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How To Become A Kam Nun? I'm A Foreigner...


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I assume this is a joke enquiry. But if you're serious - and in a nut shell - you can't because you're a foreigner.

And a word of warning - if any TV posters ever have a problem with a kamnan in their village or eleswhere then they really have a problem. Don't ever mess with these guys or if you do they'll mess badly with you.

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I assume this is a joke enquiry. But if you're serious - and in a nut shell - you can't because you're a foreigner.

And a word of warning - if any TV posters ever have a problem with a kamnan in their village or eleswhere then they really have a problem. Don't ever mess with these guys or if you do they'll mess badly with you.

I always thought Kamnan Poh was such a nice chappie. :o

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I assume this is a joke enquiry. But if you're serious - and in a nut shell - you can't because you're a foreigner.

And a word of warning - if any TV posters ever have a problem with a kamnan in their village or eleswhere then they really have a problem. Don't ever mess with these guys or if you do they'll mess badly with you.

What IF i sucessfully become a Thai citizen like one of the guy did here? I'm not joking i've been discuss this with my wife.

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I assume this is a joke enquiry. But if you're serious - and in a nut shell - you can't because you're a foreigner.

And a word of warning - if any TV posters ever have a problem with a kamnan in their village or eleswhere then they really have a problem. Don't ever mess with these guys or if you do they'll mess badly with you.

What IF i sucessfully become a Thai citizen like one of the guy did here? I'm not joking i've been discuss this with my wife.

The way to Thai citizenship is long. Three years of continuous work permit, then you have the right to ask for permanent residency, than a few years before you have the right to ask for citizenship, which will also take considerable time to pass. If you want to become Kamnan, you will have to get involved in local clan politics, which can be very hazardous. You need backing, and you need to be elected.

I know of single case of a foreigner who adopted Thai citizenship became Puyai Ban (elected official of the lowest administrative level - the Mu Ban). That was down South in the three provinces, he was of Afghani or Pakistani descend, and got killed.

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I want to become a Kam Nun, I'm a foreigner. Any step by step advise?

Is this a religious thing ?


Kum Nun = Head of Village :o

Actually, no.

Puyai Ban is the Village head. Kamnan is the head of the Tambon, which is one up from village - i believe the correct translation is 'Sub-District'.

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In theory, {assuming this is for real} I believe you could be eligible for a public position after 5 years as a citizen, hm.. typing this I seem to recall that there are limitations based on having a voting record, so guess that would mean 5 years + period required to show voting for the specified position. To be honest though, I don't see how any foreigner {not just falang, 1st generation maybe} would have a snowball's chance in hades of becoming one. /edit {see posts above, originally I'd added to the last line or"or want the risk of being one" but took it out as being too negative//.


Edited by A_Traveller
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I want to become a Kam Nun, I'm a foreigner. Any step by step advise?

Is this a religious thing ?


Kum Nun = Head of Village :o

Actually, no.

Puyai Ban is the Village head. Kamnan is the head of the Tambon, which is one up from village - i believe the correct translation is 'Sub-District'.

Thanks for the clarification, just saw this on the other post.

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I assume this is a joke enquiry. But if you're serious - and in a nut shell - you can't because you're a foreigner.

And a word of warning - if any TV posters ever have a problem with a kamnan in their village or eleswhere then they really have a problem. Don't ever mess with these guys or if you do they'll mess badly with you.

What IF i sucessfully become a Thai citizen like one of the guy did here? I'm not joking i've been discuss this with my wife.

I know of single case of a foreigner who adopted Thai citizenship became Puyai Ban (elected official of the lowest administrative level - the Mu Ban). That was down South in the three provinces, he was of Afghani or Pakistani descend, and got killed.

I thought even you're not a Puyai Ban the risk of getting kill down south is quite high.

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I assume this is a joke enquiry. But if you're serious - and in a nut shell - you can't because you're a foreigner.

And a word of warning - if any TV posters ever have a problem with a kamnan in their village or eleswhere then they really have a problem. Don't ever mess with these guys or if you do they'll mess badly with you.

What IF i sucessfully become a Thai citizen like one of the guy did here? I'm not joking i've been discuss this with my wife.

I know of single case of a foreigner who adopted Thai citizenship became Puyai Ban (elected official of the lowest administrative level - the Mu Ban). That was down South in the three provinces, he was of Afghani or Pakistani descend, and got killed.

I thought even you're not a Puyai Ban the risk of getting kill down south is quite high.


That doesn't mean though that in other parts of Thailand involvement in politics is risk free. Lots of people involved in local politics get killed regularly.

In my wife's village in the North after the last Puyai Ban elections the winning candidate had to disappear for several days to avoid assassination attempts by one of the losers.

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That doesn't mean though that in other parts of Thailand involvement in politics is risk free. Lots of people involved in local politics get killed regularly.

In my wife's village in the North after the last Puyai Ban elections the winning candidate had to disappear for several days to avoid assassination attempts by one of the losers.

Uhhmmm... Assassination :o:D

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That doesn't mean though that in other parts of Thailand involvement in politics is risk free. Lots of people involved in local politics get killed regularly.

In my wife's village in the North after the last Puyai Ban elections the winning candidate had to disappear for several days to avoid assassination attempts by one of the losers.

Uhhmmm... Assassination :o:D

I think the spelling is assignation.


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I want to become a Kam Nun, I'm a foreigner. Any step by step advise?

Depending on your area, you will also need about 100,000 baht or more depending on your opposition.

Like all elections in Thailand your votes have to be bought.

About 3 - 5 mil Baht would be a more accurate figure.

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That doesn't mean though that in other parts of Thailand involvement in politics is risk free. Lots of people involved in local politics get killed regularly.

In my wife's village in the North after the last Puyai Ban elections the winning candidate had to disappear for several days to avoid assassination attempts by one of the losers.

Uhhmmm... Assassination :D:D

I think the spelling is assignation.


I think he really meant assassination or assignation... huh? Blurr.. :o

Edited by khunchin
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