolent father of pattaya would see to it that all baht busses would be refitted within a day or two.

The shop could be called BAHT BOSS 4 BAHT BUS :o

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from what i see the thai lady will pay double so not to lose face and start trouble. often i see them give 20 EACH. there is a secret 'feeling' among thais they all help one another at this level.

for instance ... if you are on the beach and youre eating and drinking alot youll get overcharged. she will take you back to the same place for the time th efarang is in town. after a week or whatever she will come back an dcollect a cut.

tropo: to your point about race/skin color on the other thread. color of skin color does not denote race and only minorly ethnicity. there are three races in this world: caucasian, asian, black (negroid).

ps: hey mobi - its becasue ive been here a long time i dont want to put up with the crap. but like i say - i never take the mafia buses.

speaks as much to the cops as it does to the songtaews though.

Actually there are 4 Asians are generall considered to be Indian Sub Continent typrs Far east Oriental race

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We can debate it for pages and pages. They don't care. Even the Pattaya city hall and mayor supports the double pricing. I pay 10B and I think that is just fine. Anyway, I would say most Thais aren't paying 5B anymore, except for very very short journeys maybe. 10B is standard.

Yes, agreed, I have traveled a few times in the cab and the only time I have seen a Thai pay 5Baht was for a child, all these trips were for Jomtien to Pattaya or the other way round, many Thais went less than half way but still paid 10Baht.

For you Cheap Charlie's out there who obviously are in Thai terms very wealthy and only pay 5Baht, I just wounder how you can sleep at night?


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We can debate it for pages and pages. They don't care. Even the Pattaya city hall and mayor supports the double pricing. I pay 10B and I think that is just fine. Anyway, I would say most Thais aren't paying 5B anymore, except for very very short journeys maybe. 10B is standard.

Yes, agreed, I have traveled a few times in the cab and the only time I have seen a Thai pay 5Baht was for a child, all these trips were for Jomtien to Pattaya or the other way round, many Thais went less than half way but still paid 10Baht.

For you Cheap Charlie's out there who obviously are in Thai terms very wealthy and only pay 5Baht, I just wounder how you can sleep at night?


The fare on the Jomtien to Pattaya route is 10 baht, even for those who appear to be racially Thai; that route is an exception!!!!! Take the baht bus on the cross town routes like Pattaya Tai and Pattaya Klang. The people that appear to be racially Thai are paying 5 baht.

It should keep us up at night to pay what people who look racially Thai pay? Why? Do you suffer from some kind of white man's burden guilt complex? Not all of us are so psychologically plagued.

BTW, if you are a farang and going far out Jomtien beach road, expect to often be pressured (sometimes violently) to pay 20 baht or more. Indeed, it is common for them to stop at some point and either kick you off (have a nice long walk in the hot sun or wet rain, farang) or demand a magical tranformation into a 100 baht taxi. Some service! And yes, I think there should be a law that requires the baht bus drivers to go as far down Jomtien Beach road as needed to serve all the passengers on their so called bus. There is implied contract for that when you board the bus; they break it all the time!

This is a race based system. Judgments are made based on racial appearance. If this was a locals discount why can't I get a locals ID card that would offer me whiteface the same so called local's discount?

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the price is b5 everywhere save for: dolphin to sukhumvhit, nakula, over jomtien, pattaya tai north late night. those are b10

A ride along Beach Road terminating at/close to Walking Street also has drivers insisting on 10 baht.

Otherwise from my experience 5 baht is not problematic for a falang in central Pattaya who acts like he knows what he's doing.

5 baht and a thankyou works for me (depending on length of journey) , if I don't have change I insist on change first then I hand over the note otherwise (as I have experienced before) they will drive off without giving change even from 100baht, I had trouble once when I got a B'taxi beach road and at the end of the journey I offered the guy 100baht note (looking for 90baht change) but insisted on change first - he didn't want to play and started to get angry, I reached into my pocket and gave him the 6baht change I new I had and walked off.

