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American Voter Registration On Koh Samui


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Greetings to all Americans on Koh Samui.

We have USA voter registartion cards and information to receive your absentee ballots while on Koh Samui. Stop by Red Bicycle of Samui in Lamai (300meters south of Hinta Hin Yai) and pick them up. We will place them in various spots around the island where Americans hang out as well.

It has never been more important to vote for our American president --- we owe it to the rest of the world.

The website for registering on-line is:www.fvap.gov

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i wish i could vote in YOUR election !! many people probably feel the same . would be interested to know from any british citizens if we have the same rights to vote while overseas . i know as a soldier in the british army i had a proxy vote (i.e i could give my vote to my father,so he had 2 )however i havnt lived in britain for 15 years now, or voted , but have never felt so disgusted by the actions of the government there . voting would at least make me feel good .

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Regardless of whatever your views, think it is great the service you are providing. :D

Unsure if you are aware of it, but they don't actually tally the absentee ballots. Even back in 2000 with the recount debacle, they weren't counted. Gore didn't press for a counting of these ballots back in 2000, because they tend to be made up of soldiers who tend to be for Bush and Republicans.

Not trying to discourage you or anyone else. It is your right, and your responsibility. My personal opinion is that you should do it, and even get your kids involved if you have them.

Just pointing out democracy at work. :o

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Thanks for the support. I figure it like you do --- the important thing is to VOTE. It's not about the party but participation. Our duty to be good global citizens remains regardless of our location. Thanks again.


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Admin edit:

American political discussioin removed, off topic. Please see our TOS.

Please continue any political discusssion in the BearPit.



i think you have made a mistake george, my reply was about voting, nothing offensive, it doesn't matter who win the election, im not for or against anybody,i was asking for opinion who to vote for since both people doesn't have anything to offer, what was wrong with my reply george, is it off topic or something, is this thread about voting, did i say i hate anybody or slam at anybody :o

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Greetings to all Americans on Koh Samui.

Noble effort of you tigrrl!

It's not who wins that matters as much as who votes that matters!

How many Americans are there living on Koh Samui?

In fact, how many Americans are living in S. Thailand? Does anyone know? Or is there anyplace to find out? I tried the US embassy in BKK and they said, "can't give out that info for security reasons". A bit lame I'd say...

But if anyone else possesses access to the facts, I would be very curious to know.

Best Regards, z

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I have given out 10 voter registration cards so far here on Samui. I also registered a couple of backpackers that won't be home in time as well as some who will be home. So it seems to be a convenience for travellers as well. I will be putting displays around as well. I hope to collect a few names and addresses while I'm at it thus compiling a sort of data base myself. If people agree I will share it in future. I believe there are nearly 100 Americans here --- just guessing.

Thanks for the interest and the support. I'll just keep on keepin' on and hope the best man wins!

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  • 2 weeks later...

IF YOU WANT TO VOTE and are an American living outside of the United States the easiest way to register and request your absentee ballot is to visit OverseasVote2004.com.

Although all states accept the same federal voting application form they often require different and sometimes conflicting details. The OverseasVote2004.com site simplifies this process to insure that your application is properly completed. This is a non-partisan voter registration site paid for by the DNC.

Benefit highlights: The data entry process is customized by state/territory, reducing complexity and chances of error. All individual state requirements have been integrated into unique state forms. Only the required questions for your particular state/territory are posed. The program automatically searches for and provides the correct mailing address for your form and prints the completed form and envelope - ready for mailing. Finally, you just need to sign and send it by September 15th. Requires no special technology, just a web browser.

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:D I just found a glitch in the OverSeasVote website! You can only register to vote using the address of your last place of residence and voting registration. For many of us living overseas our last place of residence is no longer relevant. For example when we moved here we transferred our permanent address to our mother's home state... we've never voted there so this website won't let us register in our new state.

Maybe not an issue for some but it didn't work for us.

:o You know...it's always something :D

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Hi Tigrrl,

When we register people using the postcard and FVAP book, we've been taught to write in the last residence; that's not always the last place a person voted or was registered. The county of the last residence is where people are to register even if they never voted there. For example the last time I registered and voted was in San Benito County (CA), but my last residence was in Los Angeles County in Calfornia where I never registered or voted. Still LA county is where I sent in the overseas voter reg and absentee ballot request form now.

Also the question referring to where one last registered: If people can't remember where they last voted or when, one just fills in " n/a" and types in an explanation under "remarks" later and explains that one can't remember. Let me know if this clears up the problem. It's important to get the feedback from users.

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