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Satit Udomsak School Now Offering English Program


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I,m referring to the teacher that teaches my child in P3. I,m aware there are other good teachers like Graham ( seniors ) David ( science ) etc. I was referring to MY childs teacher. They do NOT teach my child but i am aware they are good teachers having spoken to other parents.

You are trying to make my comments look a little irrational instead of having a quick think about what i,m saying.

Actually..........you sound like a teacher yourself.

Please try to understand a little of what i,m saying.

Manchester, stick to the forum. I can do without inane comments coming via my e-mail address!

Don't worry about it Westener! She is a northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter! :D

:o Another wanabee muppet

Your ok talking on a forum: somehow I think it would be different in a face-to-face situation.

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Thanks Jimmy, any other comments from this meeting?

When do they propose to start this new English Programme?

Is it possible to meet the English teachers beforehand for an informal chat?

Do they have enough native English teachers to do this? When we visited this school 2 years ago they did not have any but of course they did not offer a bi-lingual option then.

100K seems quite a lot for this (double the BEST prices) I would like to know exactly what you get for this money.

Do they have any written information for interested parties?


The second term of this year the program will be implemented around mid Oct.

I agree about the price but the options are quite limited unless you can swing a full on international school and considering that this may be a viable option for many.

BEST School was never an option for us and most likely never will be.

Satit has a printout of the courses/fees and I suggest you visit the school and ask for one, you may also see they have expanded their campus and notice how clean it is.

According to todays meeting they are still in the process of hiring their English teachers for the upcoming term and are basing the "need" on how many parents actually register their kids - not totally reassuring but during the Q&A the Thai female principal and an English Gentleman who heads the new program seemed straight forward on answering the questions posed to them.

The parents were reassured that the new hire's will be qualified and given the proper work permits requiring backround checks and also according to them would be paid well enough to try and prevent turnover.

Hope some of the others who attended will share their views.

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I,m referring to the teacher that teaches my child in P3. I,m aware there are other good teachers like Graham ( seniors ) David ( science ) etc. I was referring to MY childs teacher. They do NOT teach my child but i am aware they are good teachers having spoken to other parents.

You are trying to make my comments look a little irrational instead of having a quick think about what i,m saying.

Actually..........you sound like a teacher yourself.

Please try to understand a little of what i,m saying.

Manchester, stick to the forum. I can do without inane comments coming via my e-mail address!

Don't worry about it Westener! She is a northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter! :D

:o Another wanabee muppet

Your ok talking on a forum: somehow I think it would be different in a face-to-face situation.

Edited by stevemiddie
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I'm giving it a pass for now. Maybe next year, after having had confirmed that it is really worth the double price we'll reconsider.

We have already registered our children in to the Rayong English Programme school for next term so we will stick with that for now and it is cheaper than this option but we will keep and eye on this new programme at Satit and see how it develops and what others think.

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I'm giving it a pass for now. Maybe next year, after having had confirmed that it is really worth the double price we'll reconsider.

Our son is at Satit school as well, I was at yesterday meeting as well, I totaly agree with what you have said above, I feel the same way.

I am not totally happy how they can justify that huge increase, but only time will tell, Satit is a Thai school with English native teachers & now an English programe, it should not be compared with an international school, because it is not one.

I have also just noticed the second term is 2 weeks (18 weeks) shorter than term 1 (20 weeks), that would suggest it would be 5400 baht cheaper based on there fees stated, all they are offering is a 250 baht discount on term 2?

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I'll try this again, Humphrey.

Turn left off of Sukhumvit, heading to Sattahip, at the first street after the driving range. The one that leads to the K-9 school.

Proceed on this road for approximately 500 meters and turn right immediately after crossing the railroad tracks.

The school has signs up in English that will lead you there.

Thanks - I'll ask my wife to visit.

But our kids are currently going to Aksorn, which is a 10k per half year school, so the improvement would have to be pretty big to consider a change - and - as I thought - it is on the wrong side of Sukhumvit for us.

After the Driving range - wait for it - just before the 7-11, turn left, unusual directions for Thailand I know, but true, the road is called Taanman Road.


There is a real need for a Quality Bilingual Mateum English Program in Pattaya, and as many of the posters have said, Best seems to have lost the plot, so good luck to Satit and lets hope it works for them , and obviously us (parents of bilingual kids here in Pattaya).

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There is a real need for a Quality Bilingual Mateum English Program in Pattaya, and as many of the posters have said, Best seems to have lost the plot, so good luck to Satit and lets hope it works for them , and obviously us (parents of bilingual kids here in Pattaya).

It sounds like a good option to me as Satit seems well run and the kids are well looked after there.

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