I usually base what I give on my own estimation of length of journey - even 20baht

Now motorbike taxi's really take the piss, they are always looking for 40baht for a short journey I always give 30baht and say thanyou, as mentioned above a similar taxi ride in Bangkok would cost 35baht and that could be 4 people, 2 up on a motorbike taxi here and they are looking for 80baht !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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first i would like to acknowledge and thank all the supporters. everyone has a story of these mad men - but i refuse(d) to be intimidated. i do not need prozac and why does such a rude imbicle deserve the 5b more than me? if they wan to make the price 10 - so be it.

note: i have seen the post in the songtaews and note the wording - maximum. and in fact thai plice confirmed to me that the price is b5 - so there. that is fact.

ok as for the guy chasing me - yeah, this was the worst incident ever for me. maybe it was i spoke thai and said - everybody pays same so there! maybe he lost face in front of his wife (are you going to take that!?), maybe he was drunk or drugged as we all know they are habitually - you can smell the lao khao fumes from outside the cab. i dont know...

what i do know is that both the city and police support predatory mafia that think nothing of assulting foreigners basically for sport.

i must say though - thai men are really lucky. i know that in a spat, i cant win so i will always back down or go. ill go to jail - not him. ill pay him! that is thailand thank you. im not afraid of them one bit. they dont scare me for a second. im not here to pick fights - im also not here to be a victim of theft, verbal abuse, mafias and possibly assault.

anyone thinks that thailand isnt as dangerous as phils these days is wrong.

finally - yeah, the tuk-tuks in bkk are bs. i have said for years dont even bother, just grab a cab. only had one guy in 15 yrs try to rip me off in a cab and when i started yelling at him where the hel_l are you going in thai!! he took me back to sukhumvhit half way, dropped me and said sollee with a smile.

what im am so disappointed in is the cities, police support of the bad behaviour becasue it obviously is encouraging these men to act violently without fear of reprisal. when they kill someone what will pattaya city say - oh well ....

i think not the bar girls but the songtaew driver should be tested for drugs and alcohol!

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I have had the usual mix of drivers and expected fares, although I have had some interesting ones.

Took a bus from Jomtien to Nakleua this afternoon, explained to my brother that it would be 30B each for 3 people as it was a reasonable distance. Got almost to Nakeua and the driver stopped and asked where we were going and girl friend said central Nakeua, so he drove onand we bailed out near the markets. Gave the driver 100B expecting some change, when we got 40B change I was positively astounded. No prompting from girl, she was on the phone :D , just 40B change. :o

Another positive story, got a bus down Pattaya Nua and got out just before the roundabout because we were going to Big C, paid the driver and walked round the corner. The driver also was going down 2nd Rd (the wrong way by most standards), he beeped horn and called us over and indicated to get back on, took us to Big C AND DID NOT CHARGE :D

These are exceptions to the usual cr@p we get.

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So the official World Fare for.. ALL is 10 Bt apart from Thais who are poor 3rd World downtrodden state controlled prolls ...including their Millionaires,Generals,Polliticans,Pol-lice who only have to "offer" ha bt ( 5 )...well named....Ha Ha Bt for this wonderfull 20th Centuary experience........Gawd "elp "em........ :D

Time to back...or is it Forward to "Bullock Carts " :o

I have seen a published fare of 5 baht.

A milloinaire Thai will pay 5 baht, a milloinaire Farang like me pays 10 baht


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These days, on the rare occasions I take a Baht bus, I usually give them 20 Baht.

So blame me for pushing up the fares :o

I will. And so do all the English teachers living in the ghetto and retired individuals suffering from economic down-turn.

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Obviously, but I guess some people just refuse to see things as they really are.

You must have a tough time in Thailand thinking that everyone is racist.

Local businesses trying to extract some extra money from tourists is commonplace in most countries. It's astonishing that you can't see this and continue to harp: Racist! Racism!.

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